The Reason for my Existence

I sometimes feel with unhealthy co-dependent relationships is for a third-person (that’s me) to be exposed to other people’s trauma and being trapped into forced-empathy…. only because I am different.

This is why men need to ejaculate responsibly, and women to be a bit more careful when deciding to keep the baby to live.

And yet older people are blaming the younger generation for them choosing to be socially rigid, never the emotionally demented or unavailable parents.

Did a Dude Dress Like a Lady? (Take Three)

In July, I was researching in relocating to another region. This time it was Keene. Home to Keene State College, this may not be the ideal place. I also have discovered some creepy “First Amendment Auditors” on social media where I saw a video of a negative encounter with the Keene Police Department, something I am preventing to not do with what happened closer to home, with the Merrimack folks.

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Age Gap Relationships

It’s been a while…

How’s your summer in here in the States, hot or not? It’s been mayhem as the situation is more borderline or autistic than myself. I have to yet again sacrifice without bitching about changes of routine. I dream of stability – it’s so bad, I lust for it.

I really wished I never was born. Period. Full stop.

Let’s move on to a more pressier topic.

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Bullied by #ActuallyAutistic individuals… these folks are really ID politics

Recently I was bullied, defamed, and slandered from #ActuallyAutistic types. Upon researching this topic to see if there was new developments, I found this blog, by an mother whose actually on the spectrum with children on the spectrum. More moderate, but I don’t fully agree, but I certainly agree more than an #ActuallyAutistic…

a video reaction from another video reaction by me within the last few days.

Regardless I did reply about my experiences, but as you know I can’t fit everything into 100 words. I commented on this late last night, to only wake up this morning to see it being rejected.

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“Cutting Over” from Co-Dependent Relationships

The phrase “cutover” is a term derived from the telecommunications industry , customer equipment world is to switch from one network to the other, whether it’s a a Centrex network to a PBX phone system, from one carrier to another, etc.

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Is Enhanced 9-1-1 in New Hampshire Singling People Out?

The files of a Hopeless Autistic continues on nearly 8 years – to the day after the then head of the Merrimack, New Hampshire Police Department had an encounter with me to then dossier me after the fact, feeling that the department was singling out non fully typically Caucasian people.

Want to know where FBI-wannabee Mark E. Doyle has gone?

The head of the Enhanced 9-1-1 bureau of the Department of Safety. You can’t make this shit up, and I get he could get promoted to say a mini-me FBI gig, but our Emergency Communications? He knew I was trying to get into IS management in telephony!

So on Saturday, the backup PSAP for our Enhanced 9-1-1 in Laconia is going to have an open house. Little did I know until recent years that the backup faciliity was also on the same property Laconia State School, since shooing people like me out into comunnity services mean the state had to figure out what to do with 200+ acre property!

The state actually sold it near Christmas in a Friday news dump; and it’s no longer State property.

Regardless, I thought maybe I should repair the broken relationship after seeing this tweeted out.

So I tried yet again and was explicit of why they just ignore citizen requests.

So no response, so no trip to Laconia. However this is another reoccurring thing with the way the State of New Hampshire works, anti-neighborly relationship between workers and citizens, unless you work for WMUR-TV Manchester, the Union Leader, or some High Value Non Government Organization. It is a “swamp” but for extremist, hard right people. I guess the experience with the Town of Londonderry was the abnormal experience as opposed to the anti-citizen, obey me or else attitude of a mini-me Federalist government that is the State of New Hampshire.

Since our state takes texting for 9-1-1, I guess I’ll have to implement the text platform because when in distress, knowing my precise location outside of street address, city (and state for redundancy) since we have an apparent ableist running our most critical hotline in the state.

This man is an April Fool! He should be banned from the New Hampshire Retirement System for his overt hard right bias in a profession!


Hopeless Hangover

What great start to a long month to date. The local indie station in the market reshares photos sent to the station using a well-known hashtag. Finally I had. been seen. But before that I was struggling to be seen by the local media. I had been in a contact with a now former Boston media news personality and that individual was ghosting-me in the sense that the individual would be quick to respond if it was in that individual’s interest but was unable to pay it forward to help me. That litmus test was following an essay published in Boston Magazine for the February issue (now you can figure out who I am referring to and if you know that individual, the oldest offspring is autistic.)

I was also laid off from BCOP-TV as part of a 20 minifigure after bombing the February Sweeps with low rated stories, including Tuned Out. So feeling just seen, and barely heard, and unsure how the Minifig Newsguy can work out in the long term, I started to inform my followers that I am taking some from of a long term leave of absense from my platforms (with occasional posts.

