To Infinity and Beyond

F You WordPress! I am tired of the stupid constant changes and I am tired of this RETARDED infinite scrolling! I hate JAVA, I hate HTML5 and I hate using cloud services where the users have zero rights of a say (or give us options.) Its not that I don’t like change, its not that I don’t want to live in the past. Its about reteaching a human brain how to do things. Also this will probably cause a bandwidth spike because of this alleged “faster” and “better” bullshit. There is a problem about these clowns who don’t think about causes and effects or have any skills of making things more effective, and not for the closed minded reasons of speed and code bloat.
I have noticed my browser is A LOT slower thanks to this change that I feel like I have been raped. I also hate that fucking “bug” on the bottom of MY BLOG! (it looks like an annoying graphic from a TV network hence the bug reference.)
I really wished your stupid comments would still be open – but I probably would had been blocked thanks to your communist anti-1st Amendment agenda that many of you silicon valley jerks are!
This change SUCKS! I wish you people could understand my anger towards you progressive jerks that you can be.

Twentysomethings Moving Back in with their Parents

Fault of the Obummer Economy or Plain Ol’ *Loosers*?
Bloomberg News ran this little blurb recently about the rise of young adults moving back in with their parents.
I understand that people born before 1960 had this mentality that as soon as you finished college, you’d live on your own or live with roommates  and if you lived with your parents, you’d be shunned by your peers. However with this legitimate Great Recession, I can understand some of those numbers, some would be safe to say they are the “llooossser” types. Also, lets not forget that the numbers of people with autism disorders born from 1987 to 1992, are turning that magic number of 21, and as soon as they turn 21*, they are out of school and in many cases out of work because the work programs are owned by the school systems.
*Minimum IDEA regs for services end at 21. Only 10 of the 50 States (the Liberal ones like NY, Mass, California have it at 22 and states like Michigan, IDEA cutoff is 26 believe it or not!)
I do get sensitive because in this Bloomberg piece, they do show a bias towards men that are moving back in, and of course that’s offensive to my group because there are stereotypes that anyone with autism are those lost looking little boys or just a plain old socially stupid PDD types or just men acting like regular jerks while they have their Asperger label. I came from a filthy rich town and I was very scared of finding my significant other because of the stereotypes of society, its like who wants to date a guy whose on the lower class side and suffers with a brain disorder?
I don’t trust the MSM that much, and I know there is an anti male bias to many of their reports (don’t forget how they had put focus on the autism stories a few months ago and how they put emphasis of how the boys have higher rates than girls – there goes that stupid boy innuendo again!)

The Decline of Marriage

A few weeks ago, Vice President Joe Biden pulled one of the many big political gaffes to date by declaring the Obama administration’s support for same sex marriage without consulting with them before he went on live TV a few Sundays ago. He talked about it on  Meet the Press, meanwhile a few days later, President Obama said he’s for same-sex marriage, while he had said in the 2008 campaign, that marriage is between a man and a woman and being against it.
Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs, does a segment called “Chalk Talk” on his show on that network. This segment shows him writing figures on a chalk board showing the statistics  gay marriage and the real numbers of heterosexual marriage going down.
I’ve noticed there is a divorce rate of families with special needs are pretty high, and never mind the 80% divorce rate of high functioning autistic population (mostly aspergers) so I wonder if its not really gays that are degrading instead that it might be caused the autistic population or people, familes of diasbled people.
I am the last person in the world to blur gays and autism together as one group, I’ll leave that to WrongPlanet, Alex Plank and the thousands of sick lefties to blur them together.
However, I think the world is degrading pretty fast.

Autism Awareness Month: The Asperger Syndrome vs Autism debate

I want to turn the attention by going into the wayback machine to 1994.
In the early 90s, when I was getting several evaluations for diagnosis because I was such a misfit, I couldn’t fit into the proper “label”. In about 1994, around the time the current DSM was in the process of being published, my SPED case manager had given my mother the following handout about Asperger Syndrome. She had said to her that “Steven doesn’t fit but there are some similarities” like statement. Again, this was in the early 90s, way before autism, AS or whatever disorder or disease became into the mainstream.
Thanks to modern technologies such as a low grade OfficeJet machine, I can scan in documents from the ancient past and with auto OCR technologies, in a few minutes I can get PDF with searchable and editable text. I am going to copy and paste the document in its entirety since the information is a rather interesting giving this was only two decades ago. I won’t make any editoral statements, to let you read it in its originality. I Report – You Decide.
(Note: Since I had scanned this document into a readable OCR format, some of the characters didn’t come out as accurate. Steps were taken to ensure that this document is accurate as it was on the original hard copy.)

