On Melanie Grace Clickford…

Effective on June 30th, 2021, Melanie committed suicide in a very grave manner of which it’s discussed in detail, as a trigger warning.

My loved one left me (via “ghosting”) in early 2020. Melanie dumped an email on a Friday afternoon coincidentally on Saint Valentine’s Day that she was filing for divorce, citing she couldn’t make it that Tuesday because of statewide holiday in Minibrick State for town municipal elections -of many communities vote by card for town issues.

Because of COVID19, and MIS’ extreme measures to prevent the spread by initially cornering off parts of towns to keep the COVID within areas of hospitals – the state and the cities of Copenhagen and Miniland were shut down till June. But by May, Clickford Media noticed that some critical data was missing. It has been alleged that Melanie had committed a felony by an unauthorized entry by corrupting data by pulling a A/C cable to one of our OptiPlexes. Because survailience and logs were erratic, we were never able to prove that Melanie did this.

As a result Melanie was sent to a half way facility from May 9th to mid June was we felt she was a threat, because she posted on her Facebook that she wanted your writer to be dead.

As a result of that, she then turned what the divorce was supposed to be an arbitration (ala to The People’s Court) to a litigation (the PITA process of discovery and frozen servers and email hosts). Then things had to be kept in confidence until after the fact.

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2017 Preface: I had memories of Vanessa, a former para of my high school program. I wrote this as I had developed a special friendship with a staff at my now former day program. She was my sister figure. My only sister figure – ever! Or at least I thought. When I left in November, she has not remained in communication. Vanessa I have not seen in years.

This post is about a paraprofessional from over 11 years ago. Her name is Vanessa and she worked with me over a decade ago. She was an awesome woman. A few years older than I am, kinda of a sisterly figure, a cute looking lady whom I would refer to her as my best friend if only things went a different way. Professionally she was cool, calming, would deescalate my anxiety and was able to have this peer-but-authorative figure only because I knew my boundaries (or at least that’s what I felt back then.)

Well we parted ways as she left GLEC about a year or so after I left my first program there. We had great chemistry and we both got along better than I did with the aforementioned teacher that I previously wrote.

For a while after I was very devastated, it was like loosing a best friend. It was a breakup only because the way GLEC operated wasn’t like other places upon transfers of good professional relations, they follow them. Vanessa was unable to follow me.

As stranger things had happened, it was a couple years ago where my mother and I took me to Manchester to the Mall of New Hampshire to acquire my Mac mini. As we left Best Buy to go and have lunch, we went by one of those photo places. Vanessa working there! But after lunch, we walked by to not see her again. She was working with a customer (a family you know) when we first went by. The following months, I’d try to do walk by. Her name tag and face matched, and she I believed lived in Lawrence.

I’ve known that some paras ether go out of the field altogether and go a 180 in the career sense. That may have happened to Vanessa a couple years ago. If Vanessa was able to follow me to the school to work program, maybe the 21st birthday debacle would’ve been less painful.

There is an individual that kinda meets the above profile in my current day program. I need someone like a Vanessa and I’ve been longing to find a day partner in crime with a multi-year relationship for decades. I hope ether that individual or someone else can fill this void.

It would be an underestimate to say I need someone like her in my day to day life.
