Parents of Severely Autistics Vendetta Towards Finding their “Voice”

Some days, I feel like I am in the middle ages, or the middle of the 20th century with backa– agendas against any or all autistics.

Because I understand the spectrum of the autism spectrum disorder, its diversity and complexity, I’ve always kept a netural tone. I’ve been a strong advocate towards inclusion of all members of the ASD world; and steal a page out of the playbook from the worlds of Down’s and the deaf and blind. They don’t want a cure. They want better treatment and better QOL standards. By no means, have I ever endorsed the “hip” nature to be autistic. I always kept a sensitivity to the “lower functioning”. But I’ve never spoke for them, and I don’t expect anyone should speak for me. In fact no one should speak for me – PERIOD. I can speak for myself.

I can speak for how being told about my autism destroyed my entire life. I’m a talking and functioning guy saying how being told my autism destroyed my life.

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