Uniformed Officials and Autism – Lack of Training in NH

At some point in an autistic’s  lifetime, they will run into an officer of uniform, perhaps in a negative way. Most autistics (if not all of them) will not break any laws or rules (since many know right vs. wrong.) Some with Asperger’s you will have to be a little skeptical on, because not only do they have trouble understanding right vs. wrong, but they will even challenge the norms. If you take out the “creep” factor, they are no different no less than a hippie.

However while many police departments have voluntarily been in training to deal with individuals on all sides of the autism spectrum, some police departments have not been properly trained, or if they have gone through training, only half the department, and say the department head (or the Chief of Police for an example) may not have interest.

I’ve had a negative experience with my local police department earlier this year. Because the narrative is still fluid after 6 months, I’d rather not talk about it yet until the resolution has been completed (NOT in a legal sense.) The town I live in is a very highly regulated, legalese type of local government despite the perceived “mum and pop” operation or coming in from a another town where they resolve the issues with the department head to “keep citizens happy” is not my current town’s priorities only to make them angry so they don’t come back again by stating phrases in email “Please do not expect any further communication from me on this matter” from the Chief Executive Officer of a Top 5 town in this state!

The problem in New Hampshire is that police officers are trained in autism, and some are not. And the ones with inadequate training are getting mixed messages and then they manipulate, take advantage and bully them behind their backs when they press “Control Alt Delete” to secure a login session following in my example a false police report.

Even though I’ve said I have nothing to loose of my reputation, but when it involves police officers (in this case a Chief of Police of one of the largest populated and square milage of communities), I’m waiving this rule because the way they treated the incident (when I broke no rules and asked twice – funny how that wasn’t included in the “report”) and the way they have been acting so arrogant to think I’m the problem, and the fault is all on me is just appalling.

I’m going to reserve my “opinion” until the facts come out, sadly in private. Some recent developments were found out in an intended informal telephone call with one of the ultra conservative councilors, to then have have my back being stabbed more than once.

The local Town Council has refused to allow me to speak on this public safety matter (even after stating I wouldn’t refer to the individuals by name) because they will refuse to allow citizens to speak on “personnel issues”  well then where the hell am I am supposed to go when the Chief Law Officer insults the developmentally disabled population and the Chief Executive Officer blows me off, and so the Town Council needs to listen to their constituents and do something instead of citing off an Ordinance stating you’re going to stand by your woman forever! Give me a break!

Sometimes I feel like I’m in a city, and I feel less safe in a city, and I do not feel safe seeing police officers all over town pulling over people. I fear these officers, and I’ve seen these uniformed bullies in action; and I’ve heard stories from colleagues who work with other special needs individuals who live in the same community.

It’s so bad, I haven’t been to any of the “open houses” since last fall when I started to have bad experiences with the town government – in one of the largest communities in the 603 area code.

This goes back to an earlier post of how the police force is stuck in 1995 while there should be tolerance (or most importantly sensitivity) to these people in today’s modern standards for 2015. But sadly we’ve yet again are “stuck in the past.”


What Is… [Hopeless Autistic]

Pages published in the range of Fall of 2015 for The Hopeless Autistic

Something that you were taught as a child has a different meaning as an adult. The problem is as a child, you were potentially lied to or mislead. What is being preached as the “real world” may or may not be relevant actually by locale; may or may not be tolerated or enforced and what happens is you’re practicing something that may not be taking place in this said Utopia called the “real world”

Community Based Services

The great leadership in Concord wants the entire Granite State to believe that the state is so tolerant, so accepting, and so willing to allow people of all developmental, mental and physical disorders and disabilities to live in the same community like their normal peers.

Well that’s great. If you live in Jefferson. But what about Londonderry, Dover, Nashua or even Keene?

I feel Concord is living off an ideal playbook of what the state should be to enhance their “progressive” agenda of what is now becoming “regressive” policies for people with developmental disorders. A source at my local area agency has told me that they go to Concord often to explain that whatever they are doing isn’t working well closer to home.

I appreciate the effort, but the reality is what it is. Some communities don’t want us, some families feel their child is better fit in an “institution” like environment. Isn’t this basically a cookie cutter plan backwards? It sure defeats the purpose of individualized-based services.

The ideal community starts with the people in the community having (or willing) to be tolerant to people on all ends of the developmental disabilities (in this case autism) and starting at a young age and to their graduation in high school. If there is a good relationship between the child, the individual, their peers and friends, then they build “natural supports” that could put less of a burden to the state’s system.

That obviously didn’t work in Londonderry, where I once grew up that I don’t call my “hometown”. Many of my peers avoided me after leaving the middle school and many have left the state with zero intentions to come back. The only thing closest to a “friend” was on Facebook. Other than that, who else can I connect? There aren’t that many 30 year olds living in the affluent part of New Hampshire (unless they are married with children, which I am not.)

Do we have a problem Bureau of Developmental Services? We sure as hell do!


Of all “What is…”, love is one of the most confusing and vague elements I can’t understand. In my generation, I’ve seen more people love bad people (like marathon bombers, and other evil people), love the wrong types of things or people; and be absorbed in themselves. (Remember the days when people actually looked at the lenses for “selfies”?)

People are more aggressive and more angry so how can I blame them? There is so much hate to men, to boys and even worse to autistics. If people would love the right types of people, then maybe love would make the world go more round.

I will say when I went to middle school, my romance would disappear. Multiple parties did a lot of damage. Some (like the then-13 year old woman* shown to the left) may or may not be aware of the damage, but people like Teresa Bolick did. And she to this day continues to make love more complicated for autistics, such as doing a workshop on Saint Valentines Day of 2013, not only doing that, but clearly stated the workshop wasn’t intended for individuals themselves. And a PDF has circulated on the Internet since.

