Sexual Harrassment Training

Yes, I’m going to cover my sex harassment class on this blog.
I had actively had an IT services business up until last July. I had to shut it down (i.e. find a real paying job) since I couldn’t function with no business.
Regardless, I still on an occasion do stuff.
But my IT services business is typically sitting down and doing terminal work such as active directory, domains, and other server related stuff. I do get down on my hand and knees sometimes when a ProLiant craps out for whatever reason.
So I consider my business as corporate class. As such, I often do annual things like creating my own Acceptable Usage Policies or AUP to connect to my own network, and sometimes sign other forms like that quarterly and other things you would expect in a corporation.
So as such, I’m going to watch an online presentation and sign off after the fact.
Now I can’t speak to the normal people but in my high school, before the sex ed lessons began, we had to start off  with a sexual harassment video. (We didn’t sign forms unlike my company.)
For whatever reason, special needs people, whether or not they did something “creepy” in the past or what, we were treated as the same.
Here is a few pointers:

  • Whether or not it was intentional or not, it is illegal to harass in a sexual nature
  • Using various phrases can be illegal
  • touching in a spot that someone could be offended is wrong
  • You can look, but you can’t touch someone
  • Hugging should be limited
  • If you want to kiss a single stranger, ask first! Never Push!
  • I believe public displays of affection is wrong, and considered as sexual harrassment
  • Since I am a contractor, I can’t go and give out contact to a prospective customer, as that could be considered as soliciting for a date business relationship
  • Hostility can be very serious, if someone is witnessing (whether its at work or in the public domain) behavior like PDA or other harassing behaviors that could cause threat or harm to the couple or the harasser, it can be bad. Examples like quitting a job, blackmail or even wanting to commit suicide.
  • Such practices should extend to electronic services such as online sites, Facebook and other social media services.

Again in closing, not intended to harass people is not the point.  Sexual Harassment, or just plain embarrassment is that ones perception is the reality. Perception is Reality. Whether or not it was intentional or not, it is illegal to harass in a sexual nature
I hope you are well trained and you sign your annual form that you had been in training and you are now in compliance with corporate policies and state and local laws!
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Love is a Disease

If there was a disease called “love” maybe it was a girl I liked who destructed one guy’s view on romance.
I don’t get what love is supposed to really  be.
image of "jessica" - the girl who ruined my heart
I shouldn’t even be wasting my time and resources and the small bandwidth and file size, but posting this picture of that “Jessica”* girl  is larger than life. I saw that in her back when I was 12 years old. I’ve been told to just forger her and pretend she’s dead.
*as much I don’t think she’s innocent, she deserves some level of a change of identity. I also “chyroned’ the crap of the image to prevent a potential  Catfish – even before I got addicted to that TV series
Well how am I supposed to let go of an alleged hot ticket Italian? Especially when there aren’t any other girl I knew from my local school that I had the same feeling.
RELATED: Meet The Girl who Ruined one’s Heart
This girl continues to haunt me even when I barely knew this girl! I don’t know much details other than her real name, her approximate age and lastly her current location of which she made public on her Facebook account, last seen in the summer of last year.
How am I supposed to overcome an attractive emotional monster?
This girl indirectly taught me what I felt was love and how she (there were other girls before and after that did similar but) damaged my soul. This girl was part of my 1999 collapse, the time of my middle school inexpierence, finding out of my autism, and starting to feel hopeless.
I was no angel ether!
I know I can’t fix the damage, I can only go forward, I know I know.
I don’t get it. Sometimes I get flashbacks, and chills down my spine.
Why do I love girls who are dare I say “virtual”?
Responses on stories featured on this blog are welcome by emailing the publisher on the contact page. Such responses may be used in future stories.

OKCupid: “Love is Blind”

OK CUPID is wrong. Here’s why:

OkCupid is shutting off the image service of their website as they tout a new app “Crazy Blind Date”. They are making a stupid decision. We need to stop this logic that “love is blind”. If it was I wouldn’t have to go through my annual sexual harassment class or Limited Brands’ Victoria’s Secret unit making obscene profit margins. OKC needs to be called out on their campaign that love is blind. In fact we need to advocate the fact of accountability and transparency. Showing PDA in public in the effect that couple aren’t seeing anyone else is wrong. If OKC was a stock, the circuit breakers would blow up like crazy because of the heavy sell orders.

