Update: The Ongoing Transition to Limited Relationships

As you probably know by now I no longer report on autism related issues from an autistic himself since September. I have been burnt out blogging to people who were taking advantage of my work and never contributed back. I was tired of Tweeting to people who were so smart but was so stupid to not learn how to interact with someone who doesn’t agree with them fully. That isn’t autism or Asperger’s, its just liberalism as a mental disorder. Anyways I was also burnt out trying to convince others that I could be like other people but some like this organization, and obviously this one where they have their minds narrowed to a certain demographic.
Well let me discuss what the last 3 years have lead me to (hopefully my autistic repetition/redundancy won’t be obvious.)
I moved near the end of 2010. I never moved more than 3 miles and in the same town in the first 23 years of my life. Where I live now is within 20 miles where I used to live. At the same time, I had finished school about 2 years prior and I was receiving services in a new agency, and went though heavy reflections.
Essentially my remaining soul, identity and social makeup ended.

  • My social circle was really limited and to the point I should describe it as fragile. I often felt jelious and envy because I didn’t have what they had and sadly I felt like I wasn’t “good enough” for them. Wether it was coincidence or not, my friends abandoned me when I moved, some were nearly half to a full hour away where I live now.
  • In January of 2011, I launched the online publication called  An Alleged Autistic,  because I had questioned whether or not I was seriously autistic, whether or not the autism rise was real and later questioned the autistic movement (later entitled The Forgotten Autistic after realizing an entire generation, the first generation of the autism boom was entirely forgotten.) The major Autism organizations are focusing on a second generation boom that impacts fewer people than others born around 1987 to 1993.
  • After realizing a bunch of referral traffic coming from search engines with phrases like “can autistic people fall in love”, “why don’t autistic people fall in love” was the catalyst to launch A Puzzling View on Relationships in the fall of 2012. While this blog is no longer in active production, the hundreds of posts for archival purposes are timeless.

Where am I since the last year? Have I changed since the last year? Well let’s put it this way. I feel like I am technically borderline autistic meaning that I can be functioning to a certain degree, but unable to do things or handle responsibilities than to other people of my age group. I have came to a realization that I have difficulties that is hard wired in my brain that would require the most smartasses in the room to reprogram me, which is beyond impossible in 2014.
Where I am on Relationships
In 2011 I went into the multi stages of grief of loosing some friends from high school. In 2001-2005, I went through a similar process – that case was the elementary school “friends.” I put it in quotes because they weren’t my friends likely, it was a one way relationship. 2011 and 2012 was denial stages. I had to go through the process where I had to sever ties ether on my end or witness it on the other end. It was devastating.
2013 was an undocumented implementing of hitting the proverbial reset button. A lot of the focus was to get a job or find a work program. By April of this year I have been working my ass off to find a work program, and get some skills ASAP.
2014 is also the year of implementing the idea that I will never ever kiss a girl, and I won’t be in any “relationship”.  What else am I supposed to say, bullshit my readers of “oh sure, there is a girl out there for you, someone in her twenties living in the Manchester or Nashua area that is so-tolerant of dating someone who is borderline autistic  – by the books of course!” Sadly the reality is there aren’t that many twentysomethings living in NH because they hate the ‘burbs and they love Boston and NYC 100x more. And if there are any, they are taken, because you know the good looking girls are taken, the sweetest girls in the world are taken and the narcissistic girls and not to beautiful ones are single. For good reasons too!
Now the next implementation phase is to figure out how to live with my mother and learn to deal with her and how to co-exist in the next 5 years. I have threatened to move out on many occasions in the last year. Sadly there aren’t that many psychologists or therapists in this area (given that I live in the Greater Boston area) and yet there aren’t that many that focuses on autism, never mind adults so I can get a fair level of advice and support, etc. I say this because only someone who is an alleged expert would be the one who can help me implement the present and future feeling of a hopeless romantic and be my mothers son to grave. My mother isn’t looking to getting a man because most men of her age are fathers or they are gay or something worse. Because of this I feel that the relationship wouldn’t be threatened – for me.
The Hopeless Romantic & Autistic
I’m still a hopeless autistic, first; hopeless romantic, second. Its a really mad, mad world and it has taken nearly 4 years to figure it out. I am a “slow” person, and I am embarrassed to admit it. I don’t see a bright future. There are evil people in politics and in the special needs worlds that has made my life similar to the old USSR or the firewall that broke Germany in 2. And sadly I can’t fight against the experts who have built the wall. I’d be punished for it. Also I don’t have the energy like I used to.
All I want is to have a 1 week grace where I could relax from all of my problems. There are more problems I have dealt with this past calendar year to date which I haven’t mentioned. I really wished I could have one full year grace from all the problems, but that’s asking for too much. I’d like to spend a week in Orlando, Florida and see what makes young people so happy at Disney World, Universal Studios or Legoland – because I was unable to experience my childhood for reasons I have mentioned.
Anyways, beginning on July 17th, the publication is still in archival status and the search engines will once again be able to be searchable.

