Suggestions to people who fuck around with Teenage Autistics

This is a simulm-post that I wrote on my other blog recently, this post contributes to the puzzling world about relationships that might, just might be somewhat unfairly overstretched. 

I have a few suggestions to anyone who has more than a 4 year degree in Psych-o-logy, Teaching, a Doctor’s Degree in Autism, or whathave you:

  • Please stop being a narcissistic bitch: i.e. learning one single study and learning just one set of skills. By acting similar to an Asperger Syndrome punk, having a narrow-focus hurts yourself and not only that, you are hurting the autistic people around you! By being a “childhood” or an “adolescent psychologist” all you give a shit is about here and now. You never seem to have any concern if the child turns 21 and they all fall into the cliff thanks to your retardation of understanding humans – simply because you focus on one group of people!
  • Be Accountable – an adolescent mind is being formed in their teenage years. Nothing sucks more than someone like me, now at 26 to figure out what is real and what is fucking bullshit. If you are really fucking around with my brain for no reason, ASL *stop* . *stop* this psycho crap!
  • Realistic standards v.s. Utopian standards. Sadly this is really disturbing. We are taught how to socialize, how to reciprocate and how to retain an alleged relationship, when in the real world all those skills are really just Utopian and the the real standards are people being rude, and screwing around and not sticking with one relationship of any kind. Sadly this should apply to normal people vs someone like me, but I think I am done with this
  • Have a Decent level of Fear: This means have a conscious. This means you should have some level of fear, like the fear of being fired, the fear of being sued, the fear of loosing your license to practice in your shitty trade, the fear you might screw up the children you work for more than thirty hours (30) a week!

I try everyday to wipe out all the painful memories my painful years in the middle and high schools I went to. Some of those people I worked with are no longer in the business of special needs and some of them are still working with children and not dealing with adults since that isn’t their narrow minded focus. I am sick and tired of feeling this way, and the only reason why I write this to the whole world is to wake up people who might not know what is happening in their child’s classroom, or any other 21 to 25 year olds dealing with depression that was unnecessary.
I ask myself, why are bad people still getting away of doing bad things to good people? When will these horrible people ever get a chance to visit hell?

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