The Softest Voice Gets Softer

There are many reasons why my voice is what it is. I’m going to leave it at that.
While it maybe notorious or a signature, the unfortunate situation is soft spoken voice is getting more softer, and I suspect it has a lot to do with the situation for the last four years getting worse.

First off, I need we need to start by defining “soft-spoken” a suggestive phrase and not an objective one. Soft spoken people tend to have a higher pitch, sometimes sing-song melody, lips move little, while air from the larynx is coming out. Obviously it’s more common with girls and females.

I go so far to say that soft-spoken people is actually a character difference from typical people. An example was a cute barista at a cafe up in the north country. The girl was even more soft spoken than me of late. I could barely make out the words… though she was kinda cute.

I think this type of soft-spoken nature (allegedly with the case of that girl) and I’ll speak for myself is insecurity that develops into adult life that just gets worse. I started to develop whether or not I feel I’m worth it, or not; I’ll also speak faster to just filibuster, just to check a box to say something; repeating things over and over, then I lost my the ability to take the thoughts seriously. I become more introverted into myself, then checking out of my existence. I check out of wanting to do anything. I get often berated at, gastlit, often a combative reactions from masculine or hyper-independent conservative leaning women (which is a freckin’ contradiction.) you stick to your child-like self because it’s the only way to survive without having to deal with unneeded conflict.

Soft-spoken people whenever they do speak up or speak out often will make some signals, but no one will hear the noise initially until the soft-spoken person speaks up a but more.

Sadly soft-spoken people are often misunderstood (because perhaps they have not been heard) they may not want to ruffle feathers, they’ll get confused while the other is most likely to have toxic personalities; they’ll surrender even if they feel they’re right.

The person with the deepest voice, or “dark like tinted glass”, often will be taken much more seriously, even if they are disjointed. The most severely-assertive personality with a boyish voice and even if they are insecure, it can be heard, but it can be hurtful, while the soft-spoken person will just fall into the peaks.

People with darker voices may make the planet move around, but the soft spoken people have a unique perspective if only they were heard and taken seriously. Damn these biological tendencies!

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