In the midst of this, I took a spur of the moment plan to go to Portsmouth, NH for a 4-day weekend. That turned out to become a 5-night weekend because my scheduling gyped me a week because the February short month discount. It all worked out, my mother worked on site for 1/2 the day on the 1st and took me to Portsmouth, just over 24 hours the day before she booked the room and for the first time ever in my life was I prepared within a day to be out of the home for more than several days.

The very long weekend was not a complete waste, but it would progress into one social mishap to another… by Friday evening, after being at a local bar of a pizza joint I have frequented since the days of SLC, the bartender (ironically named “Stephanie”… given female name for a princess and a potential stiff bitch) I lost it. While I heard cursing and yelling outside on the sidewalks, I started to record a “voice note” despite it was recorded on a Canon Vixia prosumer ENG camera… and then lost it…

“I feel so lonely, that not one soul would understand the pain I am going through”

And hell yeah, no one did kinda check in on me.

What really this was was the detoxing of 3 1/2 decades of feeling like a dust mite, really just soulless human being, where my life has flashed by and it apparently is all my fault. The way the American public opinion is heading by the hard-right, authoritative theocrats is not only hold-yourself-by-the-bootstraps, but take your own problems in your own hands and fix your own problems without telling the world.

I have, and it hasn’t and that’s why I posted this.

Well you shouldn’t be doing that, that’s for sissy gay little boys, you aren’t working hard enouugh.

Well I have


And this the rhetoric I am dealing with indirectly.


The DHHS Files…

(Since The Facebook Files and The Twitter Files is-a-thing.)

Concurrent to The Hopeless Autistic, I’ve retained  emails to my support people as well as the state level. At the time I had connections to the head of DHHS at the time who left because he was term-limited. As I reflect in the moment of 2016… the Commissioner at the time thought like me where there should be direct relations; but the people below him did not see it that way, if anything they doubled down on the supervisory nature of the patriarchal-bureaucracy. I should say Federalization, meaning any three letter Federal agency cares about if a subject has been rubber-stamped, without any nuance.

Another part of this was the autistic brain and the confusion of roles. If you remember grade school and being lectured about “roles” and “expectations” from higher authorities, well imagine this hell for four years while I was part of the planning committee for the Family Support Conference. The people worked for this part of DHHS happened to have family members with a disability, but it was unclear who was the authority, or a fellow family-support type? By no means was I intended to be any whistle-blower, or attempt to trivialize the FSC, but I suspected that the state trivialized it from within! The conflict of interest was very apparent, and conflicts of interest is based on perception. Of course I would never speak on this publicly until that perception was apparent. In 2020;  an area agency runs it and lot of it was cut back, and now it’s run by mostly apparent mama bear types; and no external representation that the conference was known for. It had been canceled because of the pandemic

The female patriarchy of the system is stuck in a 1987 mindset of old mamabears knowing what’s best for the hierarchal disabled child. In 2022,  I had expressed what this mindset could do to a non verbal type.

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2023 – Pissed Off!

I start the new year, just feeling pissed that the developmentally delayed population has officially been politicized against my group not necessary republicans vs. democrats, but old ladies that want their kids to remain kids. I am drafting the reposting of 2012 era An Alleged Autistic scribes and the things i had thought then, I couldn’t imagine would happen today.

Me and my group are institutionalized, but it’s covered up in community environments without a brick and mortar facility. I’ve talked about the day program problems, and recovering from the abuse from narcissists in the environment in 2019, 2015-16, and the school district environments, but it didn’t take till the pandemic to realize this was a reoccurring trend and how really bad the recovery is probably going to go away by 2027. and we lost a few years… sorry to say.

But my hatred in life is real, raw and worse than anything I had previously written about. Because it impacts me, and I feel personally worthless that it only took less than 5 years to destroy a system that worked, to something the experts thought would be better, and now I am facing enemies that of course they’ll point the finger at your’s truly and those people will never take any responsibility for their inactions in a state that tells you to pull yourself by the bootstraps.

Since The Twitter Files and The Facebook Files is a-thing, a project for Spring 2023, is The Bureau of Developmental Services Files. I will share redacted emails of paper trails I left on my end in a very complex relations with the highest power of adult services while they had comingled with the annual family conference. While speaking as someone with a disability to these people who coincidentally knew my case; the boundaries were so blurry, that even I was gaslit by these people who still work for the agency. Since those emails are on archived servers, it will take time for me to recover and then share them, but in short when crap hit the fan in the spring of 2016 with me, there was a lot of things they were looking at to the point where people asked why was the concerns against me not addressed?