Stephen Bauer, M.D . M.P.H.
The Developmental Unit
The Genesee Hospital
Rochester, New York

Asperger Syndrome (also called Asperger disorder) is a relatively new category of developmental disorder, having only been in use for about the past fifteen years. Although a group of children with this clinical picture were originally described in the 1940’s by a Viennese pediatrician, Hans Asperger, it has only been over the past several years that the term has become more widely applied; it entered the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for the first time in the fourth edition published in 1994. Because Asperger syndrome (AS) is a new category with few comprehensive review articles in the medical literature to date, and because it is probably considerably more common than previously realized. I will attempt in this discussion to describe it in some detail and to offer suggestions regarding practical aspects of its management. Students with AS are not uncommonly seen in mainstream educational settings, although often undiagnosed or misdiagnonsed,  so this is a topic of some importance for educational personnel as well for parents
Asperger Syndrome is the term applied·to the mildest and highest functioning end of whats known as the as the spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders (or the autism spectrum.) Like all conditions along that spectrum it is now felt to represent a neurologically-based disorder of development, most often of unknown cause  in which there are deviations or abnormalities in three broad aspects of development social skills, the use of language for communicative purposes and certain behavioral and stylistic characteristics involving repetitive or pervasive features and limited range of interests. It is the presence of these three categories  of dysfunctiong which can range from relatively mild to severe.· which clinically define all of the pervasive developmental from AS through to classic autism.
Asperger syndrome represents that portion of the PDD continuum which is characterized by higher cognitive abilities (at least normal IQ by definition. and sometimes ranging up into the very superior range) and by more normal language function compared to other disorders along the spectrum. In fact. the presence of normal basic language skills is now felt to be one of the criteria for the diagnosis of AS although there are nearly always more subtle abnormalities of speech and language present. Many researchers feel it is these two areas at relative strength that distinguish AS from other forms of autism and PDD and account for the better prognosis in AS. Developmentalists have not reached consensus as to whether there is any difference between AS and what is termed high functioning autism (HFA). Some researchers have suggested that the basic  neuropsychological deficit is different for the two conditions. but others have been unconvinced that any meaningful distinction can be made between them. One researcher. Uta Frith. has characterized children with AS as having “a dash of autism.” This leaves room for some confusion regarding diagnostic terms. and it is likely that quite similar children across the country have been diagnosed with AS. HFA. or POD. depending upon by whom or where they are evaluated. In fact, since the symptoms are milder and less classic in AS. many children who would meet criteria for that diagnosis receive no diagnosis at all and are viewed as “unusual” or “just different”. Actually. many in the field believe that there is no clear boundary separating AS from children who are ” normal but different”  The inclusion of AS as a separate category in the new DSM-4. with fairly clear criteria for diagnosis. should promote greater consistency of labeling in the future.
The best studies that have been carried out to date suggest that AS is far more common than “classic” autism. Whereas autism has traditionally been felt to occur in about 4 out of every 10,000 children, estimates of Asperger syndrome have ranged as high as 20-25 per 10,000. That means that for each case of more typical autism, schools can expect to encounter several children with a picture of AS (that is even more. true for the mainstream setting. where most children with AS will be found). In fact. a careful, population-based epidemiological study carried out by Gillberg’s group in Sweden, concluded that nearly 0.7% of the children studied had a clinical picture either diagnostic of or suggestive of AS to some degree. Particularly if one includes those children who have many of the features of AS and seem to be milder presentations along the spectrum as it shades into “normal”, it seems not to be a rare condition at all.
All studies have agreed that Asperger syndrome is far more common in boys than in girls. The reasons for this are unknown. AS is fairly commonly associated with other types of diagnoses  again for unknown reasons. including: tic disorders such as Tourette disorder. attentional problems, and mood problems such as depression and anxiety. In some cases there is a clear genetic component, with one parent (most often the father) showing either the full picture of AS or at least some of the traits associated with AS. Sometimes there will be a positive family history of autism in relatives. further strengthening the impression that AS  and autism are related conditions . Other studies have demonstrated a fairly high rate of depression. both bipolar and unipolar, in relatives of children with AS suggesting a genetic link in at least some cases. It seems likely that for AS, as for autism, the clinical picture we see is probably influenced by many factors, including genetic ones. so that there is no single identifiable cause in most cases.
The criteria for a diagnosis of AS in the new DSM -4 include the presence of:

  • Qualitative impairment in social interaction involving some or all or the following: impaired use of non-verbal behaviors to regulate social interaction, failure to develop age-appropriate peer relationships. lack of spontaneous interest in sharing experiences with others. and lack of social or emotional reciprocity.
  • Restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities involving: preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted pattern of interest,  inflexible adherence to specific non-functional routines or rituals . stereotype or repetitive motor mannerisms. or preoccupation with parts objects.

