Autistic People Can’t…

…fall in love
…have intimate relationships
…have any “normal” friends, only their nerological peers
…publish web logs, because typically they write things that aren’t approprite for the public packet-waves
…can’t leave comments on blogs, only failover  to clicking on the “like” button
…have cyber friends
…can’t use dating sites
…can’t meet new people only if they have friends that know new people
..can’t use social networking webstites
…can’t cant can’t can’t can’t cant can’t can’t can’t cant can’t can’t can’t cant can’t can’t can’t cant can’t can’t can’t cant can’t can’t can’t cant can’t can’t can’t cant can’t can’t can’t cant can’t can’t can’t cant can’t can’t can’t cant can’t can’t* do anything other than be corporate whores!
(*sorry I guess my Betacam tape got “jammed” inside the deck)
If you found this page and you are trying to get answers, well here is a very direct response.
So to answer the question again, Autistics CANNOT FALL IN LOVE OR HAVE ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS!

Why I hate Vday, part six

Some of tonight’s TV programs had a Valentine’s Day theme, especially with The Big Bang Theory, and The Office. If you are a fan and you are in the Left Coast, or you live in another locale that runs these programs at other time blocks, I’ll won’t spoil the plots.
But I will say it had drama between encounters with an ex, and the bickering between one or the other couple, depending on what respected show it was.
In the real world, do people really get emotional about an ex? And does their hormones reactivate with the ex lover?
What do I know, I am the true virgin of this blog!

I forgot about this…

I bought a heart nearly 2 years ago at AC Moore and I used a Sharpie marker to do this shown below. I had burred upon the many stuff I have in my office.
This one is one of my current quotes.

“Love is a privilege – not a right.”

More to come, the day is still young for hating Valentine’s Day.

Can I have one of those “Hunk of Love Bear”?

I’m watching CNBC, a commercial ran from the Vermont Teddy Bear company and during this time of the year they run various Valentines Day spots (I think they also own Pajama Gram) and they are selling a $100 Hunk of Love bear. It’s a 4′ bear that is perfect for an autistic because it looks so cuddly. I admit I still snuggle with some of my mothers bears.  Given I probably won’t fall in love, this could be a nice $100 investment. 

Love and Lack of Romance

I had a secret agenda of launching this blog back in early September. I used the “relationships” phrase with honest intentions of talking about the bigger picture. But it is easy to get distracted and getting stuck on love and romance.
Something I have never experienced, nor do I expect that I will fall in love.
I am sick and tired of dealing with crushes. They can be really dangerous, and I feel that crushes lead to a depressing road of pain, over dreamy thoughts, and large amounts of guilt.
And I am sick and tired of the ideal of waiting, and when one waits, the time will come. What? Like 2038? I can’t wait for someone to come. At the same time this logic kinda counteracts with the idea that one won’t meet a girl or a guy at home, because they don’t come knocking at your back door. So if one has to hear that on a number of times, then why do these people give you advice to wait?
Makes no sense. Especially in a hustle and bustle world of running their lives like an enterprise. Do they wait for a critical decision to do a business if they’re at work, or wait for the right moment to get that deal? Probably in a socialist world that is acceptable.
I don’t know anything.  And I think I am better off being an outsider, because this blog wouldn’t exist as someone wearing a V-tag* I’ve felt like an alien, and I do feel like an outsider looking into a clear glass.
*I can be a sci-fi geek, if you’ve heard of the 80s (that looked like from the 70s) the sci-fi program V you’ll know what I mean!
I’m just like a Lego minifigure looking through a glass window seeing things from an outsider, someone whose a professional who doesn’t have time to have emotions and fun.
And there’s nothing wrong with that!

Girlfriends – Distraction (or something else?)

I’ve heard from other people who have been more romantically experienced compared to this writer that girlfriends can become a distraction. I can’t independently confirm that obviously. But my friend from high school had changed my relationship because of his girlfriend, though I guess he and others aren’t the only ones.
If you are a geek that likes to watch The Big Bang Theory, a show that kinda mocks the super high functioning autistic community, you probably got a kick last Thursday night (if you watch it on CBS like me.) The super Asperger character was in competition of writing a term paper (or something like that) with his competitive friend. The Dr. Sheldon Cooper character started to feel not so smart because of his counterpart writing a better paper. Well it turns out his counterpart said if he was spending a lot of time with Amy,  his girlfriend. He also bragged about his alleged sex life, in which Sheldon doesn’t like or wants to do.
I’ll leave out the technical information, as you could go onto the CBS’ website and see the clips, I just want to keep this post general to people who might not watch that program. (If you are a reader from outside the United States, please consult to your local network’s listings/website to find the show in your area.)
But it is rather funny, even the most intelligent, but socially retarded individual could have his life disrupted due to being in a relationship.
But again, I do not know, because I have never been in any romantic relationship other than having endless crushes.

Slutty in the Head

My mind can wander into the gutter, just like other guys as they can be visual and stuff like that.
I can get lusty thoughts up in my head. But of course, I have control my hormones because gawd forbid if I get a little frisky to a girl, then I have to worry about getting assaulted, etc.
Again it is a female majority, so we have to treat them as god, even though god is supposed to be a man. I have to give them high levels of respect.
Even when they dress trashy. We still have to treat them as queen bitches.
I get really offended from people like my mother who gets offended for me checking out a girl who clearly is doing it to get attention. My mother for maybe the rightful reasons has taught me to be “discrete” to visually look at a lady.

Continue reading

Love is Gross!

Love can be gross. My family doesn’t like romance, which is probably where I got the positive influence from.
I found this random Facebook profile recently, and thanks to the new cover pictures, it enables the alleged social elite to show off their rosey and privileged lifestyles. This individual couldn’t help herself of keeping some modesty of her content.
This is pretty disturbing. If you love someone so much, just keep it to yourself. All you are doing is expecting some criminal case against you for sexual harassment!

Why I hate Vday

I will be starting a series leading up to Valentine’s Day. I am not as bitter as I used to anymore of the Catholic created “card holiday” since Valentine was a Saint.
I digress.
Here is something about love that drives me nuts. All those proverbial thoughts about a fairy tale “story book” chapters. I sometimes get myself caught into my dreamy world. But in the real world, it is not good. Even Catfish sometimes sensationalizes stories to make them “storybook” like event.
I don’t like it. Its distracting. And its overrated. And its unrealistic.