You know when your live is ending… mine is.
my mother will bury me. Sorry. It is what it is. Goodbye
You know when your live is ending… mine is.
my mother will bury me. Sorry. It is what it is. Goodbye
A Puzzling View on Relationships the then ASD and relationship WordPress blog, was written in retrospect really poorly written – of course that had to deal with my anger towards women, ahem I mean narcissistic people; I written about my teenage challenges, that bled into my twenties and later in life.
Andrew Tate or Fresh & not so Fit, or the Men’s Rights Activists were never considered to be on my bingo card. Even when I saw MRA type content (such as the blog, Boycott American Women around 2014 or some MGTOW YouTubers in 2017) little would I know that these fringe groups would merge into a large cringe group as insecure men who are toxic themselves.
But what’s even unexpected in my bingo card, was that autism involuntary celibates would be a strong correlation such as one expert claiming that “it must be hard for a young man with autism to understand the dating market”… wait who is the typical person and who is comparing dating to trading commodities on the CME? Do I draw intraday charts of women’s sex appeal or draw candlestick charts of her Sexual Market Value?
Whose autistic again?
I think it’s much harder now to be single than being in your mid twenties and trash some parts of feminism and take the heat for hating women, but this is at such an ultimate low. There is an attempt to discredit all autistic men as shallow and strange men, and if this was reversed (say over-generalizing typical women ) this would not end well.
Men (and sometimes women) go into groups like going to the gym or do yoga, but sometimes this community lends itself into a cult, where the deeper messaging is through cynicism and hatred to the other. In these private gatherings, this safe space is not to express freely without judgement, its those people who feel injust to literally be protected by people that think like them, I don’t like to say like-minded, because it’s really a feedback loop.
Are gyms and yoga studios bad? No, are there people who get fit not Freaks? Of course, but are we encouraging that? No because it’s much better to create breeding ground of ammonciity, then to actually try to solve underlying issues!
The topic is on trans, crossdressing, and men. I want to indicate the subject of this blog is an autistic individual that has symptoms of learning challenges, anxiety, depression, ruminating thoughts. Sexuality and ASD (whether it’s legacy or post DSM-IV) is very complex but correlate but I believe it’s not a causation. This matter is mature in nature.
This will be indefinitely on a future episode of The Purple Pill. This post posted by someone on X formerly known as Twitter has a lot to say about men being in “women’s spaces” whatever the hell that means… This was “reposted” by Sydney Watson, a right wing “doctor”.
“The people in my life who I don’t feel seen or heard would probably say lots more things at my funeral. I’d be like: ‘why didn’t you say that to me when I was alive?’ That must say a lot about my upbringing”
A Continuation of a saga of a cutie at a chain boutique store, and a follow up in the search for her
“I was having a bad morning and seeing you made my day” stated Kayla
I had a Zoom session with my therapist who became mine following the events in the first year of the Hopeless Autistic. One of the things he wished we talked about more was girls, relationships sex or other things of this nature. Due to the recent events, and I only see him virtually on a monthly basis, that such subject was brought up. The day before, I brought this up to my friend whose doing respite, who formerly worked at my day program as a DSP. Both agreed the approach and my respite pal was agreeing that the only way to flirt is trial by error. This is unfortunately the situation so many are in.
I have written about Millennials on and off for the last decade plus, but I haven’t really followed up on this said generation that I technically fall into, but for the longest time I related to Gen Xers until they were worse than millennials and started to sympathize with Generation Z instead.
Can we call these 100 Million Millennials the Cluster-B Generation instead?
I still standby my belief to the point that I have said in other venues that of the 100 million or so Americans between the ages of 42 to 29, 80% should’ve been sent to a trash can of an abortion clinic. Millennials are extremely as narcissistic and unempathic like they were in their twenties a decade ago. What I’ve realized is…
Part of an ongoing series
Again on the theme of preventing transactional relationships, I bought an accessory and left not to long later as I didn’t see her, only because that first day was more of the browse, then this day would be the “shop” (I know cash in more time with sales associates!) Again as I have learned, the only way you can test relationships is not to buy anything at every time. For a learned lesson, consult the Buying My Way to Female Affection.