These behaviors must be sufficient to interfere significantly with social or other areas of functioning. Furthermore. there must be no significant associated delay in either general cognitive function, self-help/adaptive skills, interest in the environment. or overall language development.
Christopher Gillberg, a Swedish physician who has studied AS extensively. has proposed six criteria for the diagnosis. elaborating upon the a criteria set forth in DSM-4. His six criteria capture, the unique style of these children, and include:

  • Social impairment=extreme egocentricity, which may include:

–inability to interact with peers
-tack of desire to interact
-poor appreciation of social cues
–socially inappropriate responses

  • Limited interests. preoccupations

–more rote than memorized
-relatively exclusive of other interests
–repetitive adherence

  • Repetitive routines, rituals

–imposed on self, or
–imposed on others

  • Speech and language peculiarities. such as:

–delayed early development possible but not consistently seen
–superficially perfect expressive language * [pen mark, must been figuring out my speech abilities]
–odd prosody, peculiar voice characteristics
–impaired comprehension including misinterpretation of literal and implied meanings

  • Non-verbal communication problems. such as:.

–limited use of gesture
–clumsy body language
–limited facial expression. or inappropriate
–peculiar “stiff” gaze
–difficulty adjusting physical proximity

  • Motor clumsiness

–may not be necessary part at the picture in all cases
Clinical Features
The most obvious hallmark of Asperger syndrome, and the characteristic that makes these children so unique and fascinating, is their peculiar idiosyncratic areas of “special interest”. In contrast to more typical autism. where the interests are more likely to be objects or parts of objects. in AS the interests appear most often to be specific intellectual areas. Often, when they enter school, or even before, these children will show an obsessive interest in an area such as math. aspects at science. reading (some have a history of hyperlexia–rote reading at a precocious age), or some aspect at history or geography, wanting to learn everything possible about that subject and tending to dwell on it in conversations and free play.
I have seen a number at children with AS who focus on maps, weather, astronomy, various types of machinery, or aspects of cars, trains, planes, or rockets. Interestingly. as far back as Asperger’s original clinical description in 1944. the area of transport has seemed to be a particularly common fascination (he described children who memorized the tram lines in Vienna down to the last stop). Many children with AS. as young as three years old, seem to be unusually aware of things such as the route taken on car trips. Sometimes the areas at fascination represent exaggerations of interests common to children in our culture, such as Nina Turtles, Power Rangers. dinosaurs. etc. In many children the areas of special interest wilt change over time, with one preoccupation replaced by another. In some children, however, the interests may persist into adulthood, and there are many cases where the childhood fascinations have formed the basis for an adult career, including a good number at college professors.
The other major characteristic of AS is the socialization deficit. and this,  too,  tends to be somewhat different than that seen in typical autism. Although children with AS are frequently noted by teachers and parents to be somewhat “in their own world” and preoccupied with their own agenda, they are seldom as aloof as children with autism. In fact. most children with AS. at least once they get to school age. express a desire to fit in socially and have friends.  They are often deeply frustrated and disappointed by their social difficulties. Their problem is not a lack of interaction so much as lack of effectiveness in interactions. They seem to have difficulty knowing, how to”make connections” socially. Gillberg has described this as a “disorder of empathy” the inability to effectively “read” others’ needs and perspectives and respond appropriately. As a result. children with AS tend to misread social situations arid their interactions and responses are frequently viewed by others as “odd”.
Although “normal” language skills are a feature distinguishing AS from other forms of autism and PDD. there are usually some observable differences in how they use language. It is the more rate skills that are strong. sometimes very strong. Their prosody-those aspects of spoken language such as volume of speech, intonation, inflection, rate,  etc, is frequently different.  Sometimes the language sounds overly formal or pedantic,  idioms and slang are often not used or are misused, and things are often taken too literally, slang are often not used or are misused, and things are often taken too literally. Language comprehension tends toward the concrete, with increasing problems often arising as language becomes more abstract in the upper grades. Pragmatic or conversational, language skills often are weak because of problems with turn-taking,  a tendency to revert to areas of special interest, or difficulty sustaining the “give and take” of conversations. Most children with AS have difficulties dealing with humor, tending not to “get” jokes or laughing at the wrong time; this is in spite of the fact that quite a few show an interest in humor and jokes,  particularly things such as puns or word games. perhaps hoping to be able to use humor as a way to fit in better socially.
Some children with AS tend to be hyperverbal. not understanding that this interferes with their interactions with others and puts others off. When one examines the early language history of children with AS there is no single pattern–some of them have normal or even early achievement of milestones. while others have quite clear early delays on speech with rapid catch-up to more normal language by the time of school  entry. Frequently, particularly during the first several years. language features similar to those in autism are seen, such as perseverative or repetitive aspects to language use.
Asperger Syndrome Through the Lifespan
In his original 1944 paper describing the children who later came to be, described under his name. Hans Asperger recognized that although the symptoms and problems change over time, the overall problem is seldom outgrown. He wrote that “in the course of development, certain features predominate or recede; so that the problems presented change considerably. Nevertheless,  the essential aspects of the problem remain unchanged. In early childhood there are the difficulties in learning simple practical skills and in social adaptation. These difficulties arise out of the same disturbance which at school age cause learning and conduct problems, in adolescence job and performance problems, and in adulthood social and marital conflicts.”   On the  other hand. there is no question that children with AS have generally milder problems at every age compared to those with other forms of autism. and their ultimate prognosis is certainly better. In fact, one of the more important reasons to distinguish AS from other forms of autism is it’s considerably milder prognosis.
The preschool child. As has been suggested above,  there is no single, uniform , presenting picture of Asperger syndrome in the first 3-4 years. The early picture may be indistinguishable from that of more typical autism. suggesting that when evaluating any young child with autism and apparently normal intelligence, the possibility should be entertained that he/she may eventually have a picture more compatible with an Asperger diagnosis. something that I have seen on a number of occasions. Other children may have early language delays with rapid “catch-up” as they approach school age. Finally. some of these children, particularly the brightest ones,  may have no evidence of early developmental delay except, perhaps, some motor clumsiness. In almost all cases. however, if one looks closely at the child between the age of about three and five years, clues to the diagnosis can be found. and in most cases a comprehensive evaluation at that age can at least point to a diagnosis along the PDD/autism spectrum. Although these children may seem to relate normally within the family setting, when they enter a preschool setting problems are often seen. These may include: a tendency to avoid spontaneous social interactions or to snow very weak, skills in interactions. problems sustaining simple conversations or a tendency to be perseverative or repetitive when conversing, odd verbal responses. preference for a set routine and difficulty with transitions. difficulty regulating social/emotional responses with anger, aggression, or excessive anxiety, hyperactivity. appearing to be “In one’s own little world”, and the tendency to overfocus on particular objects or subjects.
Certainly, this list is much like the early symptom list in autism or PDD. Compared to those children. however. the child with AS is more likely to show some social interest in adults and other children. will have less abnormal language and conversational speech. and may not be as obviously “different” from other children. Areas of particularly strong skills may be present. such as letter or number recognition, rate memorization of various facts, etc.
