Pondering Thoughts: Facebook Profiles for Business in 2021

This is a pet-peeve of me. Everyone else preaches to follow any platform’s Terms of Service. I think somewhere on Facebook’s TOS, you can’t use a profile for a business. I’m too lazy to read legalese that has more words than The Bill of Rights.

I see this very often in some select New Hampshire business owners, that are the majority of the population. Female. Older than 30. Maybe single. I think I know who to blame. That demographic. Unless they had a bad luck with guys or what, I don’t understand why the hell they can use Facebook Pages (which has been the defacto standard for Small Enterprises since I think 2009) and despite it’s complexity, it’s better for a business to be a page.

Another issue by separating you from the business is key. A person cannot be a business and a business cannot be a person from a corporate governance perspective. No wonder why if small business had to list on a stock market, they’d be put out of business with SOX violations.

Alright, that was too far, but most often people befriend individuals and not businesses. And that has been the defacto standard since Pages’ existence. I wonder if there is a bigger picture issue that maybe it’s not PC to talk about. Perhaps our media outlets like WMUR-TV Manchester, WZID Manchester, maybe the statewide newspaper has given men under 40 a bad rap as they are apparently sex offenders and creeps, and the two broadcast outlets in Manch tend to favor female audience? Males are the minorities in this state, and sadly the messaging that WMUR-TV and WZID over the years have given false female empowerment by making *professional relationships* harder, and some of the ladies I see on Facebook profiles just clearly shows an apparent social vulernabilities  that shouldn’t even be one to begin with.

In short, stop aiding and abetting Facebook’s total “users” and move your business “profile” to a Facebook fan-page. Businesses can’t be on Facebook, except for the Pages. So do that now, because your super-corrupt-but-private “profile” is a violation to Facebook’s TOS. Period. Full Stop.


Is Separation of Church and State Misread?

Written on Easter Sunday 2021.

This is written of the voice of God and Jesus Christ being forgotten in society. I am not a religious person, and I never pray towards anyone including presidents, etc. I do believe there is some spirit that may involve the former two.

In the last few years, it seems like the party of “Under God” has had more faith towards one man. The 45th President of the U.S.

I also believe the word “conservatism” or “being a conservative” to now be a completely dirty word. In fact I make it a dirty word by replacing “o” with “u” because their obscene rigidity justifies the vulgar spoof of the word. Conservatism is being spoofed from within.

There is concerns amongst the Bible-belt of lower fruit televangelists; or even the upper crust ones are really bowing down to someone in the Oval Office, and not up-there. I do not attend a church. I do not trust Baptism; and I feel many of the Baptist churches, it’s slowly becoming less of  decentralized church system; is not like the Catholic church per se, but the way they had preached politics, and in an instructional matter; it turns me away. I am turned off

The popular view of the U.S. Constitution that enforced the separation of church-and-state meaning the state (that is government) to not endorse a certain religion or faith; but the document was signed “In God We Trust”.

(more details of my opinions of how I came to this observations below plus some other cultish things masquerading as religion)

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Merrimack’s 2021 “Election Day” – is this the Death Sentence to Municipal Democracy?

Merrimack, New Hampshire is a unique town because they are the only municipality that has “elections” outside of First Tuesday of November and the Second Tuesday of March for Town Meeting or officially the “Deliberative Session” type of election or better known by “SB2”, the second article proposed in the New Hampshire Senate season* in the mid 1990s (’95 if I am not mistaken.)

*that is not a misspelling, I like to call the budget period a “season” and most of the issues debated last about 3 months, even if the General Court hangs into late May for budget matters on the odd years.

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Londonderry NH: The Police Department

During the production and ongoing production of 9 hours in the last six months of an expose of a suburban town profiled by an individual who was raised one way of perceiving the town, and then witnessing it; has put a lot of emotional and personal against Londonderry.

I cringe when I go to Ltown. It’s not the town I once grew up. There’s something not right when I see biga–  condos that back in the 2000s, the town was notoriously known for “McMansion” housing.

I can’t even recognize what’s residential and what’s commercial anymore.

But what I do know during my lifetime, there was one institution that should be looked upon as a department to aspire. That is the Londonderry Police Department.

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VLOB: Don’t Let Data Be the Justification for Your Intellectual Stupidity

I get to my point after 2:00


After mentioning about how bad my mouse is and how long B&H is delivering my Kensington, and talking about how I got this Kensington from Small Dog Electronics in Manchester ,NH in 2010 before Apple took that very same space a few years later. Small Dog was for the longest time the 3rd highest reseller behind the VARs (CDW and [Mac] Connection) I connect the dots between using data and statistics to justify the reasons that autism is just-a-boy-problem and that parents of autistics have an even higher divorce rate than typicals (nearly half of all American marriages end in divorce.) Why do we say “the stats say it [so do it]’? Why do we treat people worse, because “the stats say so?” Are we this effed up? Do you know most data types are virgins who haven’t fucked a chick nor looked a naked chick?

VLOB: The Emmy Award Goes to Avid Technology…


EDIT: 02-01-21: I had done some tweaks to my Avid workflow, and overall it’s been a better at exporting. It’s not as speedy as Final Cut Pro, but I love to have multiple tools to help do my job better. And since this recording, on Friday, January 29th, the Emmy to another NRCS went to The Associated Press’ ENPS platform. So everyone-is-a-winner.
Another rant the day after I bitched on Avid after that recording: I was being bombarded on social media they got an Emmy for development of a new product Newsroom Computer Systems…better known as NRCS. No Emmy for that new Media Composer tho, just some really old systems with semi fancy GUI facades! 😀
Ironically Avid got into these businesses in the early 1990s before they went to George Lucas and got the Editdroid! Before the Associated Press’ ENPS in the late 1990s, they had almost total domination in terminal or PC-based NRCS networks vis-a-vis NewsStar, Basys and some company that did NRCS for NetWare networks.
Some of the code is older than I and old as CNN itself. Network World actually did a story on Basys on their first ever issue in 1986. I guess yeah for Avid to finally get an award under their name with these legacy products.


VLOB: Dear Avid: Please Be more Software Centric


I have a lot of Avid swag because I know someone who sells one of their flagship products. Just because I have that possible conflict of interest of being biased; I think Avid had shot their foot in 2008 when a software-centric/CPU-agnostic Final Cut Pro from Apple showed how you didn’t need iron clad boxes to edit video in the 2000s! Sadly, I see Avid being one of these vendors that are fleet-quality. Much like selling Fords in the masses to customers. Large edit houses and local TV stations buy HP and Dells mixed with Nvidia boards in bulk to satisfy Avid’s HCLs. Macs in general are a mixed bag.

Running Media Composer in some ways is like running an emulated application designed for another platform of a former generation. I have not tried anything past 2019 versions because I wanted to build so much knowledge on the legacy platform. I do sense of lapse of business decisions and R&D to just *improve* with modern hardware.

Any computer made after 2010 with a midline CPU and GPU; should be able to handle lower res 720p to 1080p without much hassle. Oh wait it’s possible. Edius for PCs, Final Cut Pro for Macs, and Adobe’s Premiere. Enterprise creative pros should have choices. Freelancers should be able to get a foot in the door. Locking out the environment in both a figurative and literal sense is a really sad message that this Middlesex County company is doing. Thank you if anyone cares to hear my constructive rant.