Why I hate Vday, part four

I’m doing a quick thought despite this blizzard of the century my area is going to get in the coming days…
Why is it anyone’s business whose in a relationship, whose getting married or what? I think with Facebook and other social media websites, we not only open ourselves up, but our relationships. I don’t give a rat’s ass whose in a relationship, whose doing a three way or what.
I don’t give a fuck about your girlfriend! STFU and fuck her in the privacy of your bedroom! Fuck her for hours. Fuck her for days. But just don’t show how much you love her online! Leave me alone!
But don’t do PDA on Facebook or in the real world. Its not only sick, but its so offensive!

The Daily Bitch

Today I’m doing a daily feature called The Daily Bitch! The title derived from a former life where I used to email to my case manager of my old school of what was going on (typically in a venting fashion.) I’ve seen similar things like Cosmo’s “Bitch it out” section. In anyway shape or form, I’m doing this new feature.
What’s on your mind this morning? Start venting (or bitching!)  below!

Slutty in the Head

My mind can wander into the gutter, just like other guys as they can be visual and stuff like that.
I can get lusty thoughts up in my head. But of course, I have control my hormones because gawd forbid if I get a little frisky to a girl, then I have to worry about getting assaulted, etc.
Again it is a female majority, so we have to treat them as god, even though god is supposed to be a man. I have to give them high levels of respect.
Even when they dress trashy. We still have to treat them as queen bitches.
I get really offended from people like my mother who gets offended for me checking out a girl who clearly is doing it to get attention. My mother for maybe the rightful reasons has taught me to be “discrete” to visually look at a lady.

Continue reading

Why I hate Vday, part two

Why should one hate Valentine’s Day?
Well what if you were someone who suffers a disorder that isn’t Downs Syndrome, Asperger Syndrome or another physical handicap,which leads to something like a pervasive developmental disorder or some form of an autistic spectrum disorder.
And of course this massive group has been isolated and been locked into a small group where we have been told we can’t do anything other than work.
Sorry if I am digressing.
But as you are probably at home or at the movie theatre right now kissing your romantic companion in front of people, consider yourself happy. Consider yourself lucky. Don’t flaunt your relationship, just keep it to yourself, but just be happy you are with someone.
I’m not advocating by any means of re-distributing  the love around, but please take it into consideration that there won’t be people that will have that ability. And that is a large number of people.
Some people will never be able to fall in love, and that’s a fact. So don’t take your romance for granted.

Why I hate Vday

I will be starting a series leading up to Valentine’s Day. I am not as bitter as I used to anymore of the Catholic created “card holiday” since Valentine was a Saint.
I digress.
Here is something about love that drives me nuts. All those proverbial thoughts about a fairy tale “story book” chapters. I sometimes get myself caught into my dreamy world. But in the real world, it is not good. Even Catfish sometimes sensationalizes stories to make them “storybook” like event.
I don’t like it. Its distracting. And its overrated. And its unrealistic.

Women Will Always be Bitches and Men Will Always be Jerks

I am tired of the double standard known that society can demean men and women are treated as god like figures. Sure this double standard will continue to eternal, but I believe such sexism has to stop.

*Does the “Stop” in ASL*

Why have we in the last 40 to 50 years have accepted women’s social norms such as biting ones head off , and allowing them to blame their monthly period? And speaking about such sexist acts, why was PMS not invented until the late 60s? So they could get a [woman-made] label to get away being a bad ass BITCH is the Answer!

Men are often slandered as jerks, control freaks, and selfish assholes. Well what about women? We never in society can be able to question them, because it would be sexist, racist and homophobic (even if any of those aren’t relevant  because we do not fully subscribe to their beliefs.

Women dare I say are in the majority at a half billion advantage, but yet we still treat them as a minority, so why are people still bitching about their minority status? Don’t tell me that men are more risk takers and do more deadlier things than women, which makes them technically a minority.

I rarely used the word “man” because it made me creep out as I was slowly growing up, I wasn’t ready to grow up for a long time, but now I use it as a serious and pressing issue of the issues that were engineered to be a pseudo-political issue that is now degrading relationships and respect for all. Sadly, I disrespect women, because they do it to themselves and they won’t take any accountability of not understanding you can’t bad mouth men in society !


I have to stop typing because my computer is 7 years old, but in the Web 2.0 world they claim its an antique and I can’t get the words out of my fingers fast enough due to the bloated world of what the Web is. I don’t want to make more typos.

LAST CHANCE: Follow us on Facebook

I’m giving my last chance for people to follo on Facebook, the companion Facebook page to this blog. If there aren’t any followers by the end of this weekend, I’ll have to take it down. I’m going through new challenges this year, and I have to cut non performing outlets, to spend my off time as effective as possible.
Hope to see you on Facebook (as well on this blog too!)

