Why I “Broadcast” Self-Desperation and how people cover their a-es

In September of last year, I reached out to a former day program manager’s personal iPhone number who was at that point considered to be a natural support. That individual ghosted-me and never had contact with me. After leaving a message of the tone described in the video, and a year went by after the two unit police welfare check… I realized what really happened.

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The Granite State’s Largest Mental Health Agency that Can’t Do Crap!

Again, leaving names withheld to protect the innocent while not naming the agency in the Well Known Largest City in the 603….my own observations, my own opinions not influenced by anyone. This is one’s observations of a family member with a mental health issue with an early onset of dementia that is outside of the mental health system, that is another type of “dual diagnosis”

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The Crappy Mental Health System in The Granite State

As per to the editorial policy… names, locations, likeness has been redacted to protect the innocent, if you know it, you’re in the area or know the biggest city and do some mental math..

If you thought the DD system was bad… well the mental health system is as bad if not worse…

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Social Gatherings for Autistics to Typicals? Nothing here… move along!

In a undisclosed place I talked about a year ago, a place in Manchester is still sticking to their guns with clinical heavy social skills training and zero one on one support. The last correspondence via email was the top chick, boss-bitch like woman. As usual the reply said “sorry to hear about this” (again what is with Millennials and their lack of native medium sympathy, you cannot “hear” an email to the generation that hates telephony!)

What was her recommendation? Not supported or endorsed, but there’s a speed dating event in Nashua…

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Death & Taxes (and burdons)

Recently, another family member that I mentioned early on in the YouTube days, passed away in August.

That family member was buried at the same cemetery as my grandmother, more on how and why that drama is sad is for another day.

However because the spouse and son plus the fiancee, counting my gram and nana and great grandpa, the space that claimed to hold ten, that the headstone engravers claim 8, is now down to 2 or 4 more.

Again the lone 37 year old in the lowest root of the hierarchy is feeling the emotions. The family member with a mental health now an early state dementia is unclear where they’re going to be buried. My mother wants to be buried with her mother.

My mother does not have a will yet, and my concern is that won’t happen; not that I want her inheritance but all the strings attached to my services not just my benefits. In order for that to work properly having the funds be in a trust instead, she needs three trustee types. Well those people aren’t that young either. One couple I do not trust, which is her fundamentalist friend; where her static world-view is on IDD is pretty much preset with no ability to gently challenge.

As I hear this stuff, I get anxious. Not having a disaster recovery plan a year ago, should’ve been a wakeup call. In fact loosing Gram was a disaster. I also temporarily lost benefits due to a misunderstanding on my mother’s end that caused the case to close as gram’s health was declining. Ironically, I would get a backpay of nearly two months, and screw up the Social Security, which lead that to ups and downs.

The benefits is one thing, the other was not having food to eat for a while. These were the nightmare scenarios I was freaking out several years before, fearing I wouldn’t have hands to hold when everything would crash!

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The “Epidemic” of Apathy

“Scientists announced today that they have discovered a cure for apathy. However, they claim no one has shown the slightest interest in it.”— George Carlin

I’ve noticed the rise of apathy for at least two decades, nearly a third of my life. In the oughts it was subtle, but obviously when things got politicized into the Tea Party and the rise of Trump, apathy went on a multi digit uptick.

It shouldn’t be a surprise when books like The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck was popular in the mid teens. When I bought the book for the first time just last year, while I was in Portsmouth, I wanted to get sick and vomit because I couldn’t believe i would be reading a book that despite having “fuck” inside the book where if I had a shot I’d be wasted by the first couple of pages, but just the cavalier nature of not having any sympathy of empathy as it’s being legitimized is the step into the wrong direction.

The apathy rose as Covid came to be. People were highly skeptical of the science, and didn’t care if they were super-spreaders or if people died. If someone died from Covid, it was written off as well shit happens. But a couple years later, as Roe was overturned, those “shit happens” people were all in glory that the right to live at all costs was going to be reversed. It’s not the baby’s fault for being created – even if it was caused by incest!

