Why in the f*** do we need to use "nerotypical"?

Or hell call it “NT”?
I know its a registered trademark of Nortel (Previously known as Northern Telecom), but Nortel has gone bankrupt and many of their businesses have gone on wholesale, so I don’t know what actual company might own the trademark.  In fact its alleged that might had been the reason why Microsoft didn’t use the NT branding in Windows 2000 (and eliminating totally by Windows XP or NT 5.1) because of a potential lawsuit of Nortel.
I have so much opposition of such techno terminology of the whole hell known as the Autism Spectrum Disorders. For one thing, why in the hell do we need a “label” (for a lack of a better word) to describe the “normal” population. Are we afraid to degrade their potential or are we afraid to degrade the hack psych-o-logists and other “professionals” that had pissed a lot of money into an Ivy League education in the study of psych-o-logy?
This is beyond words like patently absurd. I just can’t get why such groups (mostly in the Asperger world – which is NOT autism) has to make such confusion.
Enough with the acronyms and abbreviations, enough with the technicality of the “labels” enough with having pride with a disorder that is technically unrelated with autism and please for the AS community, dont flaunt your pride that is similar to homosexual population. It’s just plain insulting to the legitimate group who is feeling ASHAMED instead of coming out of the closet as a super high functioning retard.

5 thoughts on “Why in the f*** do we need to use "nerotypical"?

  1. I have AS. It is described frequently as a form of high-functioning autism. I don’t “flaunt” the fact that I have it, but I’m not ashamed of it either. Yes. I have it. Yes. I willingly tell people about it, but not for my own advantage or to be babied. I desire more people to know about it and what it’s like because those with AS need a bit more help in the social area of life than those that are NT. They need help just as much as those with HFA need help. There’s nothing wrong with being open about it. Yea. I’ve come accross those with AS that sincerely piss me off with their anger, bitterness, closed minds, and arrogance. Having encountered those people, however, does not mean that others with the same thing don’t need help.

    • I respect your beliefs. I, as for one person, feel my life (as I knew it) had ended when I was dx’d with PDD-NOS. I feel the whole ideal of “labeling” has only made society worse than better.
      Thanks for commenting.

      • True. Labels hurt sometimes, but they also serve a purpose. If we are labeled with the things that we have, we are that much closer to getting the assistance that we need to understand things better. 🙂 No problem. Life doesn’t end with a diagnosis, you just start life on a new path. When all else fails, have hope.

    • But “nerotypical” SHOULD not be a “disorder”. We need to draw a line. We cannot be labeling 7 billion people. Its morally and ethically WRONG. We need to silence the goddamned liberals before they start really controlling the ASD issue and really make it a “pet project” and your run of the mill “special interests” that is unnecessary.
      Unfortunately, the autism issue is whored by people like you, “motherly” types who have made some cases of autism worse than what it has to be. There are people like me who are creeped in their own skin thanks to women of certain types and powers controlling us and we become slaves to other peoples happiness and demands.
      The danger of autism awareness biting our asses is near. If the sick and perverted liberals/progressives/Moonbats continue to have it their way of like infringing trademarks for a stupid label, and most seriously other messed up disorders like “broken heart disease” or “shyness” or other BS disorders, kiss the 20 years of putting autism on the map good bye!
      We need to stay on target of advocating Autism and not the other BS disorders like AS or NT. Jeez!
      Thank you
      Steven Publisher of
      The Alleged Autistic Blog

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