The State of Affairs for Autism and Relationships

There is a bunch of problems going forward for the next five to ten years for autistics and the “leadership” thereof about relationships and building friends, etc., etc.

To go into further detail of that statement; we face problems such as trying to fit every possible individual into one unified group instead of unifying 1 and 88 people with autistic or pervasive developmental disorders; secondly the research and assessment (or diagnoses) often compares us to the normal functioning peer groups; which is also an unfair and inaccurate portrayal to the autistic community.

There are a bunch of people who go around the world to speak about autism, to lecture about the subject or even speak badly (even with it being unintentional.) This problem is also a multi pronged issue too. One is the lack of editorial judgement when delivering these messages to the public; secondly the medium is the message; especially in the world of the Web and social media; and how the people take these messages. I’ve said in the past that for a long time people in the Millenial generation (born from 1977 to 2001) were the most intolerant generation of people with developmental disabilities; however that number is slowly going down – but not a lot. The problem here, is those numbers are becoming tolerant because of a career path they have chosen, not really because they want to be tolerant from the heart.

And the last point is what becomes the most dangerous part for ANYONE with autism; the message, or the medium may mislead these future professionals of the special needs industry; there is still some mixed messages that all autistics are mute and dumb, and often they are lost little bastards; and often its boys; because its only boys who are bad; and its only boys who are into science and math; and again guys are socially retarded; and that all autistics shall not have a life like everyone else because of their alleged social dysfunction; and they really should be friends with their neurological peers; and shall not even have the chance of getting married and having offspring that might reproduce another autistic.

The entire boldface was the subliminal or innuendo messaging of what is taught in college, or in professional development (bitter people training.) There is a lot of psychobabble about “social pyramid”, “social capital”, “social this” or “social that”. And many of this BULLSHIT has anything to do with social skills!

So in closing, the state of affairs for autism and relationships are bleak and will have a dark future. Not because “progressives” want to make a movement for change and acceptance; its really for people who want to be career mothers or career slanderers to make blaintely false and misleading statements that all autistics are bad, all autistics should be sent to Laconia or a state that still has a state school for developmentally disabled people. And yet we have to settle with the fact of “they are being honest” and “they are telling the God honest truth” but yet if I make a “God honest truth” I’d be charged for hate speech even if there isn’t a  hate speech law in my state.
The only option is to settle with the “facts” with the hopes these people will die to hell sooner rather than later.

No Girlfriend – No Problem!

The beginning of the new year (well as early as late September, as I started the “Countdown”) was really a sigh of relief. I realized that the chances of me getting a girlfriend in the near to distant future was going to be pretty low odds. I really don’t see a future for me and romance.I just don’t see it.

While it is so painful dealing with the idea of being single, I’m finding it a good idea. I won’t have to worry about loosing my gf due to a big argument  I won’t have to worry about not getting AIDS or another STD, since the sex rates with the suburban girls are probably much higher than one thinks.

I won’t have to worry about getting distracted from the g/f, and I can continue to avoid from social situations since many 26 year olds are often taken, or in a committed relationship. And other 26 year olds often have gone to college, and I don’t.

I won’t have to worry about meeting various demands, since girls require a guy with a University education, and working for some large company taking home at least $45,000 after tax. I won’t have to feel so ashamed living with his mother as girls don’t want a “looser”.
It is best to stay single!