It shouldn’t be a surprise to see that people have no sympathy for preventing novel viruses to spread or understand that conception is not a tramp wanting to be a tramp. People do not care about history, or how something worse than a common cold can cause long term issues (such as long haul Covid) or the complex nature of pregnancy, especially when lawmakers are mostly men who forgot their vague “Female Anatomy” lessons in school many decades before.

CEOs and business leaders are completely removed from the products or services they produce. They care about pocketing “profits” and feel entitled to make millions on performance, not on actual quality. We put them up on a pedestal and respect them with their rizz. But even in non for profits, CEOs are put on so much sympathy when they lack the empathy.

Managerial people are the faces that most rank and file people will see, but managerial people have to ensure resources are properly allocated to the perceived better groups of people. This leads into caveman styled tribes, us versus them, leaving more division than unity, and will often preach unity through “team building” events to get the employees to buy into the manager’s delusion. Managerial types lack the understanding of what goes on behind creating a product or service, because they are fulfilling the need of a vice president or a CEO’s demands.

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Off Topic, “WE TOOOLLD YOU SO!” – Remembering a WCBS Radio commercial in my teenage years.

In a recent vlog, I had recalled a chant, not a jingle of a commercial that aired on WCBS Newsradio 880, legally known as WCBS New York just for kicks that changed “WE TOOLD YOU SO!!!” The commercial was very effective, like a jingle made by Steve Karmen without music.


When I reached out to Wayne Cabot (now the morning drive anchorman for 3 more days only) who was on the PM drive when I was a teenager, it was racking his mind but Wayne couldn’t come up with the client. When asked in that same DM over a year ago on X, formerly known as Twitter, it appeared that anyone in the sales department were long gone as the New York radio groups have been more consolidated.

The auditory brand of this unknown company would stick to my brain nearly 199 miles northeast from New York City. It’s the story of my life. It was a no-brainer that I’ve been writing about denying my 30 year old diagnosis and then realizing that I started to see the end of what the system was going to treat me and my peers as communal adversaries. And every time I would suggest resisting the regulations,  no one wanted to risk a non-compliance.

And people in my group are getting figuratively screwed over.

Why The Granite State IDD Adults Are Likely Suffering

Their vision of community based supports, for some individuals feels like someone else’s delusion.

Submitted this to a Survey Monkey questionnaire the BDS was seeking answers. To steal the phrase from the fake Steve Balmer, the whole community based supports, is a bunch of “smoke and mirrors”!


Survey Monkey Time! Will Our Dysfunctional State Gov’t Finally Listen?

Who knows…I’m not holding my breath

in a 7 question survey found on the client portal of my area agency, last week wether I was on my male-period or what, I decided to be blunt

Here was the 4th question: What improvements or changes would you like the Bureau of Development Services to consider regarding self-directed programs?

listen to the area agencies’ concerns as families are not allowed to be in contact with BDS or have BDS involved more with families and individuals

They also asked “Are there any innovative approaches or best practices you have encountered that support self-directed programs?”

listening to the individuals and not push them what a coordinator’s grand view is of supports and services.

Another one I threw in a Direct Support Professional shortage and how the state has a law that prohibits anyone making over $20 an hour without justification, the question was ”

What areas do you feel you need additional support to successfully manage your self-directed program?”

more *qualified* direct support staff that can be paid in a liveable wage [sic]

Anything else you want the BDS to know… I sure sounded off…

The Bureau knows for years pushing clients out into community based supports 6+ hour days and 5 days a week in the wild has not worked for a number of clients. Their vision of community based supports, for some individuals feels like someone else’s delusion. Also the importance of direct support professionals and how they need to be paid better, and the career ladder shouldn’t have DSP and management on the opposite sides of said ladder

I really don’t care about political correctness to conservative bureaucrats anymore – if their grannie panties go up in a bunch, not my responsibility. I can’t see this anymore.