Update: After 6:40 pm Eastern Time, the site is back online with non pixalized profile pictures.

Love is like an Allergy

There is little cure to allergies.
Its like you are allergic to nuts. As much as you want to be like everyone else to enjoy eating nuts without worrying about dying, you can’t have it.
That is the same to love.
My allergic reaction is I cry and melt down to tears.
Love is a known allergy to me. I call it a “neurological allergy”  Given my autism, and my miswired brain, I have a hard time understanding it. And who the hell is out there (other than an autistic girl – which are extremely rare forms of humans in this subculture)  that would want to fall in love with me?
I can’t think of any. I hear crickets.
The leadership (aka the ones who scare these people to death) doesn’t help.
I’ve never been kissed nor do I really care at this point.
But going back to the allergy part, is you have to accept your differences and lower your expectations. Like I said, I’m essentially an android that has an native app in my BootROM that can have emotions while everyone else can be heartless, careless, hateful and not be fully tolerant.
Love is a sin
Love is blind  – and its indecent
Love should be private
Love is greedy
Love is for selfish people
Love takes away of all the other things you and other people used to love.
Love is just a 4 letter word that the Federal Communications Commission should prohibit on the public airwaves of radio, over the air TV and on pay cable networks.
Its a joke!

Friends – the WRONG WAY to seek new people

The world is so perverted it makes me cry.

I feel that I do not have any futures other than working my ass off and getting money (if there is still an economy.)
The reason why I don’t have more than a few friends, is because I suffer with a developmental disability that’s messed up my brain on the inside. And for that, it has disabled my rights to have a decent expectations of life.

Meanwhile, I had seen video on YouTube on tricks from how to tell if a guy likes you, to how to tell you if a shy guy likes you to even how to talk to one and get a number and text. Like I have said before it is wrong, illegal in social standards, and is considered inappropriate to begin with, according to the experts of the autism world, who happen to be women, a gender that often give conservative guidance, avoids risks and are generally a skeptical group of people. Not so in the series of videos:

these were just a sample of what I had seen the last day or so.
Going back to my original point, I am not just talking about getting a  girl/friend, I am just saying how CAN I talk to a “stranger” and talk to them on the phone or SMS, or whathaveyou.
I can’t.

I have to be in the shallow level, do things the 18th Century way of using my existing small pool of existing relationships for them to network, because afterall I’m allegedly dumb (at least in the social department), so therefore kiss the idea of networking goodbye!
I can’t believe people can befriend strangers on websites like Facebook and in some cases become “acquaintances”, friends, close friends to a romantic partner, and maybe to marriage.
I just don’t get it.
This world of packet based communications, the web browser opening a window to the world, and all these great “innovations” (I put it in quotes because its bullshit) are really great for the “normal” people out there. But if you have any legal disability that is outside of physical, I’d suggest you sue your “doctor” for slander. Because having Autism destroys your reputation, your relationships, your future hopes goodbye.

That’s why I chose to be a corporate hustler, by forcing myself to get a job (likely in a big company) and work and work and work and work my tail off to please to the corporate execs, since afterall that’s my only talent I am putting to use for this year.


Has anyone seen the TV series Catfish on MTV?
I channel surfed the other night can ran into that program
The show is like a documentary following people who met others online (i.e. a online relationship.) The host meets with the skeptical party member, and goes to search for the other individual, to see if the other end the person is a total fake. The host of the program will start off by looking the profile on the respective website whether its Facebook, MySpace, etc. and if there seems to be a fakeness on the profile, the producers start to look them up elsewheres.
This program meets with the crossroads of To Catch a Predator when they go to meet or ambush the person of interest. Some of these cases were the partner lied about their identity, their location, their looks, in some cases they were cheating with another person.
The last episode I seen had a guy meeting a girl online. This girl, named Melissa who appeared online, billed herself as a pretty blond “Barbie Girl” (in her words) with blond hair and blue eyes, as the skeptical partner found out she was a curvy, brunette with brown eyes and all the other attributes turned out to be opposite. Near the end of the program, the two try to come to terms.
In other episodes, its a teardripper because of the sudden reality that their online relationship was a fluke.
Has anyone else watched this program? I’m going to watch some of these OnDemand, if its on there. Its an interesting program.