Elementary school. The child with AS will frequently enter kindergarten without having been adequately diagnosed. !n some cases. there wiil have been behavioral concerns (hyperactivity, inattention, aggression,  outbursts) in the preschool years: there may be concern over “immature” social skills and peer interactions: the child may already be viewed as being somewhat unusual. If these problems are more severe, special education may be suggested. but probably most children with AS enter a more mainstream setting. Often. academic progress in the early grades, is an area of relative strength; for example, rote reading is usually quite good, and calculation skills may be similarly strong, although pencil skills are often considerably weaker. The teacher will probably be struck by the child’s “obsessive” areas of interest, which often intrude in the classroom setting. Most AS children will show some social interest in other children, although it may be reduced, but they are likely to show weak friend-making and friend-keeping skills. They may show particular interest in one or a few children around them, but usually the depth of their interactions will be relatively superficial. On the other hand. I have known quite a number of children with AS who present as pleasant and “nice”. particularly when interacting with adults. The social deficit. when less severe, may be under appreciated by many observers.
The course through elementary school can vary considerably from child to child, and overall problems can range from mild and easily managed to severe and intractable, depending upon factors such as the child’s intelligence level. appropriateness of management at school and parenting at heme. temperamental style of the child, and the presence or absence ot complicating factors such as hyperactivity/attentional problems,  anxiety, learning problems, etc.
The upper grades. As the child with AS moves into middle school and high school, the most difficult areas continue to be those related to socialization and behavioral adjustment. Paradoxically. because children with AS are frequently managed in mainstream educational settings. and because their specific developmental problems may be more easily overlooked (especially if they are bright and do not act too “strange”), they are often misunderstood at this age by both teachers and other students. At the secondary level. teachers often have less opportunity to get to know a child well, and problems with behavior or work/study habits may be misattributed  to emotional or motivational problems. In some settings particularly less familiar or structured ones such as the cafeteria, physical education class, or playground, the child may get into escalating conflicts or power struggles with teachers or students who may not be familiar with their developmental style at interacting. This can sometimes lead to more serious behavioral flare-ups. Pressure may build up in such a child with little clue until he then reacts in a dramatically inappropriate manner.
In middle school. where the pressures for conformity are greatest and tolerance for differences the least, these children may be left out. misunderstood, or teased and persecuted. Wanting to make friends and fit in., but unable to, they may withdraw even more, or their behavior may become increasingly problematic in the form of outbursts or non-cooperation. Some degree of depression is not uncommon as a complicating feature. If there are no significant learning disabilities, academic performance can continue strong, particularly in those areas at particular interest: often, however, there will be ongoing subtle tendencies to misinterpret information, particularly abstract or figurative/idiomatic language. In many cases they will have learning difficulties. and attentional and organizational difficulties may be present.
Fortunately, by high school peer tolerance for individual variations and eccentricity often increases again to some extent. It a child does well academically. that can bring a measure at respect from other students. Some AS students may pass socially as “nerds”, a group which they actually resemble in many ways and which may overlap with AS. The AS adolescent may form friendships with other students ‘who share his interests through avenues such as computer or math clubs, science fairs, Star Trek clubs, etc. With luck and proper management. many of these students will have developed considerable coping skills. “social graces”, and general ability to “fit in” more comfortably by this age. thus easing their way.
Asperger children grown up.  It is important to note that we have limited solid information regarding the eventual outcome for most children with AS. It has only been recently that AS itself has been distinguished from more typical autism, in looking at outcomes. Nonetheless, the available data does suggest that, compared to other forms of autism, children with AS are much more likely to grow up to be  independently functioning adults in terms of employment, marriage and family, etc.
One of the most interesting and useful sources of data on outcome comes indirectly from observing those parents (mostly fathers) of AS children, who themselves appear to have AS. From these observations it is clear that AS does not preclude the potential for a more “normal” adult life. Commonly. these adults will gravitate to a job or profession that relates to their own areas ot special interest,  sometimes becoming very proficient. A number of the brightest students with AS are able to successfully complete college and even graduate school Nonetheless. in most cases they will continue to demonstrate, at least to some extent, subtle differences in social interactions. They can be challenged by the social and emotional demands of marriage. although we know that many do marry. Their rigidity of style and.  idiosyncratic perspective on the world can make interactions difficult. both in and out of the family. There is also the risk of mood problems such as depression and anxiety, and it is likely that,  many find their way to psychiatrists and other mental health providers where. Gillberg suggests. the true, developmental nature of their problems may go unrecognized or misdiagnosed.
In fact, Gillberg has estimated that perhaps 30-50% of all adults with AS are never evaluated or correctly diagnosed. These “normal Aspergers” are viewed by others as “just different” or eccentric,  or perhaps they receive other psychiatric diagnoses.  I  have met a number of individuals whom I believe fall into that category, and I am struck by how many at them have been able to utilize their other skills, often with support from loved ones, to achieve what I consider to be a high level at function, personally and professionally. It has been suggested that some of these highest
functioning and brightest individuals with AS represent a unique resource for society, having the single mindedness and consuming interest to advance our knowledge in various areas of science,  math, etc.
Thoughts on Management in the School
The most important starting point in helping a student with Asperger syndrome function effectively in school is for the staff (all who will come into contact with the child) to realize that the child has an inherent developmental disorder which causes  him or her to behave and respond in a different way from other students. Too often, behaviors in these children are interpreted as “emotional” or “manipulative”, or some other term that misses the point that they respond differently to the world and its stimuli, It follows from that realization’ that school staff must carefully individualize their approach for each of these children: it will not work out to treat them just the same as other students. Asperger himself realized the central importance of teacher attitude from his own work with these children. In 1944 he wrote. “These children often show a surprising sensitivity ‘to the personality of the teacher …They can be taught, but only by, those who give them true understanding and affection. people who show kindness towards them and, yes, humour…The teacher’s underlying emotional attitude influences, involuntarily and unconsciously, the mood and behaviour of the child.”
Although it is likely that many children with AS can be managed primarily in the regular classroom setting, they often need some educational support services. If learning problems are present. resource room or tutoring can be helpful,  to provide individualized explanation and review. Direct speech services may not be needed,  but the speech and language clinician at school can be useful as a consultant to the other staff regarding ways to address problems in areas such as pragmatic,  language. If motor clumsiness is significant, as it sometimes is, the school Occupational Therapist can provide helpful input. The school counselor or social worker can provide direct social skills training, as well as general emotional support. Finally. a few children with very high management needs may benefit from assistance from a classroom aide assigned to them. On the other hand, some of the higher functioning children and those with milder AS, are able to adapt and function with little in the way a normal support services at school.
There are a number at general principles at managing most children with PDD
of any degree in school, and they apply to AS as well:

