New Hampshire – Home of Divide and Conquer (The NHGOP)

Within less than days before Election Day; New Hampshire, the epicenter of political division of barnyard politics, and treating local politicians with differing views as sworn enemies makes me really want to research, Am I voting for the right party?

I’ll start with the New Hampshire GOP, the statewide Republican party network. Their views is much like the 1950s insisting the competing party is being financed by some communistic party attempting to destroy America.

On their very own Web site (yes, apparently GOP is now a TLD), this third rate shit can be seen for yourself to see what your local politician is ordered to believe because the NHGOP is like an army. You don’t obey, you’ll be shamed to hell. This coming from a writer who tends to not vote for extreme Democrats, and if he had a choice to vote in Ted Kennedy’s district, he would’ve voted for Scott Brown. Now this writer comes off to be a Liberal-Democrat for even having a centrist view! I meant having my own views as an independent man!

There manifest of “principals” is almost like going to Sunday school! I am sorry I do not like being ordered as 33 year old to subscribe to a single narrative from some geriatric people with apparent racist, homophobic, ableist views, even if they haven’t uttered slurs or stereotypes. Not returning telephone calls to fund the Developmentally Delayed Waitlist shouldn’t be just a Democratic/Liberal/Moonbat policy

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