About Clickford, Steven M.

Once I was told I had a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, 5 years after the initial diagnosis, it felt like a death sentence. I was never the same since. I published two wordpress.com pages, An Alleged Autistic from 2011-2014, and A Puzzling View on Relationships from 2012-2014 along with 2020:Hopeless Autistic (related to #NHpoli) from 2015 into 2016.

Site Temporarily Out of Service


On the morning of March 16th aprox 5:30 am Eastern Time, our security people was notified that from Friday and Saturday, at least 2,500 hits came onto several different websites on the domain clickfo.me (which I own and manage.) It seemed like The Hopeless Autistic took the brunt. While there was no notice of performance, other critical services that is hosted remotely did have degraded performance.

For cybersecurity purposes, the website will be locked down until we know the concern and when fades. We suspect the hits are nefarious and will be taking a deep dive across server logs and other metrics.

In short, all posts will be locked down, and no new postings until the threat subsides.