  • The classroom routines should be kept as consistent, structured, and predictable as possible. Children with AS often don’t like surprises. They should be prepared in advance, when possible, for changes and transitions. including things such as schedule breaks, vacation days, etc.
  • Rules should be applied carefully. Many of these children can be fairly rigid about following “rules” quite literally. While clearly expressed rules and guidelines, preferably written down for the student, are helpful, they should be applied with some flexibility. The rules do not automatically have to be exactly the same for the child with AS as for the rest ot the students–their needs and abilities are different.
  • Staff should take full advantage at a child’s areas of special interest when teaching. The child will learn best when an area of high personal interest is on the agenda.  One can creatively connect the child’s interests to the teaching process. One can also use access to the special interests as a reward for the child.
  • Most students with AS respond well to the use of visuals–schedules, charts, lists, pictures, etc.
  • In general, try to keep teaching fairly concrete. Avoid language that may be misunderstood by the child with AS. such as sarcasm, confusing figurative speech, idioms. etc ., Work to break down and simplify more abstract language and concepts.
  • Explicit, didactic training in strategies can be very helpful, to assist the child gain proficiency in “executive function” areas such as organization and study skills.
  • Insure that school staff outside of the classroom, such as physical education teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria monitors,  librarians, etc ., are familiar with the child’s style and needs and have been given adequate training in management approaches. Often, it is those less structured settings where the routine is broken and . expectations less clear that are most difficult for the child with AS.
  • Try to avoid escalating power struggles. These children often do not understand blind shows of authority and will become more rigid and stubborn if  forcefully confronted. Their behavior can then get rapidly out of control. and at that point it is often better for the staff person to back off and let things cool down.

