The Most Effective Human Rights Movement that Never Happened

The alleged rise of autism and the rise of interconnected devices such as personal computers and TCP/IP connectivity (also known as the “Internet”) as well as applications such as the World Wide Web, social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, etc. could had one of the most progressive social movements in history.

But what happened instead? Autism or developmental disorders (as we call it here in my state)  was “no different no less” than the “racial arsonists” of the 1960s, 1990s or even sometimes bordering on the Internet equivalent of the “Weather Underground” (and no I’m not talking about what was once a geeky weather related site that just got sold out to Big Blue.) They’ll blow people up that don’t agree to their narrative and like the Weather Underground they probably would say “that was just ‘property damage'”.

It’s one thing to “make noise”, but attacking others that don’t agree with you defeats your purpose of advocacy.

Why is advocacy supposed to be a Boston styled, one way street? I thought progress made streets wide like California where you can have two way traffic, relationships and question people. So if they are all about progress, then why are they stuck in the past with an old metaphor? Wasn’t the Internet supposed to integrate different “internets” so they all could talk the same way – and unite what was once iron-clad mini fridge mainframes, later to plastic clad PCs and glass clad iPhones?

I’m for justice, or “social justice” but not entirely. I’m an effective communicator, and one of the worst things to publicly say is to use vague language, buzzwords that 90% of America can’t understand and push your politics against other adults who have their own opinions.

And people think I still have social skills problems. – Look at these silly “Aspies”!

Don’t use “we”, because you may not be speaking for everyone!

Try saying that to a family that has an autistic that runs away, bites themselves and has constant meltdowns. Have any of these Aspergers types know any lower functioning autistic? Oh wait I’m an ableist!

I agree with the top part, but the last sentence is like X-Men where the Mutants say “don’t be afraid” and show off their “talents” in an arrogant attitude without fear. Card-carrying autistics rarely go places. Let me tell you, if I did what these people did, I’d have an even larger criminal record! Put this into perspective, if I was a full time advocate, the DRC dude – the UNH party boy there, would’ve hated me even more.

In short, if you want to be well liked, keep your autism showoffs to yourself!

Want to know why I’ve been complemented for great writing? It’s because I use boldface to enhance a message. Using improper capitalization automatically deducts points especially if you have strong English skills. “Autistic Voices” should not be capitalized. Boldface would work just fine in all lower caps.

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What I fear is the autism advocates are as passive aggressive as Bob Wright’s Autism Speaks is passive agressive against autistics. I hate to speak bluntly, but the problem is say this disorder was a cancer, they believe cancer would be a gift that should not be cured. Why? Because these autism advocates do not attack Autism Speaks in the same way as your’s truly pointed out on a number of times to the point I still call it an “exclusive.” They don’t understand the power of the Wrights as they want you to believe that these are just normal country club couples creating a feel-me-good organization, when in fact the man had significant power to the mainstream media/MSM for decades. But since they listen to NPR or watch AJA – they never watched NBC, CNBC or any of the other NBCU properties or even have a clue what WPIX is (referring to that documentary.) By curing cancer, you have to get to the root of the disease as much as possible, by attacking Autism Speaks without getting to the root cause by going the “general” or “generic” route, you’re not going to get much places in an outcome where people will understand. Therefore adults who are “normal” or parents will not believe you. Positivity doesn’t get you places in “the system”, to use the cliche “if it bleeds it leads.” 

As I am a Lego (and Lego Movie) Fanboy, I can’t help to quote the “EVERYT-HING IS AW-E-SOOOMM-EEE” approach to autism advocacy is in fact hurting their cause. In some cases, they may hate Steve Jobs (as many HFAs are Google/Linux fanboys), but they are doing his same practice of using reality distortion field – believing the whole world is rosey to “acceptance” – despite the realities of continued hatred by the professional class, heads of state agencies, school district management, and ineffective training. You’ll never hear the direct attack on the subject or specific individuals at all.

They are just like every other liberal group of throwing some vague wording without solid facts.

Since becoming an adult, I’ve been demonized, and sadly I am a victim of an oppressive special needs system. Being happy, and “gay” (since afterall they push an autism rainbow and eliminate the puzzle) won’t bring you places. It’s like you won a battle you didn’t deserve to win.

This is why I am unaffiliated to the groups. And I’m autistic thank you very much.

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