New Hampshire is an Autistic’s Worst Nightmare

I was an outsider till about 21, once I went into the most corrupt area agency in the state. I didn’t get really active till about 25, and I’m still an outsider compared to the vast majority of aging Baby Boomers running many of the special interest groups or running the state agencies.

I laugh out loud wondering “what the f— are you talking about?” What in the hell do you mean by “progress”?

And why in the hell is all these workshops on “Transition planning”, guardianship, the transition post high school? Who gives a rat’s ass about those brats? They are in the minority.

So if you are almost 30, it’s still a living nightmare. Why? Because those same stupid Boomers knew that people would “fall off the cracks” but were too arrogant to do anything because they knew everything!


Yup, I think that’s why New Hampshire isn’t the place to be if you have autism. Especially when you’re in your 30s. Maybe the evil demons should make you jump into the river of hopeless hell unless the intellectual idiots can smarten up!

Reflecting, Figuring Out My In/Abilities and Moving Forward

I’ve realized in the last 10 years, out of the last 7 I did some massive reflections, but was that a good thing? I say yes.


Because sometimes in life, you need to look back and see what you done, why things “in the moment” went a certain way to move forward.

Because finding professional help is hard to come by in my state (and as I’ve stated before, I live in a civilized region…) so in the meantime I’ve not self-diagnosed myself per se, but I’ve tried to analyze what’s wrong with me, find a professional, confirm what I’ve been through then report back as a record to my area agency and the state’s DHHS.

My initial plan was figure out, if it was me or something else. Something else could be the system, the people I’m working with or again something outside of my control. These emotions and sensations date as far back as early 2011, and have accelerated especially in the last year, at the time where I’ve been trying to find help. I’ve been previously burned by several significant “experts” in this area, so to rebuild trust with 8 year people would take time.

I also never thought of using a search engine to find out people’s records. It goes back to the upbringing of “trusting the people” or the “professionals”, why would you search someone? Why would you search for your future date? Such actions would be “I think you’re a creep, and I want to be safe” – isn’t that showing weakness or lack of initial trust?

After being burned by the “experts”, I’ve used search engines, Wikipedia, WebMD and compile a network of data, and verify those sources and then have a conclusion. I’m one of information is power, but I also want confirmation of how able I am, how much I am a risk to myself, to others financially, psychologically, a burdon to others, etc.

People say I have a confidence problem, I say I’m borderline, and I don’t make that up. One instance I could be on the level of high functioning, but I could be risky in others. I have done various state required assessments, but it’s not like school with the infamous “3 year” reevaluation. Basically “labels” become illrelevent, but with the Managed Care coming forward to the day services, maybe it will be relevant again.

I’m not trying to shoot myself down, but I also don’t want to glorify myself ether. If I am not honest with myself, then I wouldn’t be honest with you and that not be a good healthy service to you, the reader, or the people in my life. But also I do not tolerate blaintent lies, complete defamation against me with unconfirmed facts. If you do something like that, then you have no business to be in my life ether.

I used to say I’m a complicated PDF document of 8,000 pages, and has gotten to the point I can’t figure myself out – at all. Again, if there is hope, someone will figure me out so I can move on, so perhaps others can feel the same.

One hopes.

Being in the “Middle” and feeling like I’m being on a cookie cutter

Editorial Note: Some of this information may be giving the public too much about the “welfare” system of my state. I am by no means advocating this for people to take advantage of the system. It’s important to understand how the existing Medicare system works in a brief sense, and if any changes happen to the system, the actions could also create even more serious, literal bloody hearts to the autistic population in my state, the Granite State. If the changes as indicated in special interest groups, it will cause even more problems that the taxpayers will have to be on the hook for (if only inferior special ed programs were not only so expensive, but so inefficient too.)

My services I receive in the state are Medicaid waivers, the ones used outside of the Medicare/government health care plans. Without going into specifics the way New Hampshire works is they receive funding from the Federal government then disburse the money to about 10 “area agencies”. In total, this is about 30 or so organizations that are traditional developmental services, chronic health and mental health.

The most ironic thing is that some individuals may have one or more issues (whether they are cross diagnosed with Down’s syndrome and autism; an autistic with depression or someone who had an acquired brain disorder but say they have depression too.) The system is not designed to help for both cases, you have to go to the agency that you have the most issues. (At one point when I was on the “waitlist” for over 16 to 18 months, my own psychologist who claimed to know everything on autism, suggested I go to my local Mental Health agency. The mental health is for people who are really “loopy” sorry to say. I wonder if my psychologist was really scared of me..)

