From The Broken Desk of Steven…

I have written a bunch of works for several blogs and platforms over the last decade. As time has gone on, I have realized that there was several underlying things that collided, and are colliding, and is the reason of where I am today, at a point where I feel I being oppressed.

This should not come at a surprise to anyone. My written blog posts as well as recent forays into podcasts and livestreams have basically wrapped 3 different types of challenges that was documented and sadly will likely get worse before it gets better. The reason why I have (and still do) is just a verification of the Hey-I-Told-You-So… not that I want to be (always) right either.

The reason why I am not in an active relationship, the ability to have a meaningful work environment or hell the ability to have a casual social network, is either being blocked or being destroyed or worse I was engineered to fail!

Continue reading “From The Broken Desk of Steven…”

#LondonderryNH Exposed: #LondonderryLoveStory

(you can’t make this sh*t up)

You cannot make this shit up… the #LondonderryLoveStory is a literal hashtag on Instagram by a girl of my first crush in schoolage. It’s not about her, it’s the fact that high school sweethearts was possible in a town where it was frowned upon by peers.

College sweethearts or higher or GTFO! I wished I never lived there because I don’t live a happy life and I probably will never have any love period. Just that hashtag is a complete and bullshit lie. I should report it to Instagram no matter what user is posting that lie.

#LondonderryNH Exposed: The Ex-Disgraced Head of SAU 12

01:00​ – Introduction
01:30​ – People Behind Institutions
03:00​ – Greenberg Starts @ SAU12
03:23​ – He Sounds Like Janet Fuckin Yellen
03:40​ – An Elitest
05:00​ – Out of District – Out of Mind
05:55​ – Seacoast NH – Diff World
07:28​ – Greenberg Exploits NH Adequate Edu Laws
10:00​ – School Board LIT. Acts as BODs
10:25​ – SAU Abuses NH RSA 91a
10:55​ – SAU 12’s Accounting Practices
12:55​ – Town Govt is the Collecting Agency
13:55​ – WHERE DID YOUR $70M GO?
14:20​ – Gov Jeanne Shaheen’s “The ABC Plan”
15:00​ – a Rideby to Claremont, NH
17:00​ – Greenberg Exploits Ltown Voters
17:50​ – SB2 Violations
19:30​ – Using “Quorums” for “Deliberative Sessions”
23:00​ – Did “the children” actually “vote”?
25:30​ – SAU12 Burdens Town Resources
26:15​ – Town Govt Gets Raped Financially
26:50​ – SAU Were Angels
27:50​ – Town/Lderry Recommended to Run like a business
31:40​ – SAU12’s office was closed to the public
36:00​ – I like this crap – not obsessed w/ the system
38:20​ – No Vocational Education
38:40​ – SAU12’s Pro-Knowledge Worker Econ
44:00​ – The abuse of “default” vs. “minimal” budgets
46:10​ – Mooch’s “Aspiring Middle Class” style
48:00​ – The 90% Commonality/10% overlap
50:00​ – Out of Districts Were Denied of LHS Resources