To my mother to whom I’ve come to my senses, lost her to an addiction to “validation” and how powerful this emotional controlled substance can do to someone.
Tag Archives: Invalidation
The 32nd Anni of the ADA
how 32 years we come to further division. And how my words age like fine wine…i’ve come to acceptance ADA is DOA and IDD are 5th CLASS citizens. Move along…
The Log: Request to Drop Mondays (12-31-2019)
Short Narrative:
After the incident with Aly, I sent an email to “Mr. Jackass” with regards to dropping Mondays until further notice.
The Log: The Last Message to the 1 on 1 Staff as a 1 on 1 (12-30-2019)
Short Narrative: The email was actually to send the final internal staff/client newsletter, mixed with an Eff-You
The Log: Steven Closes Up Vulnerabilities to 1 on 1 DSP (04-22-2019)
Long form notes, emails, conversations:
* * refers to implicit language, ” ” marks are from staff < and > remarks ofs your’s truly.
<No longer going to be as open because I don’t feel you validate me.>
*”Aly” validates *