I have discussed this girl since my first run in with this apparent sales associate Windsor – that chain boutique store at an area mall. Stories with Cuties At Malls have lead to dead ends, especially when seasons changed, almost literally. In fact, I got word in my second encounter she may end in a similar way unless I get more creative and and to chase her out of their doors! The story featured here doesn’t just take place at the mall, it goes back to the situations with my family since the spring. People who know me the closest should not be surprised I am really “Shopping for a Cutie”.
These narratives also should be a guideline on how to flirt appropriately with the presumed opposite gender that is female as apparently autistics are incels! I do not take any responsibility for others using my advice improperly. I outline explicitly how to get a girl to truly like you for both your feminine sympathy and some masculine energy.
In fact there is a video on this as a theory I posted half way between the first time I saw her, and the second time, which was over a month and a half apart!
There’s a lot of risk taking, just socializing with anyone is a risk, let alone opening up. it wasn’t even ten years or so ago, where guy going in a predominately female boutique store would be considered to be a creep factor. Young women from that time, would have their guards up. Flirting in even the sexual sense can be done without even being implicit, making a girl happy is what matters. I will explain this on each instance this girl is the subject.
The Windsor girl is cute, but her personality was as important as her looks. For all I know she has a boyfriend, or she may just engage on the surface. This story might be the end as I think it may be developing.
I don’t like the fact of aging or being in second-hand aging. I remember my gram in her 50s and seeing things that I won’t share here, seem to be repeating with my mother. But my mother acts like she’s more like 70 (which is more common in Gen X for sure, I know too many of these ladies leaving 40 thinking they’re going to drop dead.
For me this is extremely emotionally taxing and very depressing, because any of my remaining youth and if a lack of any innocence remaining means I will have to be the caretaker of my mother sooner than later, which means I must sacrifice my own identity of potentially raising my own kids.
The rhetoric of “time flies” or “remember when?” or the typical menopausal woman-speak just gets so tiring. it’s almost as if they get more narcissistic as they age. The manosphere/red-pill crowds encourage procreation so their own offsprings and wipe their asses off when they get old. Wait isn’t being married to someone supposed to be doing that too? By those evil men says kids should be born to burry their parents is so demoralizing.
I know that 1/2 your age plus 7 is extremely controversial, but there is no one my own age, so why should I be blamed for at least trying to find someone that is at least above legal age and at least by this point born around the millennia to find a happy relationship? I am pushing for a Young, Cute and Sexy female in my life and a YCS figure that comes to mind is like that brunette, whose just as tall as me, skinny with a size small frame, whose so happy and jolly. She’s at least 13 years younger than I. But what am I supposed to do? All the millennials are not available that almost all of them are emotionally unavailable.
By going with someone reasonably younger, you can extend the menopausal time by at least 25 years, god willing!
Old people make me sad, makes me have to feel for them, and they’re an anchor to other people’s happiness. It’s getting to me.
This Independence Day has been interesting to say the least. Banter with my mother has become the usual, and I don’t engage as much anymore as I have previously written.
Today I woke up aprox 7:00 am, and stayed in bed for an hour. I had a couple Toaster Strudels as the dishes haven’t been done for whatever justification. Attempting to not nag, I let it go for the fifth day of not having some cereal. She does the dishes, at least that’s what was agreed upon since it’s been over a year the dishwasher broke, just out of warranty.
I went in to the living room about 8:30 to watch some second rate show on the Science Channel with pretty-boy Mike Rowe doing the sound on tape or SOT for the narrations. I stayed into the 9:00 airing, then went back to my room to take almost a complete nap as I was tired after 3 weeks of my bedroom makeover, that is still not finished, at least 85% of it is.