Social Gatherings for Autistics to Typicals? Nothing here… move along!

In a undisclosed place I talked about a year ago, a place in Manchester is still sticking to their guns with clinical heavy social skills training and zero one on one support. The last correspondence via email was the top chick, boss-bitch like woman. As usual the reply said “sorry to hear about this” (again what is with Millennials and their lack of native medium sympathy, you cannot “hear” an email to the generation that hates telephony!)

What was her recommendation? Not supported or endorsed, but there’s a speed dating event in Nashua…

Yes like I want to be on a timed event seeing other people that are just like me and this will make me feel better? What crack are these boss biaches are smokin?

Nothing more demoralizing than saying the part “go be around people your own type” – isn’t this ableism? The desk assistant ends every email with “Best” so I could imagine Broken English as a norm to speed things up.

Rarely are there truly autistic girls like Rose in the Whatever podcast (where said podcast once had more credibility) where she “went with the SPEDs and shit, went on [short] bus and shit” but from what I can tell with the ladies who are apparent or allegedly autistic in my eyes…

  • They are often not in the best shape (sorry just preference)
  • They lack fashion styles (Rose is the only exception, and she’s in California)
  • The ladies I knew in the day program were very outspoken (probably because of the forced lesson on self-advocacy
  • They don’t stand out, and from my social experience they do not draw on me (but to be fair I am pretty sure there’s others out there.)
  • Some local folks on the spectrum may think they’re cool, and I am fine with that, but the typical fun girls are my type of cool.

But when I mentioned the Titanic in person, it’s almost as if they feel that everyone on the same sinking ship is somewhat appropriately acceptable in this state of decline that is ASD in the Granite State. For me I find that shockingly depressing as I am already lonely and depressed right now.

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