Family Units Hurting Autistics… (The things HFAs Refuse to Discuss)

High Functioning Assholes that like to flag people that don’t agree to their personal prejudices as ableist will turn the other side to see what really goes on to the non verbal, consensual types that come off lower functioning.

Autism is such an identity to a family unit from a few that I know. It’s really tragic. I see one acquaintance on Facebook (whom I am not friends with on the platform) with their younger sibling on the spectrum by a couple of years.) The individual is 33, but seems to be that sibling taking control of their life. It’s almost as if the parents go, that individual will be the primary care taker. I repeat this a million times, why the hell do hierarchal children have to be the primary care taker of an autistic? Why are you keeping the scope so damn tight? WHY?

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I’ve said before, I don’t have siblings (let alone a father) though I do have some cousins I am familiar with. Some of my cousins could have some characteristics of a sibling. I do often wonder what life would be liked if I had siblings. My mother had asked when I was 10 or so years old, and I said no. Part of it was just the fear of being around a baby, and just any additional fear. At that time I don’t think they had those “new sibling” courses they do today.
Though I wonder about them in a relationship sense as a sibling to sibling. I’ve heard stories about how they would be rivalries, they would compete, they would trash one and another, and the other things I see on the TV and watching the Kardashians series of programs.
Another thing I probe and question is are such relationships as a child change as an adult? I am not sure if many get along as adults, I wonder that. I understand (from my own experiences) that dysfunctional families can start at the adult age (and I hate to say I am one of those people too.)
Once I have more thoughts, I’ll post more on this subject