A major area of concern as the child moves through school is to promote more appropriate social interactions and to help the child fit in better socially. Formal, didactic social skills training can take place both in the classroom and in more individualized settings. Approaches that have been most successful utilize direct modeling and role playing at a concrete level (such as in the Skillstreaming series), By rehearsing and practicing how to handle various social situations, the child can hopefully learn to generalize the skills to naturalistic settings. It is often useful to use a dyad approach where the child is paired with another to carry out such structured encounters. The use of a “buddy system” can be very useful. since these children relate best in a 1-1 setting. Careful selection of a non-handicapped peer buddy for the child can be a tool to help build social skills, encourage friendships, and reduce stigmatization. Care should be taken, particularly in the upper grades. to protect the child from teasing both in and out of the classroom, since it is one of the greatest sources of anxiety for older children with AS. Efforts should be made to help other students arrive at a better understanding of the child with AS, in a way that will promote tolerance and acceptance. Teachers can take advantage ot the strong academic skills that many AS children have,  in order to help them gain acceptance with peers. It is very helpful if the AS child can be given opportunities to help other children at times.
Teachers should be alert to the potential for mood problems such as anxiety or depression, particularly in the older child with AS. Occasionally, medication with an antidepressant may be indicated if mood problems are significantly ‘interfering with the child’s function.’ Although most children with AS are managed without medication (medication does not “cure” any of the core symptoms), there are specific situations where medication can. on occasion. be useful. For example. problems with inattention for academics that are seen in some children can sometimes be helped by stimulant medications such as Ritalin. Occasionally, medication may be needed to address more severe behavior problems that have not responded to non-medical interventions: clonidine has proven helpful in such situations. and there are other options if  necessary.
In attempting to put a comprehensive teaching and management plan into place at school, it is often helpful for staff and parents to work closely together, since parents often are most familiar with what has worked in the past for a given child. It is also wise to put as many details of the plan as possible into an Individual Educational Plan so, that progress can be monitored and carried over from year to year. Finally, in devising such plans, it can sometimes be helpful to enlist the aid of outside consultants familiar with the management of children with Asperger syndrome and other forms of PDD. such as Boces consultants, psychologists or physicians. In complex cases a team orientation is always advisable.

Stupid Solar flares

This past weekend into Monday was just plain hideous.
As you already know, I went to New York on Saturday, with the Central Park temperatures nearing mid 70s. Because of the wonderful weather we’ve been experiencing, the crowds all over the Manhattan borough was making this writer go crazy. It’s not typical of April Vacation to have that many people in a common area. I’ve been there at least once during that time over a decade ago.  Times Square and Central Park were the worst offenders of the mayhem. Our waiter at a large restaurant joint in Times Square was telling us to enjoy this weather, and he said he likes this time of year (etc., etc.)
Back at home on Monday, the temperatures broke 90+ degrees. The Boston Marathon had to prepare for the excessive heat
While there is so many brush fires, there is rain in sight, but – however – the temps are going to go back into above “normal” temperatures
And New York on Monday was the coolest of all the 4 major Northeast cities, while Philly, DC and Boston were well into the 90s, while Central Park was ranging from mid 80s.
I suspect ether this summer to be a dud, ether being too hot and dry or very wet or both. Something tells me this is going to be the summer of 2002 all over again or could be another one I can’t think of.
Again, I’ve already kissed winter to its death. This is the new climate (at least for the next generation.) Hot, sunny, no rain, no cold and no significant snow during the “winter” seasons. Just the plain ol hot sun!

