Wacky Weather

I’m going off topic for a few moments, it is really weird where I live where we are experimenting with the weather.
On Monday, we had snow flurries and got about 2″ of snow. Yesterday it was cold and near sub freezing temperatures  It got warm by the day, and by late afternoon, it hit 50 degrees and overnight the winds were hallowing and the coldfront was slowly coming in. I tried to go to sleep at a decent amount of time to try to keep my immune system strong given the abnormal cases of the influenza. I don’t want to get sick or die (yet) so I was trying to stay relaxed.
However, I got woken up throughout the night and early morning of all the winds. I sleep in the north end of second story of my house, so it sounds pretty intense. By 6:00 am, I turned on my TV to see the morning newscasts and there was no sigifanct closings of local school districts, and the time and temperture bug was showing 58 or 60 on the Boston stations, and the Manchester station had it at 62 degrees. Who woulda thunk that Manchester would get so warm? Nashua typically gets pretty warm when a warmfront comes.
This morning’s high in the Boston area was warmer than the lows in Dallas, Phoenix,  San Francisco! Their morning lows are closer to what we would expect during this time of year up here!
Well I went on a morning walk, because as lame as this is going to sound, I was actually liking the warmfront. As disappointed I was to see how soft the ground is and seeing the snow disappear pretty quickly, I was enjoying some of the humidity. During the wintertime, we have very dry winters and it isn’t good for your body, I have to keep my skin moist and keep myself hydrated.
So I checked the local stations, and they said there was a gusts of winds near 50mph in Western New England, with cell of squalls.  I was such a dummy to forget that  it would hit me where I live in a few minutes!
I went on a morning walk, and I got to an intersection where there is a guard there in the mornings to direct the heavy traffic. (The town I live is was pretty frugal to think they didn’t want to spend millions of dollars for a traffic light years back, and insisted they just retain a guard, and I bet they spent more on paying the morning guard. And those old farts probably have the last laugh because town has grown more than 10,000 people 25 years since, and again their stubborness has cost us more!)
The guard said to me, ” what a nice day to walk! Be careful!” I replied with a “Thank you!” Ten seconds later, that cell that was in Western New England (far west Worcester County/Pioneer Valley Mass and the Peterborough area of NH) came right by. The winds suddenly picked up, there was the pellet like hail and it just suddenly got so cold, and I had to walk pretty carefully so I wouldn’t slip and fall.
I came back home after getting a morning coffee at the local Dunkin Donuts and about 30 minutes ago as I came back, the temperature outside my kitchen read 46, a 9 point drop in less than 30 minutes.
I’m telling this story to you first, because if I told my mother, she would had been scared to death. The roads I walk on were engineered for a town that thought it would always be 5,000 population forever.  Regardless, I have a few friends if that I can go out and stuff, so I am pretty self reliant. I have to be. And the risks I take I believe are reasonable. I try to avoid being the headlines on the top of first block of the 6:00 news or be a statistic above the fold of the morning newspaper.
Regardless winter will return later today and into tomorrow with some snow flurries. It probably won’t stick, but there should be snow showers on Sunday that should!

Mother Nature is Angry

Why its directed to me I have no reason of why.
I have no idea what is going on with in the department of climate wackiness. Its been a crazy year and maybe go back a few years too. Lets see, we have a milder and milder winter, and its sunnier and sunnier, and its hotter and hotter for longer and longer periods and yet there are girls who still have to moan and bitch about the weather.
In my area its been not only obscenely mild, but obscenely dry too. We have had a consecutive sunny weekends back to back for many weekends straight, and over the weekend we had a monsoon of rainshowers (that we desperately need) on top of that, its been windy! I, living in the Northern Hemisphere, had to deal with the winds hitting the north end of my house, since that’s where my bedroom is. And boy, was it windy. Fortunately we didn’t loose power and no electronic devices got killed by any potential “glitches” on the power grid.
And the sun made a cameo appearance within the last half hour with the temps suddenly hitting 63 degrees with a humidity factor. Now its gone (thankfully.)
I don’t get why the weather has been wacky, wacky in the sense that its been going on for wayyy too long (other than if the Mayan calendar is supposed to expire in like 5 months.) Bring back the cloudy rain and some sun every few days with cooler than usual temperatures for a change. And stay that way too.