Is Separation of Church and State Misread?

Written on Easter Sunday 2021.

This is written of the voice of God and Jesus Christ being forgotten in society. I am not a religious person, and I never pray towards anyone including presidents, etc. I do believe there is some spirit that may involve the former two.

In the last few years, it seems like the party of “Under God” has had more faith towards one man. The 45th President of the U.S.

I also believe the word “conservatism” or “being a conservative” to now be a completely dirty word. In fact I make it a dirty word by replacing “o” with “u” because their obscene rigidity justifies the vulgar spoof of the word. Conservatism is being spoofed from within.

There is concerns amongst the Bible-belt of lower fruit televangelists; or even the upper crust ones are really bowing down to someone in the Oval Office, and not up-there. I do not attend a church. I do not trust Baptism; and I feel many of the Baptist churches, it’s slowly becoming less of  decentralized church system; is not like the Catholic church per se, but the way they had preached politics, and in an instructional matter; it turns me away. I am turned off

The popular view of the U.S. Constitution that enforced the separation of church-and-state meaning the state (that is government) to not endorse a certain religion or faith; but the document was signed “In God We Trust”.

(more details of my opinions of how I came to this observations below plus some other cultish things masquerading as religion)

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