Decoding Autism: Stop Coding The Condition!

From the other site published in winter

As I have explained a number of times, autism is a condition that impacts people. Not boys, not just kids, but adults too. Some develop later in their childhood years, and some apparently from the routine MMR vaccines and classify that as an “injury”. Or you have some nit wit of a celebrity who uses every semantics similar to a person with a cancerous condition of “beating the odds, my child is cured!”

My ass.

For many people with an intellectual or developmental disability; they have suffered under an oppressive system of keeping them unable to do anything because they have bubble wrapped them. I know plenty of professionals in the field being married to engineering types, so typically the women follow their man and be assholes in the special needs field. However they do not make the complications and complexity any easier. Autism may very well be complex due to professionals that are like coders, that code on BASIC, and keep coding and coding and never test a program (or hell even run it).

In their way of “teaching” all they are doing is “instructing” the individual to the point where they feel they need to be instructed. The problem I’ve noticed after twenty five or so years being a student in school or in adult day programs, is that the approach of continued explanation, chatter, and high strung, answer-me-now-or-else approach causing emotional harm similar to a normal functioning person who came from an overprotective parents.

More concerning is the time wasted of the focus on the “functioning level” and punishing anyone with autism to speak about their condition only because a parent’s child who can’t speak would possibly hurt their feelings. However, I think it’s a fair question to ask those Age of Autism cult followers, if they are allowing their child to function at any point. I think while some need 24×7 attention, I think it’s unfair to have them be 24×7 forever.

Humans develop, some are later, some are earlier. Some gather a lot of intel, some not so much. Whether or not it’s caused by vaccines shouldn’t be the answer. People need assistance, and guidance, not someone doing everything for them. If they want their child to succeed, then how come they are just “instructing” them all the time? This is jamming their brain and disrupting the ability to process natural information, and “programming” them to think whatever they want to think, like they are mute and dumb.

Autism may very well be complex due to professionals that are like coders, that code on BASIC, and keep coding and coding and never test a program (or hell even run it).

A computer program is essentially a written instruction to tell the computer what to do. Essentially the supports we have to suffer are like an application. The application can’t have a mind of it’s own, at least for my group. And as a result we – collectively as a developmentally disabled population will always be “dumb” unless these asshole of “professionals” start to change their way of thinking.

Till then, stay dumb and be obedient.
