Why does a Man Dress Like a Lady? (Revisiting “Female Cosplay”)

They say “life is short”, and not to get worked up on small things.

Well then why are is there a growth of far-right social conservatives willing to get their panties damp a/f about men not wearing dresses and painting their nails and fetishize the whole working on bridges to give women pussy then?

Well I like to discuss these in short pieces because you’re dealing with a neurological disorder, the gender roles, the dismissing the other gender, and genders being forced to fit into a box as social conservatives becomes great again. I’d go so far to say this has nothing to do with the LGBTQ community, because it’s an underlying thing, but not an overall/umbrella stereotype.

  1. It’s a rite of passage in. way to write-off your true gendered self. 

If you’re not manly enough, you’re not going to get a girl, well then if nothing happens and you are surrounded with masculine traits that only women in your life can do, but you can’t, then what are you to do?

The YouTuber, ContraPoints highlighted posted in 2019, before lots of the red-pill became en-masse (as she is trans) regardless the point is very important here. (As a sidenote, this YouTube Short I made, has had tens of thousands of views and over a few dozen likes, the intention was for that cut to be part of this narrative that I had been wanting to write before my gram got sick and died on the day of the Fall Solstace.)

“[…] since I started presenting myself as a woman, people actually do treat me better “

Another line she said “we aren’t living the business class male experience”. That is certainty true for many. Most autistic males (and yes I am referring to people diagnosed before DSM V), the gender norms are so fluid, you’ll see a feminine guy but then you’ll see a alpha wannabee but most likely in the feminine nature of SPED classrooms and day programs that they are suppressed.

2. The childlike nature of defining gender. 

Another theory in crossdressing with males is common in childhood, where this behavior is apparently accepted to the point it’s mentioned in professional notes. Unfortunately I do not have specifics on hand, but if a child is figuring themselves out, and most autistic individuals are often slow to develop to their typical peers, this child-like behavior shouldn’t be a surprise well into adulthood.

3. Double standards/Generation X Hypocrisy

Hypocritical is apparently my favorite word. It is frecking hilarious that the generation in between Boomers and Millennials, did the most gender-bending stuff that we can’t even brag about. The one that comes to mind was The X Files and how two main characters Fox Mulder (played by David Ducovany) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), had opposite gender roles, particularly Scully’s character had lots of skepticism (a masculine trait) and Mulder had more feminine ways. I watched this series as a kid along with my Xer mother.

Xers also brought us the modern “tomboy” style of women. Ironically many years later, these “tomboys” are really angry against the trans community as if they are impeding on their identity as hyper individualist/protagonists. If we had a female Boomer or Millennial run for the New Hampshire’s Governor’s seat, and she had a voice cracking like a teenager, that would be made fun every 24 hours till Election Day.

Another example was crop tops, belly shirts started with men in the 1980s but by the 90s the  older Xers and teenage Millennials stole it, then bling their bellies so by the 2000s, they were wearing intentionally tight shirts with super low rise jeans giving guys nearly a foot of bare skin in her midriff, of fashion that began with men. Those who don’t learn history are doomed to…

It’s also ironic that most of anti-queer world view of Gen Z came from parents who blurred blue and pink to X and Y chromosomes. Gen X attempts to define standards, but then doesn’t follow through. Make since, because they are the “Slacker generation” afterall.

The other double standards, is if a man looks like the perfect alpha male, perfect skinny body, with perfect muscles and had a Chad-body, if he starts to dress like a lady, would his social capital go down? I am a bit skeptical in that department, I do think if you look like a “beta male” and you dress like a lady, then you’re scum to so many of the youth.


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