In other states like Massachusetts, from what I know, is that all of the Medicaid wavers are done by the state agencies, at least two, the Developmental Disability Services (formerly known as the Department of Mental Retardation as late as 2010, during an election year!) and Mass Rehab. DDS and Mass Rehab does have third party vendors, but they contract with the Commonwealth. In contrast, the State of New Hampshire’s government for all of these services are done with very few people. The Developmental Services bureau employes less than 18. Most of their jobs is to oversee the agencies plus the vendor programs. The New Hampshire system was created under a very tight to the right Republican, John H. Sununu in the mid 1980s, while most of Massachusetts’ system dates back to the “Duke” (and if you’re a local like me, you know him as  Michael Stanley Dukakis, who was responsible for renaming the state “Taxachusetts”. In fact many of the democratic hacks since the late 80s have only made moderate to severely autistic people hopeless, more on that in future posts.)

In recent years, in the southern part of the state, a movement to “Client” or “Consumer Directed Services” came in the late 00s. This enabled individuals like me to go a completely customized solution, with reason to the vendors and allow me to have my own goals, my own way of program delivery, etc.

The problem is how can it be true? As your mother would say “if its too good to be true, then it must be.” Especially if you come from the stigma of being mislead about your Individualized Educational Plan. Especially if you were your own guardian between 18 to 21. IEPs aren’t what they are cracked up to be, so if you struggled in school, how can you change your thought process?

I’ve been in 2 vendors since 2010, one for about 2 years, and the current one since the beginning of the year. The latter seemed to have more hope, but I am against more severely disabled people who are not in CDS like programs, but I have to (by means of common sense decency) try to assimilate with the non CDS/at risk/severely disabled and try to keep my goals and my needs to my own business.

Because I am still with the program I do not want to go into really dirty details, but basically the program treats everyone no matter what system they are in, like children. Some of the staff are very impatient, and come off as “bossy”, while the vendor has defended themselves to me stating it was a misunderstanding. I don’t care if its a “goal” vs “what they grew up with” vs if they are in a CDS program or not, they should have some right to being respected with some decency. At least can it be an option!

So even in a CDS system, I still feel like there is some “cookie cutter” that I can’t even fit in! I’ve tried and tried and tried to get into a program that will fit me at least 90% (since life is not all about you or be fully happy…)

I got an Xbox 360 for Christmas in 2013. I haven’t played it in a while. It’s because I’m spending all my time and resources trying to find a program somewhere in downstate NH and trying to find the best program, tried to find a “safe” place for work, and tried to contribute to society at the most I can.

Also trying to find a “safe” place where I can meet my own goals without being a target for doing something “wrong” or not meet to the vendor’s own expectations or be called out for being “immature”, etc. All of this “noise” of mixed signals and mixed messages on both Concord, the local area agency (to a lesser extent) to the vendors, (to some extent) to even the training standards is how you could possibly be messing up children that become young adults.

This is what I call “goo” – that gets put in the brain takes years to wash away and this “goo” also scars and eats away of ones life. Why has the state of New Hampshire allowed this to happen for so long? They have caused a micro generation of autistics and similarly disabled people to be “stuck” with this crappy “goo” for no reason. Why did this state not act more gutsy and break “social rules of the road” and call out the offenders?

There is a reason why being holy doesn’t get you places. If you are holy like Switzerland Cheese, your diplomatic approach to life will just create a hole in your heart. You may have a hole in your heart, but your actions creates holes into other’s brains. Whats worse, being all “Swiss” also enables you to fill the hearts and brains with this “goo” that takes decades to get out and recover.

Change My Diet – Feel Better?

It is not abnormal for autistics of all ends, to ether be overweight due to being on medication or having a narrow scope of foods (soft textures loaded with fat or sugary content) causing many to have a larger waistline.

Some of these diets could be eating away from Vitamin D, which is the nutrient for energy. I do walk often (well not this year after the 6 month heatwave and other issues with community officials), and where I live, the neighborhood is very open so the 360 days or so is often sunny, so how could I not be getting Vitamin D? The diet could be the culprit?

But why should I change my diet? How can I be magically happy? I do not feel that the context of this blog would go away, and I feel its not a dillusion anymore.

The problem is in order for me to feel better, the people around me need to be healthy and happy, and a system that isn’t oppressive and regressive. Autism Speaks turns 10 this month and yet they caused their own autism regression in awareness. Autism Speaks has made the disorder like a disease (which developmental disorders had existed before 2005. For gawd sake’s alive the Autism Society of America was around for another 40 years before and yet they never encouraged double-murder suicide.

Change my diet and the state will seem to be more accommodating for services?  Change my lemonaid or soda intake and see people wanting work with people like me?

