America’s Confusing Messages, “Individual” Negligence and COVID19: 2020 In Review

Typically such thoughts would be written near the time like December. But 2020 seems to be extended by several months and weeks and maybe it feels like 400 days have existed so far.

I can’t imagine what 2020 was going to be like with everything divided; from policy to the lack of getting along. It’s us-verses-them. If you agree with one’s ideas, you’re one-of-us; you like philosophical policies, then you’re one-of-those-people. In all seriousness, if you’re a right leaning person that likes a Democrat, you maybe name-called as a donkey-fucker.

It’s very apparent that many Americans are taking “mitigation” by ignoring the enemy; and ingnore advice: if their logic made sense, then this explains why there is millions of cases and over 200,000 deaths so far; beating out car accidents and annual flu combined – five times in less than 10 months!

No one can be “right”, except to what the popular views are. Everyone is like a couch, they take the last position on whoever last sat on them. Individual thinking or critical thinking has gone on the wayside. People scream at political candidates like they are a member of 1Direction. It’s all pop culture in the political world.

However Americans have showed their true colors by March. At least a large number of them have shown their intelligence is lower than a 12 year old. Before you accuse me of name-calling them; remember intelligence is the measurement of the quality and performance of ones knowledge of life; not how much they know things. (I speak from experience!)

#LowInfoVoters: Why are they not compensated well in their job? Why are they not working for a “career” so they can feel fulfilled personally? Why are they so gleeful when a single man comes up on a stage and insist that this one guy will fix all of their problems? Why are they stuck at a high school learning level, if not less than?

Of course the topic has shifted to COVID19; people thought the media was hyping this up; that the doctors were part of a “deep state”; that they wouldn’t accept the shutdowns, unless there were more deaths than vehicular crashes. So in 2018, 36,560 had died from automobile crashes; a similar number of deaths from the 2018-2019 season, but few less at 34,200. The flu season is roughly 5 months or so. In America alone, deaths related to COIVD19 have had the combined comparable stats times 5 in only 7 months! People continued to challenge it by accusing some state governments for mixing in overall flu deaths with COVID; and that can be disputed because the flu season started a bit later in the Boston area, right as concerns of COVID19 was raising flags.

America’s Lack of Sense

Prior to 2020, I would say Americans were not dumb or “stupid” but they lacked information. I would say they weren’t well versed in understanding politics, not understanding history (for sure) and we lack so far behind math and science. Millions of Americans will be voting or have already voted for President, and it’s unclear if they voted for state and local offices as well. Many do not show up in midterms, and I’ve already discussed SB2 towns and municipalities having abandoned democracies.

“Low Information People” were typically described as leftists who typically watched Dancing With The Stars and liked Barack Obama because he had a likable presentation of himself. His policies were a joke. Presidant Trump was well liked by people who had more empathy and emotion to inmate objects like “the economy” and “jobs”; and “cared about the country’s future for their children”. POTUS was also elected by Low Info Voters too, but these people were  working 80 hours a week putting food on the table and putting a roof over their heads. For one thing, why are people in America’s heartland and other red states working so hard?

There are so many issues that has to be asked to the Trump version of the #LowInfoVoters: Why are they not compensated well in their job? Why are they not working for a “career” so they can feel fulfilled personally? Why are they so gleeful when a single man comes up on a stage and insist that this one guy will fix all of their problems? Why are they stuck at a high school learning level, if not less than? Why are they so proud of an uber-level of simplicity? Writing Online With Improper Use of Capitalizations in Sentences? Why are Objects like Our Founding Fathers a proper noun? Why do they always get angry when they call into radio shows  when a left leaning politician that doesn’t even represent their own district get to them? Worse, why are these church goers not going home on Sundays and read stuff to follow up on things, reflect on themselves and think about their actions of their convictions? Are they that senseless? They get upset at the Democratic party for taking him down; why do they take such politics so personally?

Well in the last 4 years, fanboys on bordering propaganda (err public relations type of media) will say Presidant Trump has deregulated the crap of industries, double-down on declining industries, and didn’t believe in redirecting and pivoting America into  a more holistic approach to life, liberty and pursuit to happiness. America needs different types of jobs and careers to address jobs that will never return; but our presidant acts like he can turn the clock back to the 1950s and do it perfectly.

America gets history, that’s why they love to relive the 1950s. Some who have done extensive research would say that 1950s wasn’t so great.

The Care of America’s Strengths at the Price of Personal Responsibility

Translation: Americans who are refusing to adjust to “mitigate the spread” of COVID19 are doing it to “protect” the economy and jobs (the part of selflessness) but the actions of such rebel is observed as them acting rude and reckless (being selfish)

“mitigation” the act of mitigating something or the state of being mitigated the process or result of making something less severe, dangerous, painful, harsh, or damaging Merriam Webster’s Dictionary 

This word is recommended to be taught in upper elementary to middle school. One Google search result indicates 7th grade learning level. If Americans can’t understand this language that even a fifth grader can comprehend, what the fuck is wrong with our country? For gawd sake’s alive don’t teach the adults what “mobilization” would mean. It’s very apparent that many Americans are taking “mitigation” by ignoring the enemy; and ingnore advice: if their logic made sense, then this explains why there is millions of cases and over 200,000 deaths so far; beating out car accidents and annual flu combined – five times in less than 10 months!

Americans also have had a declining sense of self and inactions to others. The concern of COVID19 may have a lot to do with a growing trend of “anti-vaxxers” who have strongly believed a certain subset of autistic individuals born after 1998 have had a “vaccine induced” autism, as if it was some brain cancer. They believed in a correlation being the causation. As a result, they choose to not vaccinate at all costs. This caused a rise of measles 5 years ago in the midwest, but the anti vaxxers played a distractive card of “the real” issue being autism. Even recently; some infamous online talk show hosts during COVID19; the real threat is autism, not a diabiliting, and deathly disease known as COVID19. Worse is the lack of trust in the medical field of using a mask to protect others in case you have the virus; 2020 introduced us to “Karen” a stereotypical American of the GenX age group who doesn’t believe in anything in medicine, and have made asses of themselves in public that trend on social media; getting angry at Wal Mart clerks for not having a mask; and insisting their “freedoms” override “responsibilities”, that the U.S Constitution dictates both must go hand and hand to individuals. Is it safe to say that 2020 exposed the Typical Caucasian American, who never had to deal with advericities; are acting like perpetual babies; while the more resilient and oppressed people are more like quiet-adults?

America needs different types of jobs and careers to address jobs that will never return; but our presidant acts like he can turn the clock back to the 1950s and do it perfectly.

It’s these thoughts that I ask publicly make me wonder why the fuck should I be proud to be an American when the pride is all bullshit and filled of emotion and not facts? Why the fuck should I vote if everyone else is going to vote because their candidate shares the same favorite color? Why am I talking like I to Americans as if they are children?
