The Search to the Demise of Democracy

An ongoing series to find out why one of the smaller states may had been the very state that lead us – that is also the United States into the hellhole politically. This subject is on “the media”.

“The media” gets a bad rap, and I suspect the phrase “the media” like it being “the enemy of the people” is unfairly characterized, but its improperly directed at the wrong groups. The people behind the institutions are often the targets, but it’s really the way the media has become a commercialized entity where the content is a slot machine, that like a modern day slot machine in Vegas is “rigged”. Lax rules in the industry by the FCC, helped make radio a painful medium no matter if it’s Class A AM or Class C FM. The content for a lack of a better word, sucks.

In order to be part of a productive member of a democratic society, one must be informed of their surroundings of their local institutions.

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New Hampshire – Home of Divide and Conquer (The NHGOP)

Within less than days before Election Day; New Hampshire, the epicenter of political division of barnyard politics, and treating local politicians with differing views as sworn enemies makes me really want to research, Am I voting for the right party?

I’ll start with the New Hampshire GOP, the statewide Republican party network. Their views is much like the 1950s insisting the competing party is being financed by some communistic party attempting to destroy America.

On their very own Web site (yes, apparently GOP is now a TLD), this third rate shit can be seen for yourself to see what your local politician is ordered to believe because the NHGOP is like an army. You don’t obey, you’ll be shamed to hell. This coming from a writer who tends to not vote for extreme Democrats, and if he had a choice to vote in Ted Kennedy’s district, he would’ve voted for Scott Brown. Now this writer comes off to be a Liberal-Democrat for even having a centrist view! I meant having my own views as an independent man!

There manifest of “principals” is almost like going to Sunday school! I am sorry I do not like being ordered as 33 year old to subscribe to a single narrative from some geriatric people with apparent racist, homophobic, ableist views, even if they haven’t uttered slurs or stereotypes. Not returning telephone calls to fund the Developmentally Delayed Waitlist shouldn’t be just a Democratic/Liberal/Moonbat policy

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I’ve already expressed my views on politics in previous cycles, but lately it drives me nuts.

It’s also hard to talk about deep issues to family as well.

I am extremely fed up with the polarized society, that is not of the U.S., but New Hampshire specifically. It’s also not a Democrat or Republican issue. It’s actually more of the culture of #NHpolitics (since #NHpoli is too sexy of a hashtag like neighboring states…)

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Would MLK Be Happy Today?

Sidenote: From my old site from winter

The Martin Luther King birthday is a holiday for me. A real holiday from the 364 or 365 days (if it’s a leap year) from tireless advocacy for civil rights for all.

New Hampshire, the state I live in was the last state to observe the holiday as such around year 2000. It was called “Civil Rights Day” because according to the contrary, the state feared if they dedicate one holiday for one person, it would open the pandora’s box excuse for other leaders. MLK has been the only major figure (whose holiday came after his assassination) since the 1960s. To speak bluntly, it’s the asshole conservatives that wanted to keep things low key. Especially anything that is social related.

I’m not a social justice warrior. I don’t believe the SJW movement in the first place. I am a vocal opponent of a growing trend of this state turning blue but the same blue people having red agendas.

Specifically in the “developmental disability” community. We should in fact avoid using said phrase and use every developmental disorder to underscore the difference, the complexities and the diversity of each condition. The officials at The State of New Hampshire may not want to be “disability specific” but that’s exactly the problem.

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Autism/Political Regression

The Autism rights movement is very non-existent in my area. I do not see any changes effecting my state related to me. I had been active in some self-advocacy in the past. There are too many older people of elderly age who have their views on “developmental disabilities”; and their views are not up to par in the 21st century. We also have too many direct support professionals who are in the institutional mind and skillset but yet we are supposed to be out in the community all day long because being exposed and being seen will fix all the intolerant issues. Sadly I know enough conservatives who do not tolerate my group at all.

I have spoken to heads of state agencies, to bureau heads, to department employees and they have refused to take my concerns into consideration other than generic acknowledgment  type of statements. I tried to show people in my own county for an example what autism can be for all, not just some limited restrictions for whatever excuses the older generation wants to believe.

Autism Awareness will always be the month to denote the signs, but we will never, ever, EVER be appreciated or accepted. I will be treated like a wallflower, just a voice that wants to only be heard in their minds.

I’ve accepted the facts that I will not be respected like any other thirty year olds in this circle. It is politically incorrect to be high functioning and be part of various special needs support circles, they want to only support the ones who allegedly cannot speak for themselves. Some are threatened by me because I’ve broken some glass barriers to the point they’d be laid off because a little known fact is that some families can speak for themselves! Which means some family advocacy groups could be out of a job, but they blame me for speaking truth to power; but they can be as  crass as they want to be. (This is the concern of the power addiction that some Concord types have a problem.)

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