Why I “Broadcast” Self-Desperation and how people cover their a-es

In September of last year, I reached out to a former day program manager’s personal iPhone number who was at that point considered to be a natural support. That individual ghosted-me and never had contact with me. After leaving a message of the tone described in the video, and a year went by after the two unit police welfare check… I realized what really happened.

The Police Department showing up to my house was really a fuck-you. Not by the officers, but by the then-school district employee (after leaving my day program.) The deferring the so-called “concern” being proxied through law enforcement, was to deflect any wrong-doing if gawd-forbid something happened to me – because being “concerned” for my welfare was really “concern” for that individual’s future career.

From what I read on Facebook, this individual who was “concerned” for my welfare started working for one of the nosiest activist groups in the state when the National Disability Pride Month began. This kind of work requires a level of grandiose narcissism which many people in this state in this field tend to have the signs.

So it makes sense that the “concern” could’ve had blood on their hands if applying for a white collared job. In short, its another example of It’s-All-About-Me and Fuck-Anyone Else.

Again, not to be crass, but that experience with the local law enforcement last year as I revisit that was really like getting the middle finger shown. I’ll go so far to say this person is pure son of a bitch, should fucking go back to New York and stay there!

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