My mother

I am going to speak as general as possible, as I do not want to exploit my family, as they don’t pefer me to write about them to the whole world. And given my traffic, the whole world does follow this blog.
Earlier tonight, my mother came home from work. On Tuesdays she works down at the Massachusetts plant. She comes home a little later than usual. I don’t know why I have a mood when she comes in. Maybe its because its a change of environment because she comes home and I’m home alone all day.
Or maybe its because I have sucked at doing chores at home. Maybe my mother sucked at being a mother. Or maybe my mother shouldn’t raised me at a young age.
Within 2 minutes after she came in, she noticed I left a couple plates on the kitchen counter. She  started to point to the dishes and was going to mention it. I felt offended, and I started to get very upset and started to throw things and started to yell at her (and swore too.) I blurted out that she doesn’t fully love me in response of why I can’t do a simple thing such as moving dishes to the dishwasher.  I lost my patience and I felt really hopeless.
She also started to say that for the last couple of years she has tried to discretely hint me of my cluttered style in the dining and kitchen areas. I can’t explain why because a) I can’t articulate, and b) I can’t explain myself.
Unlike my mother, I don’t explain things, in this example, I don’t want to make excuses and another example I don’t want to degrade or come off as condescending.
I got very upset and cried in pain after. She avoided talking to me for the rest of the night (as I did as well.)  My mother also threatened me that she was going to move out and transfer the house under my name.  She things like that all the time during an intense argument  in which they aren’t as intense as they used to be, though I have gotten more physically aggressive to inmante objects. That really hurt, because I am not trying to take over the house or my mother. I feel that this desperate remark makes me come off as a spoiled brat, which is not my intentions. And I am not trying to “insult”, to use her words herself. I am trying to be fairly critical and also expecting the words to come right back as her counter response.
She also said that she wants to live with me, but since my organization is so bad, it bothers her so much that she was thinking of moving out.
I wished I could move out, but I can’t financially.
Given my current relationship with my mother, and my realization of not understanding what she sees through me, its like – what girl wants to be living with me if I am so emotional, fragile and messy? 
A part of my brain is ether dead or not working properly. And it’s so embarrassing  I know I offend my mother, and I feel some remorse but I can’t feel how bad I ether hurt her or how bad I have disrespected her.
In anyway, this story should had explained how I suffer with my autism and how my autism effects the relationships around me.

Slutty in the Head

My mind can wander into the gutter, just like other guys as they can be visual and stuff like that.
I can get lusty thoughts up in my head. But of course, I have control my hormones because gawd forbid if I get a little frisky to a girl, then I have to worry about getting assaulted, etc.
Again it is a female majority, so we have to treat them as god, even though god is supposed to be a man. I have to give them high levels of respect.
Even when they dress trashy. We still have to treat them as queen bitches.
I get really offended from people like my mother who gets offended for me checking out a girl who clearly is doing it to get attention. My mother for maybe the rightful reasons has taught me to be “discrete” to visually look at a lady.

Continue reading

How can someone fall in love (ROMANTICALLY) with an autistic?

When they have meltdowns?
When they get upset easily?
When someone has sensory issues?
How can they handle their social quirks?
The busing of the brain that stops processing various the verbal cues, social cues, etc?
I don’t know.
I do know that not everyone with autism can fall in love and go into a lifelong relationship.
Love is a feature missing to some people who suffer of the brain disease known as the Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD.

“Definition of ‘Marriage'”

Now that I am not seeking future relationships, I have the time to start discussing the bigger picture of how this blog was intended to be.
Have you seen my banner and the various statements, phrases and questions about “Relationships”? The title of this story, is called “Definition of ‘Marriage'” this phrase was derived as legalese. The reason that phrase is legalese, was a community I used to live several years ago wanted the local board to send a memo to the State legislature of the town’s view on marriage. My state has approved homosexual marriage a few years ago. The community, which was (and is) extremely fiscal and very socially conservative, had taken advantage of using the ballot to vote their views.*

* I did not vote on that question, because its technically illegal to put such question in a “town meeting” legislature, since the ballot is supposed to be electing board members and approving the budget. This never was challenged on the legality. Everyone in town talked about the legality of marriage, and never about the legality of the question being put on a “ballot.” The other things, like this issue would be done on a Saturday meeting at the local school and holding up a card for approval/disapproval and the “townies” going up to speak about their approval or disapproval of various questions up for vote. (If you have watched Gilmore Girls, its kinda like that, only once a year mind you.)

I totally digress. I should avoid talking about politics only if politics effect relationships.
I’ve wondered about the views on marriage really is. It’s cheaper to not get married because of the lovely taxation that is only going to get worse. Having a kid ups the taxation. If you have a disability, and you receive Social Security or SSDI or SSI, a combined relationship means a consolidation of checkbook ledgers, which means your bennies may go down.
What really bugs me is how people have to put such mental and physical stress and typically the groom’s family putting money down for a wedding, that apparently becomes a writedown when the divorce comes along.
Getting married before legally the Mr. & Mrs. is very costly, and I’m not talking about the costs of a divorce! Divorces are very costly, and depending on who got screwed over (assuming a case of infidelity), may or may not get even more screwed because of losses of assets. If I were you, I’d be keeping asset log in case you loose precious items leading up to a divorce.
And who really gets screwed – the children! If couples have kids, this really shows how immature their parents are. The yuppitie yuppies always whine It’s for the Chillldreeenn! So divorcing is good “for the children?'”
We have to credit Hollywood for their leadership of having out of wedlock children, getting married and getting divorced as simple as clicking on the drop box on your Relationship Status on Facebook.
I’m not even talking about homosexual marriage like where this title originated from. I find heterosexual relationships is the most at danger. There is no meaning to “marriage”, again just talking about heterosexual marriage. I’m someone who thinks about money alot, and given this crappy economy, I would think money would be a strong decision maker for marriage. I just don’t get it.
I find doing a prenuptial is wrong. If you love someone so much to death, why is there a need to do a prenup? If anything you should do a will before a prenuptial.
I find the people who also tout traditional marriage are the ones that are doing the total opposite of what they are preaching.
What say you? Do you think marriage is overrated, or underrated. What is your “definition of  ‘marriage'”?