Reflections of September 11th, 2001

September 11th, 2001 was one of the worst day the country had experienced. I would have to echo the same. I am going to keep this post to the point, but also be thoughtful.

I went by New York City in 1997 when I went to New Jersey when my mother and her then boyfriend drove through The Bronx and Manhattan. We were going to Six Flags before the Western Mass one would open 3 or so years after. I remember when we tried to get back home (before that, we stopped at my aunts place in Connecticut) we took the wrong way and got off the GWB in Manhattan and I vaguely remember 5th Avenue, and for some reason I remember seeing the Statue of Liberty (however we were in Midtown, so I don’t know if that is true or not.)
I did set foot a few years later on Labor Day weekend of 2000. I was in the whole Wall Street kick back then (and somewhat today even now I believe most of it is rigged.) We also went to Ellis Island and walked around the Statue of Liberty, although we didn’t go in there. I remember seeing the Twin Towers from the distance.
On April Vacation of 2001, my mother and I went to Manhattan ourselves (we managed to get into The City courtesy of my aunt who lived at the time in the Tristate side of Connecticut during the several times we went there where we took the Metro North Rail into Grand Central.
My mother and I got tickets to see the Opening Bell of the start of the trading session at the New York Stock Exchange. However we missed it by a group or two. Regardless, I remembered seeing how dark the Exchange looked like without the magic of spotlights underneath the robotic camera lenses for the news organizations. The floor wasn’t that littered, since it was just past 9:30.  The next stop was we went into the World Trade Center into the lobby and trying to get to the Observation Deck. However with the deal-savy mother I have, there was a deal to go to all the three big skyscrapers (WTC, the Empire State Building and I forgot the 3rd.) Since we wanted to be more prepared we decided to do it another time.
That’s a true definition that there would not be another time.
When we went north into Midtown, after visiting the Nasdaq Marketsite, we noticed unusual security that was invasive at that time. (It was kinda like the post 9/11 security at that time, but only a few months before.) My mother and I were trying to figure it out when we went to lunch after.
Summer 2001
However, the story gets a bit heartbreaking for me. On the 4th of July week, my mother and I took a vacation to California to San Diego specifically Legoland. It was the first time I gone that far west in my lifetime. I remember how relaxed that week was. On our way back home, we had the plane almost to ourselves since people didn’t show up for their flights out of San Diego. We did land in Ohio before coming back to Manchester, which all I can remember we got home within the hour after the landing. For some reason I was very surprised that we were in and out. I also remember not having any jet lag (since jet lag happens when your body clock advances time.) I apparently adapted back to the Eastern Time very quickly.
You can the thought that I could had been a victim of that day since it was a couple months prior to the attack and one of those impacts was going cross country. That thought came to me a while after.
Labor Day Weekend 2001  Less than 2 weeks prior to September 11th
The next big trip was back to the NY/Tristate area that Labor Day weekend. My aunt was at the time dating a guy that worked for a large trading floor in Fairfield County, Connecticut. I was lucky that I got there in time to meet him and see the large floor with countless Bloomberg Terminals (boy was that fun!) Sun workstations, and everything else. However, that floor is a secured environment and he had to use his card to have the elevator go there and there was a security turnstall there as well. (Remember this was late August of 2001, just more than a week away from 9/11.)
We went to Manhattan the next day. My aunt didn’t want to go downtown for the reason that it being a warm, hot day that (allegedly) they do rolling blackouts on the subways which would get people stuck in the trains. I later believed it was likely an excuse to not go there. I never was able to see the complex that day.
I got the local tabloids on September 1st of that year and the stories of that day. It seemed to be a typical summer stories since after all it was Labor Day weekend.
September 11th, 2001
I remember the morning of 9/11 very vividly. I remember the morning’s stories, the economy was in the fritz for recession, the Chandra Levy love affair story (which I myself got hooked into) and anything else. I left to go to school at about 8:20. The school I was in was kind of a tough school, where lets be honest, where I couldn’t be the boss, or learn or do things that interests me, etc. I figured given their attitude to their students, that they kept zip quiet. No one mentioned anything to us till one of my staff came into the classroom at probably 10:30 and broke the news to us.
Honestly, I froze. When I heard of the World Trade Center, I thought of the Boston WTC since everything was slow for me to process. When I heard about planes flying around, I thought they were flying around the Eastern Rockingham County area. Because my staff was talking slow and I was trying to get answers in a spiffy manner, and after I thought or the mention of the Twin Towers, my soul immediately went into shock. This news came to me about the time after my mother called the school to ask if they had said anything to tell him since was there just in the last week. The school never dismissed us ether, probably since they thought it was a no-news for every other kid in the school and it wouldnt be important to them or whatever.
Trying to go onto any online source came up with an Error 404 since everyone was trying to get stories. The Internet experienced one of the most busiest days since by that time the Web became a serious medium of news, especially with the dynamic updates the sites could support. When I got home, I was watching every channel for their different reports.  And the era of the Big Media, most of the big media properties were sisters to the Big 3 Networks or cable news entities. Some did go off air to redirect viewers to their news outlets. And the radio markets I live in did the same thing wall to wall, and most of the local radio stations were brother stations to the all-news station or the talk radio station.
Post 9/11
I did go to The City 2 more times after, ether February or April Vacation and another Labor Day weekend with my mother as we strolled around Central Park and got a tour of NBC’s 30 Rock operations,etc. I also went to D.C. that following 4th of July and saw the side of the Pentagon that was getting ready to go back for business. My mother and I also went into the Monument that summer as well. I won’t ever forget that.
However post 9/11 was a different world. It changed my view of what America used to be and how the new America isn’t what I like.  I was 14 going on 11 (read a young 14 yead old) so my remaining innocence disappeared.   I would then go and spend the rest of my high school career in Massachusetts, a state known for its far anti American liberalism, where I saw my school take away the Pledge of Allegiance in only a few months. The work around was to do it by ourselves without the help of the paging of our phone system.  A few years prior to Obama being elected, a gut was telling me that someone needed to show more love to this country. That was also the same time I went to more sporting events.  I had felt more proud when I would hear the National Anthem, I felt like it was something missing for quite a while.
There were 3,000 lives that were gone in the 3 locations that day and its very sad to see people dying from the worst kinds of disater to happen. However they did luck out. It could had been a lot worse. I remember hearing from Neil Cavuto last September 10th mentioning there was a late game in The Bronx that the Yankees went to almost midnight, and some people were going to sleep in and go to work about 9:00 the latest. Also I will remember that it was a nice, late summer day. Many people ether took the day off, or went on vacation or whatever else. The complex would hold a daytime population of 50,000.
It was a very sad day on Sunday. I remember just being quiet and just having a sad look. I did have that sick feeling to my tummy on Thursday and Friday but I felt probably shocked. I felt the towers falling down was not only people gone but the country was we knew it. I don’t like how its been changed today, because I think the attacks created a new generation of people and all that crazy Wall Street stuff that got into that mess in 2008 probably took off after that in my observation. The City got more European thanks to the countless elections of Micheal Bloomberg. I have seen in pictures how yuppie it has looked. All those white painted lofts with simple looking office spaces and people with yuppie looks. I don’t remember that being the whole look of New York.
I won’t ever forget that day. It impacted me in so many ways as you have just read.