I really hate to say this, but I do fear what I’ve been seeing in this year alone in the State of New Hampshire is so tragic that even I make myself happy, I’d still be struggling to be fully happy due to the ignorance of leaders in our state who clearly are waking up at 5:00am to create unneeded politics and unneeded drama on the autism spectrum disorder. Who hurts? The individuals themselves.

The SAU Sector’s Lack of Mitigating Problems

I treat school districts, educational collaboratives and other school, or even adult services, Medicaid, others like any other public sector entity. But a decade ago (or even today) it wasn’t working like any other public sector.

How I view constituent services:

  • The role of an e-911 operator at a public safety answering point or PSAP is to take my emergency call, wether its fire, police or EMS types
  • The PSAP from the state government tells my local fire, police or EMS types respond (hopefully!) within 6 minutes or less
  • If my family’s wheels get damaged by a pothole, I can’t call 3-1-1 but I would have to dig through the phone book and find the number to the local DPW and hope they would honor the request to fill the pothole since “tracking numbers” is too much of an expense of a computer system for the Granite State
  • if I came into an ER with a blunt force trauma or a gunshot wound, they would stop the pain or bleeding ASAP
  • if I had a disagreement with a town official, I call up the executive and resolve the problems like grown ups.

Schools, are totally different. Teachers have zero accountability these days, and paraprofessionals (or just paras) are held to higher standards while the central or corner office suites (c-suites) will just sit around and do nothing. They have no moral responsibility to try to take down flames and mitigate deaths.

Maybe that’s why one school board member of my former town that shares the same name of a famous 49ers player said years back “we don’t have teachers fight flames, and we don’t let firefighters teach”

I think I answered my own question. But it shouldn’t have to be. It’s the horrible truth called reality.


The Hopeless Autistic’s First Cry for Action



Your humble writer made his mark in a picture-esque statement once again (that shouldn’t be to begin with) bringing deliberate shock value to the locals. (i.e. “WAKE UP!”) Due to the inaccurate messages on the autism spectrum disorder factor in the politics in Concord and the awesome “Managed Care” system (that’s destined to fail) – I’ve yet again took some more gutsy action. Your’s truly had written on the sand the hashtag at Hampton Beach State Park in New Hampshire in August.


I did this after I went into the water late in that day, and in between sending the message of being hopeless and getting my camera (to take a picture of my bold message) I captured a candid shot of a couple young ladies seeing this, and then taking mobile phone shots that most likely went onto a Facebook or Instagram like site. I just skirted around the area till they walked away to get the picture. They did stand there for a while (at least over a minute.)

This is what I’ve been doing over the last seven months after having enough of the same ol crap (for the last 28 years or so) that many various members in state leadership, and various other levels who have done a number of people disservice.

Then a couple of young kids ran around the message not to long after and started to make additional marks, but nothing I don’t think to extend the message. At least it may have made an impact of the said girls.

I do claim ownership of these photos and the message. I just want to make it clear that despite the all the statements and messages and tone on the disorder relevant to adults in the Granite State, I for one am a #hopelessautistic.


Happy (Hopeless) 2015!

Another update to a deliberate abandoned blog.
I haven’t changed. I remain a hopeless autistic first, hopeless romantic second.
I don’t have much goals for 2015 other than to be in a day program with lower functioning people and be in a work program, enough to please the local DHHS. My mother will continue to suffocate with her excessive love to me where I can’t do anything to my heart’s content, other than being probed and questioned and then have my dreams become “death by a thousand cuts.”
I will, however meet with various doctors to get ether a re diagnosis and/or therapy which I hope they will cite my quirks as my mother is allegedly autistic and maybe they will rip her to shreds.
I have no expectations, other than to feel hopeless, being bitter not by choice but emotion of last resort.
I expect to cry more and more as I reach closer to 30 by a couple of years and to realize I have nothing going forward. I think I may actually become a real life Steve Carrell portrayal of the 40 Year Old Virgin, only 12 years away.
I might write a book. I got the content ready to go. I feel that the broken self I am was damaged by a broken society of people who are so careless and so selfish that their narcissism has broken my view on life.
I don’t invest of my work anymore. I know there isn’t a girl out there for me (because of the lack of parenting, the lack of accountability, etc.) and I know many of my “followers” really don’t care because they never contacted me and replied to this publication.
I’ll close it this way, if relationships were transparent, if there wasn’t autism and if there wasn’t so many pompous ass jerks perverting the perspective of relationships, I wouldn’t be a writer. I’d be a happy guy with a lucky girl and we would rule our own little worlds. But that’s not reality. The reality is what I wrote here a couple years ago, and it hasn’t changed not one bit.
Stay Hopeless and Always Settle for Less.
Steven, the humble publisher.