I told ‘ya so

If you thought the ASD/PDD community would get clobbered after the Sandy Hook Massacre, well I told you so on Friday.
The world is  A-Twitter with people not understanding that in almost every case of people with autism, there is a small number of people who may become violent, meanwhile 99% and more people are now being considered as monsters.
Do a Twitter search on just the lone hashtag, and you’ll know what I mean.
The fuel of hatred begins by having one bad experience (whether is first hand to third hand) and the ignorance just blows up from there.

Hurricane Sandy – Update

The preparations have been completed to the things I noted earlier. I was going to shut down the computer systems at 9:00 the earliest tomorrow morning, but I’ve decided to shut all systems down earlier than planned. I have 4 servers, 2 NT based ones for file/print sharing, and another one for the active directory, and a third running as a lab app server (trying to implement SharePoint) and a little Lacie network drive that attaches to my LAN. I did it remotely via my Remote Desktop Connection upstairs in my living room writing the story on my laptop and watching all local stations.
This is coming at the worst time of the year, one just another disaster to deal with, secondly we are approaching the holiday season. Veterans Day (a bank holiday – i.e. kids out of school), the Thanksgiving mini vacation, then the shopping seasons from mid November to just after New Years, and just the hustle and bustle and the ambient anxiety. This storm is just making the ambient rush just accelerate.  Maybe it would be best if I move to a new town, to a more quieter area or just people that don’t rush around.
As I am realizing my area isn’t going to get hit as I had thought of earlier, New York, D.C. and Southern New England are my concerns. From Mystic, Connecticut to D.C. from Battery Park City to Providence are somewhat troubling for me. I can’t imagine what these urban areas are going to go through. The suburban and rural and smaller communities have been a target by Mother Nature for the last few years. I’ll be monitoring the world south of me as long as I have power.
I think its best to not visit Southern New England or New York City later this year. My mother and I were planning to visit NYC the first week of September, and we have gone to the  LEGO KidsFest in Hartford the last 3 years and we visited Mystic, 3 weeks prior to last years Noreaster a year ago exactly to this day,
Its going to be somewhat troubling to witness this storm. It’s simply an understatement to even say that.

Middle Aged Women & Public Corruption

I have strong (and rightful) hatred to women of a certain age and their day job working as public employees at ether the local school district and/or educational collaborative that operate as a public sector op.
I’ve learned from these people. Well, they are teachers, they are public servants, so I am under the impression I am supposed to lead by example.  Women tend to be skeptical. They tend to not trust people (no wonder why I am so fucked up) including the boys in the SPED classroom.  They are paranoid. They worry too much. And lastly THEY TEND TO BE PRIVATE! (which really pisses me off about people with tits and cunts.)
As I grew up in the public institutions, I couldn’t stand the overzealous policies on “confidentiality”, “privacy.” I never forget the times where a teacher and another “paraprofessional” would talk near us then say “want to go into that room” then go and close the door and then talk with the blinds wide open. I never was paranoid about teachers talking about me. Well, maybe I lied, at a certain point in my life. Its like the Chicago way of doing business. Lets close the door then talk about things that shouldn’t be talked behind closed doors. Its the underlying factor how these people start to potentially violate public records laws, or to try to play the Privacy Rules of FERPA and HIPPA over the Public’s Right to Know Laws.
These liberal union cunts also thought we were so stupid that if a kid would go crazy in another classroom on the other side of the campus and get CPI restraints, that we didn’t know what was really going on thanks to the Corruption-Enabling (overzealous privacy enabling) Hacks in our schools!
And I wonder why I can’t talk to strangers! Because I was subliminally taught to have behind closed doors conversations with people in private!
I have no respect for women. They corrupt government, and they corrupt society and fuck up the most vulnerable people in society by overprotecting us! I sometimes wonder why in the fuck god created Eve. I suppose god is a filthy old jerk.