Autism Awareness Month – the cloud of confusion of "labels"

I gotta run for dinner and a walk in my neighborhood after a busy day of getting IT stuff back online after some scheduled outages done today. However, I wanted to embed a video from a YouTube user on the never ending drama with the classifications of the ASD, Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism. Now I don’t agree with some of his thoughts of what is considered with the respective disorders, he makes some strong points during the majority of the video.  Especially when one didn’t have a speech delay and they “automatically have Asperger’s”. It’s rather interesting YouTube piece that I strongly recommend.

Catcha later

One thought on “Autism Awareness Month – the cloud of confusion of "labels"

  1. My son was diagnosed with extremely high functioning autism when he was seven years old. After the initial beginning period of speech therapy, occupational therapy, social work etc., he learned to read and shortly thereafter was placed in gifted classes. His diagnosis has never changed. His older sister was diagnosed at nine with PDD.NOS with comorbid disorders (mild brain damage – hypoxia at birth, severe learning disabilities, speech impairment, etc.) At various times, she has been treated and/or referred to as autistic, developmentally delayed, aspergers syndrome in her educational plans and evaluations. She was the one placed in an autism program, and it helped her immensely despite the confusion regarding diagnosis or labels. Both she and her brother have college degrees. For the most part, the labels were very helpful in both understanding and helping our kids. I agree that Aspergers is very different than high functioning autism.

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