The Unintended Consequences of Mommy-Blogs (as well as Autism Parent Blogs), Group Think and Allaboutism

Upon research this morning before publication, blurb showed about 4 million blogs are online according to BYU, on parenting.

While I couldn’t find a stat on a Google search on so-called “Autism Parent” blogs, there is no data, but let’s lump them into the parenting blogs, without the toxic sullen, covert narcissism of how their autistic child can’t do any damn thing.

While this may be sketchy on the Google side, I did try to find statistics on teenage blogs or abandoned children, etc., no avail.

Let’s put it this way,  The Hopeless Autistic is one of the few on the Web that is focusing on crictical view of parents from a child, nearly 40 – that has “failed to launch” and narcissism experts like Dr. Ramani Duvasula would put that type as a narcissist, which I think is a bit unfair looking at how so many Generation Z is really struggling to grow up from the militant culture of Gen X, their parents.

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How People Autism/Spectrum Disorder Has Been Continuously Devalued by the Typical Population

Editorial Note: The title has “Autism/Spectrum Disorder” because I use it interchangeably since many just use “Autism” instead these days

Gonna miss those hated Boomers when they pass on.

The younger generation (when I say “young” I say under 55. The prospects are not looking good for typical minded people as I fear they don’t want me to exist.

Gen X (the alleged Forgotten Generation) 1965-1981

Generation X was coined because they weren’t sure how to name the thirteenth generation. Struggled during the 1970s under inflationary pressures, mixed in with no-fault divorce, and other turbulent times, Xers became adults at 12, and kept to themselves into the 80s and 90s. They loved Ronald Regan’s pro-growth economic agenda (that gave everyone Black Monday, the dot-com bubble and the 2008 Financial Crisis.

Gen X was also the generation where their offsprings were cursed with a vaccine injury known as Autism. Most of this population are in the Gen Z group. Ironically no one really talks about anyone injured with a vaccine in the 1980s babies. Regardless Gen X’s favorite film Rain Man,  mixed in with their technical training on the IBM 5150 in high school, these hopeless people thought they didn’t need no stinkin education, it’s all on Google. Xers listened to their sisters like Jenny McCarthy and believed their kids autism was caused by vaccines Continue reading

“White Rural Rage” – An Antidote of “loosing” a Loved Family Member

The other night, I came down to the living room where my mother was watching reruns of a military law enforcement drama, where that plot was an illegal alien was likely going to be deported with his young daughter hugging him in tears. The episode aired in 2018 (the show was on it’s 14th or 16th season) around the time of “the caravan” drama. She thought it was 2020, but that was the year of COVID and there was lots of domestic issues if you remembered.

I feel like I am going to be “loosing” my mother at some point down the road from all this political manipulation and the rising levels of outrage, hate and resentment mixed with nihilism it’s almost as if she’s a lost cause and I may have to turn away from the very person who created me.

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