Memo to local News Directors and to the General Public: Women are Sex Offenders Too!

I feel so powerless as a male and an adult male.
The media and their extreme liberal bias and pro slander towards men is freckin hiddious. Its really fucking hiddious. Here in the States, we have mass media companies owning some pretty lucrative stations and what to the stations do?
Abuse their power and create stories, instead of reporting them.
And the government gives them a license to serve their community, but what do they do? They abuse their power.
If you live in a media market that is below 30, my gawd I feel for you. And some of those markets are owned by some prestigious media companies. I’m talking about Hearst, I’m talking about Gannett (USA Today‘s publisher) and I’m talking about NBC’s 10 Network owned and operated stations in markets like Philadelphia, like South Florida where crime and sensational reporting has been their beat.
My point I am getting at is I am sick and tired of seeing the top block on the 6:00 news of some male who did something inappropriate, and he’s guilty and should get the death penalty like treatment.  And it always men. I am so freckin tired of their excuse is to inform people. No, that’s not the local media’s job, its the job of the state or the local PD.
I’d love to challenge the local mainstream media if they can dig up women and slander them for a change. Sure its often SPED teachers who become Sex Offenders, but I bet you there is some hot chick whose raped a man but because she is so horny, she’ll get away with psychological murder!
Sorry if I come off as bitter, but I am sick and tired of a minority-majority world! Women need to stop being treated as god (since there is one god and hes a MAN) and to all local MSM, you need to stop making men as creeps! Oh and to Gloria Allred, fuck yourself too!
Gynophobia was a woman-made issue. No not man-made, not human-made, but woman-made.
I feel so powerless!

Wacky Weather

I’m going off topic for a few moments, it is really weird where I live where we are experimenting with the weather.
On Monday, we had snow flurries and got about 2″ of snow. Yesterday it was cold and near sub freezing temperatures  It got warm by the day, and by late afternoon, it hit 50 degrees and overnight the winds were hallowing and the coldfront was slowly coming in. I tried to go to sleep at a decent amount of time to try to keep my immune system strong given the abnormal cases of the influenza. I don’t want to get sick or die (yet) so I was trying to stay relaxed.
However, I got woken up throughout the night and early morning of all the winds. I sleep in the north end of second story of my house, so it sounds pretty intense. By 6:00 am, I turned on my TV to see the morning newscasts and there was no sigifanct closings of local school districts, and the time and temperture bug was showing 58 or 60 on the Boston stations, and the Manchester station had it at 62 degrees. Who woulda thunk that Manchester would get so warm? Nashua typically gets pretty warm when a warmfront comes.
This morning’s high in the Boston area was warmer than the lows in Dallas, Phoenix,  San Francisco! Their morning lows are closer to what we would expect during this time of year up here!
Well I went on a morning walk, because as lame as this is going to sound, I was actually liking the warmfront. As disappointed I was to see how soft the ground is and seeing the snow disappear pretty quickly, I was enjoying some of the humidity. During the wintertime, we have very dry winters and it isn’t good for your body, I have to keep my skin moist and keep myself hydrated.
So I checked the local stations, and they said there was a gusts of winds near 50mph in Western New England, with cell of squalls.  I was such a dummy to forget that  it would hit me where I live in a few minutes!
I went on a morning walk, and I got to an intersection where there is a guard there in the mornings to direct the heavy traffic. (The town I live is was pretty frugal to think they didn’t want to spend millions of dollars for a traffic light years back, and insisted they just retain a guard, and I bet they spent more on paying the morning guard. And those old farts probably have the last laugh because town has grown more than 10,000 people 25 years since, and again their stubborness has cost us more!)
The guard said to me, ” what a nice day to walk! Be careful!” I replied with a “Thank you!” Ten seconds later, that cell that was in Western New England (far west Worcester County/Pioneer Valley Mass and the Peterborough area of NH) came right by. The winds suddenly picked up, there was the pellet like hail and it just suddenly got so cold, and I had to walk pretty carefully so I wouldn’t slip and fall.
I came back home after getting a morning coffee at the local Dunkin Donuts and about 30 minutes ago as I came back, the temperature outside my kitchen read 46, a 9 point drop in less than 30 minutes.
I’m telling this story to you first, because if I told my mother, she would had been scared to death. The roads I walk on were engineered for a town that thought it would always be 5,000 population forever.  Regardless, I have a few friends if that I can go out and stuff, so I am pretty self reliant. I have to be. And the risks I take I believe are reasonable. I try to avoid being the headlines on the top of first block of the 6:00 news or be a statistic above the fold of the morning newspaper.
Regardless winter will return later today and into tomorrow with some snow flurries. It probably won’t stick, but there should be snow showers on Sunday that should!