Where is my next direction?

Unlike other types with Aspergers who “self-diagnose” themselves, I’ve gone in a “self-analyze” mode, research my struggles then to go to a licensed professional to get a “re-assessment” of what is causing me to be “stuck” whether its me or something else.  (I can’t do a rediagnosis or BDS could take away my funding due to my “higher” or even “lower functioning” disorder after the redux. It’s not like school years with the infamous “3 year evaluation”)

Well where are those “doctors”? I can’t seem to find them. There aren’t that many in my area. I’ve tried every “expert” in the book and yet I’ve gone backwards instead of forwards.

How in the hell am I supposed to move forward? Life coaches, who the hell are those people? Push me to my potential in a psychologically agressive fashion? Yup, I’ve had enough with those people!

What about getting male doctors who can work with a predominate male audience who talk weirdly, have horrible hygiene, act like a misogynist, and who knows what else? Most doctors who work with autistics seem to work with children, pre pubescent, and it’s easier for the female professionals to forgive  them because they are boys, once they hit puberty, they would rather run the other direction.

And not only that such some of these professionals will cut their penises off because being a “typical young man” is so politically incorrect. Talking about “girls” scares the female professionals, we (as in me, my group) must treat those people like they are some gawd of some planet.

Oh and then we can’t be too agressive ether because then we come off as some creep you see probably on the Lifetime Movie Channel. We must be gentle-men, but then we come off as being “gay” because straight guys don’t worry about “offending” women

And you think this is fiction we have women professionals that aren’t as solid and strong as the state rock? If anything they are like sandstone. Why don’t they live down south or live on the Left Coast?

The professionals in our state are wimps. And they should be punished sooner or later!

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