The Dangerous Rise of “Alpha Males”

Masculinity is breaking in the seams, and what alarms me as a man, is I’ll be hating men even more as they give my own group a bad name.

On social media, the rise of hyper masculinity has exploded, especially since the 2016 Election, as these fringe and cringe groups have been legitimized. There two groups, Pickup Artists (PUA) and Men Going Their Own Way or MGTOW. PUAs want sex, and babies while MGTOWs have checked out. PUAs and MGTOWs do not subscribe to modern feminism, even if it has gone too extreme in some ways, but both of these groups are accelerating. Even with alpha males like the late Kevin Samuels who passed away suddenly in the spring; there will be another one sprouting out.

“Treating Women Like Used Cars”

I used this idiom about 4 to 5 years ago to describe abusive men. The metaphor was men treating women like trash, abusing someone who was already used and manipulated. Well that phrase is so not accurate after seeing some of the PUA’s view on women having a few too many sex partners. If it’s more than four, she’s “has extra mileage” i.e. purity is not there, and man shouldn’t be sleeping with what one would call a “hoe”. Yeah I called my ol typical peers “sluts and whores” too but at least they’re married with children…

Alpha males do go into a 1022 AD logic – of just logic, and not so much reason. They lack emotion, they think emotion is bad not just for men, but for ladies as well. They use the biological differences as the cover for separation. These alpha males believe women literally belong in the kitchen, men are expected to not clean up, or even cook for themselves or for her. Women are to be seen, and not be heard, because gawd forbid if they have a brain, and beauty, that would harm the bruised ego of these dangerous men .

Women are literally objects!

“Objectification of women”, defined by your’s truly means the woman is an asset, a property, worse an immiant object. Literally she is someone’s ledger and balance sheet. It’s not personal, she’s literally like a dog, a thing. Not a human.  She has value, worse Sexual Market Value (known by it’s codeword of SMV), if she’s older than 30, then she has “hit the wall” if she doesn’t have a man, because biologically her ability to reproduce as easily as she would in her mid 20s is harder, but pregnancy no matter what age she is is a risk, and at any age, childbirth could cause death, and hell developmental disabilities could impact at any age (I was born with an autistic condition while my mother was just under 17!) All these 10th Century values are bullshit in the 21st Century.

Alpha males believe she should understand compliance, learn to obey to her master (that is the man) and do whatever her man tells her. No ability to share emotions, no ability to have empathy in any person’s weaker moments, etc.

Alpha Men Entitled to Indiscriminate Sex

Alpha males feel because they build buildings and bridges, that they are doing something for the ladies, (“we built you things, we want something in return [SEX!]”) therefore there should be a transactional return on their “investment” and the men want to procreate, as its some apparent signature act of good deed in the human race. Well there’s 7 billion people, and I’ve beat up Generation X and feel bad for Generation Z for having “Karen” or “Ken” parents, these so called alpha males… do they think in order to procreate as adult men, that their emotional and psychological maturity should be ready before having kids? Do these “men” think they need to be attentive to their offsprings? Should we look at Generation Z to see if there has been a slew of alpha males and link it to the child’s attachment styles?

Alpha males believe that not only because they built bridges and buildings they ought to have a woman; but to also have full access to her body at any time! While I am skeptical on if marital rape should be legal or not; or whether it’s real or imagined; these alpha males make me wonder if marital rape is a real thing and if it should stay as a law. Because these men like to put down women (because statistically and biologically they can’t fight back, allegedly of course), so the responsibility is on the woman for being in an abusive relationship if she can’t serve to her master. God I feel bad for using those words because hell in the BDSM world, consent is mandatory between a dominate and submissive structures!

The recommendations by these alpha male podcasters is train the woman to use a gun, shoot it at him, and run away, and take responsibility she “chose” the wrong guy because apparently she-asked-for-it as if she had chosen consciously to escalate an abusive relationship. Men don’t have emotions, but they can rage and be angry, and apparently that’s a-OK. Since alpha males share the same “logical thinking” of say Spock, they do not understand the emotional challenges of getting a restraining order, and try to separate, but the alpha male has no self- control mechanisms to keep a distance, since the woman’s body is his right since he build the things to make her happy,

Stockholm Syndrome – Women Loving Badasses, but don’t want to fuck with them

Is it ironic you see women loving strong-men like former Pussy of the US Donald Trump? They like how raw he talks (because being “real” doesn’t mean say “everything woke turns to shit [sic]”) they like a raw man, if there is some form of protection (that is a TV screen). Would any of these ladies who like a strong man – fuck with him? Of course not! So why are these women defending these assholes but yet they wouldn’t want one in real life? Being abused and not dealing with the trauma often will follow them for the rest of their lives, and these women who’ve had a broken heart or ego will always default for the guy who likes to break the rules. If it’s not Trump in 2024, Ron deSantis will come in like the Highly Valued Man, going back to the PUA/MGTOW world. Women apparently like badasses but whines about them if they are in real life. It’s that biological sense that women prefer someone whose a badass, and contributes to society in the form of being extremely agressive.

The evolution to the Love & Relationships podcast was the masculinity being aggressively defended and this predated months before the discovery of that “feminist that loves men”. Even since then, masculinity has gotten worse, and feminism has gone on a full blown overdrive (such as Roe v. Wade)  The counterbalances of freedoms vs responsibility of both feminism and modern masculinity often leads the lowest valued man to take accountability beyond his control. That person is me.


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