2011: A Year of Disasters…

This year alone, its been a year of disasters. Tornados, earthquakes, tsuamnis, deadly disasters, etc. I don’t get why this year has to be busy in the department of Bad News.
I was already fretting about Hurricane Irene hitting the Northeast of the United States, New York and New England, Philly and the DC area the day the East Coast got a moderate 5.8 earthquake out of Virginia.

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A word of wisdom…

I don’t life a life that most people do. While most people “live life to” their “fullest” I am one that is paranoid, concerned, on alert. I can’t enjoy “life.” I can’t relax. When I relax, I forget things, or not expect the unexpected. My life to date has been about the truth, and dealing with it. (one of those examples is about my autism.)
I don’t get much sleep. My eyes get baggier and baggier (and even with my asian blood, it doesn’t do much to my looks) and more and more lines on my forehead. I just fear the unknown and the unexpected because in this crazy, perverted world, like people are getting more and more scrutinized and the way the stupid libs (and the nerds forcing black boxes on everything) that are controlling the world, we may never recover from the financial mess a few years ago. And as much as I am mad and bitter at the libs, I am mad and bitter at the conservatives who still can’t get the severity of autism.
I am still scared to death if the system does fall apart again and I have to be yet another victim of a messed up system.
I am scared if I am going to die in N.H. by a wreckless rich socialpath person, or die in Massachuestts from a wreckless government governed by socialpathic politicians.
I just can’t relax or bad things will happen. I defend this behavior/thought process/feelings.