Techie No-Nos – On DNS…

For security purposes and ensuring you’re not clogging your own low voltage pipes, your “DNS address” should be local. If you use Google or your ISP’s DNS address any connection to your local devices can only be accessed by IP addresses because you have no way to have a DNS point to a name to a host with an numeric IP address.

Local IP addresses are kinda like the FRS radio bands, ones that ISPs are expected to not route for the purposes of having a local area networks routable.

Anything from:

  • to
  • And

The local DNS address should point out to the firewall or wireless router. Many smaller end devices have the ability to basic DNS if you have a few devices where you want to connect them by domain-name.

With all these cyber attacks, it’s best to separate what’s exposed to the overall Internet, and what should be local. Computing devices should be connected with a local IP and DNS address and appliances that help route local devices to the overall Internet should be the ones with the most exposure like having the Google DNS address.

Just do the right thing, and keep your devices protected with a better structured local network


A #LondonderryLoveStory?

I grew up in my entire life from 1987-2010 in #LondonderryNH, one of the largest towns in New Hampshire by population, a town no less than 50 miles to the Zakim Bridge in Downtown Boston, Massachusetts. The town once prided itself for “rural values”. Meh!

I tell two stories of the closest things to romance. One I “missed the signal, not the noise” to only find your’s truly going through the same thing the following school year.

On Christianity, part two

This is a Vlob. Not to get clicks; but the unholy way the so-called right-wingers are acting so Christian like (sarcasm implied)… am I now in a position to find God and Jesus while the real world is an entire mess. And again are people that more philosophical in 2021 more spiritual than the ones who claim to be follower of God?

The theological experts do claim that Jesus Christ was a liberal.

#LondonderryNH Exposed: #LondonderryLoveStory

(you can’t make this sh*t up)

You cannot make this shit up… the #LondonderryLoveStory is a literal hashtag on Instagram by a girl of my first crush in schoolage. It’s not about her, it’s the fact that high school sweethearts was possible in a town where it was frowned upon by peers.

College sweethearts or higher or GTFO! I wished I never lived there because I don’t live a happy life and I probably will never have any love period. Just that hashtag is a complete and bullshit lie. I should report it to Instagram no matter what user is posting that lie.

#LondonderryNH Exposed: The Ex-Disgraced Head of SAU 12

01:00​ – Introduction
01:30​ – People Behind Institutions
03:00​ – Greenberg Starts @ SAU12
03:23​ – He Sounds Like Janet Fuckin Yellen
03:40​ – An Elitest
05:00​ – Out of District – Out of Mind
05:55​ – Seacoast NH – Diff World
07:28​ – Greenberg Exploits NH Adequate Edu Laws
10:00​ – School Board LIT. Acts as BODs
10:25​ – SAU Abuses NH RSA 91a
10:55​ – SAU 12’s Accounting Practices
12:55​ – Town Govt is the Collecting Agency
13:55​ – WHERE DID YOUR $70M GO?
14:20​ – Gov Jeanne Shaheen’s “The ABC Plan”
15:00​ – a Rideby to Claremont, NH
17:00​ – Greenberg Exploits Ltown Voters
17:50​ – SB2 Violations
19:30​ – Using “Quorums” for “Deliberative Sessions”
23:00​ – Did “the children” actually “vote”?
25:30​ – SAU12 Burdens Town Resources
26:15​ – Town Govt Gets Raped Financially
26:50​ – SAU Were Angels
27:50​ – Town/Lderry Recommended to Run like a business
31:40​ – SAU12’s office was closed to the public
36:00​ – I like this crap – not obsessed w/ the system
38:20​ – No Vocational Education
38:40​ – SAU12’s Pro-Knowledge Worker Econ
44:00​ – The abuse of “default” vs. “minimal” budgets
46:10​ – Mooch’s “Aspiring Middle Class” style
48:00​ – The 90% Commonality/10% overlap
50:00​ – Out of Districts Were Denied of LHS Resources