* I call a 13 year old girl from 1999 a “woman” because she looked very mature for a 13 year old. Not saying I “look at 13 year olds” today but the ones I see did not have visible breasts, wearing 40 pounds of makeup and already was at a stature of a 5’4″. Her voice at the time was very striking lower octave…do I need to say more? From memory, the appearance of her hitting puberty could’ve been as early as 5th grade. (But I know she’s a drinker, which could explain why she looked so much like a woman then over now.)

I have kissed some ladies, but barely touched them, haven’t had sex, and haven’t had any close relationships. But that might be because I carry a badge requiring 3′ distance because I’m sensitive to touch.


Love + Relationships = Confusion? Relationships – Love = Anger?

I don’t understand this equation. The reoccurring struggles as an adult with a progressive case of a hopeless autistic is the extreme level of mixed messages of this subject. The problem is I am unable to troubleshoot if it’s autism specific or it’s just the case of bad luck or just bad people I’ve run into. The delay of resolution is just making the situation worse.

Regardless, My relationships professionally have been unstable. My family has eroded. My mother can be somewhat of a challenge to deal with (she could say the same about me.) Relationships with her has been rocky in the last few years. Romantically, it’s been worse, very worse, and the future is more bleak on that subject. I’d love to talk about this subject, but I don’t want to because then I get latched onto a touchy subject. I must have learned the best about “healthy” or “unhealthy relationships”.

My teacher (that same high school teacher I wish she was on Death Row) probably had done the worse damage in regards to the entire subject. Her teaching and preaching was mostly rip-and-read, basically photocopying health textbooks and basically just reading everything in verbatim and not making the subject her own. Personally at the same time, she was in her mid twenties and wanted to relive her junior year of high school. Meanwhile my brain wasn’t growing fast enough, the brain was developing with content worth of Nickelodeon goo and sadly this goo wasn’t what I was looking for. While sex education was more discussed in my last school program, the problem was there was heavy negativity. When leaving school a couple years later I just struggled on relationships.

Professional relationships were rocky as well. Many paraprofessionals would come and go every two years. I would call my school Boston’s Channel 7 where that station was known for constant change in personnel. It was a revolving door. The staff would leave, then come back in 6 months to a year. (Much like how Michelle McPhee came and left WRKO or now at competing station, you know?) This was how bad the talent pool was at my school. The management didn’t care about it’s staff and of that, isn’t that “unhealthy relationships”?)

Bonding with staff is important, especially a male figure. However the best “big brother” figure was too good to be true. He’d be there for 2 years and would be gone of my life. I was so broken after. I would doubt myself of how that all broke down.


Another example of perpetual childhood (that was frowned upon for us to live by, but practiced by such staff) was this constant, drilling, reprogramming, manipulation of the subject of “relationships”. While many autistics clearly don’t know the boundaries, some were on the mild side but in the sake of universal treatment, people like me were treated more on the severe side, like having an X on your back. While there might had been a case when I was 14 to be scared of (because in retrospect, I did have questionable social skills) I was unable to prove myself upon a reasonable doubt, and of such this is the great American tragedy of professionals lacking the ability to forgive the individuals’s wrongdoings by the said group

I never could relate to other peers of my type (i.e. other people with autism, etc.) I am comfortable and safe to lower functioning, (whether it’s Down’s or Kanner’s Autism or other LDs) just I am more nervous when I am around more verbal or intelligent types. I am very aware of my surroundings while the rest of them ether don’t really know or really don’t care.

In relationships, for me, it was wasn’t uncommon to treat everyone as a professional class, and then refer to the relations by the professional title. For a long time I have refrained from referring to some people as “friends” because not only it takes years to understand me, but I just am too afraid to take such risks. Some others say “friends” very loosely, but I don’t. And of such, this is the reason why I feel I’ve struggled to move forward in Relationships.


One of the major issues was the inability to understand the most deepest subject called romantic love. I’ve not had a real girlfriend and I’m almost 30. Women are ether not available to date me, because they are already taken, or they don’t want to lead me on or they think I am misunderstanding them like they are showing interest. Other than autism, women are the second most puzzling subjects. I have not grasped the concept of grabbing a woman that I really love, out of the bottom of my heart without fear of being charged for sexist crimes, or the fear of repercussions. Oh my god, don’t get me started with the latter. Yup, we autistic types have to be treated like we are all criminals! It’s not to say there are a few, but it’s not the largest bunch of them all!

I’ve longed for years to settle with a woman, not a girl, but a female with strength, who isn’t jumpy, whose calm, loving, gentle, caring, sweet, etc. And someone whose downright cute, because if you look lovely and pretty, then love will return back because you are in theory projecting love. I think there used to be a time and place where females would evolve to women, but since the acceleration of the Millennial generation, women are decelerating as girls are just partying later in their twenties while complaining about men. If I say or do such things, I’m labeled as misogynistic, but if a woman does it she’s speaking truth to power.

The case of psychological gynophobia began in the fall of 1999 when I was attending the Londonderry Middle School, when a girl that once lived up my street was verbally attacking 13 year old woman. Rejections from peers would occur over the years into 2000-2005; and indefinitely from ’05 to present.

Another time I had a near death experience with the opposite gender was that I was checking out a cute girl at the local Hannaford grocery store. It was like a double look, non creepy ether. The man would stare at me at about 40 feet away and I feared for my life, literally went the other direction with my cart and panicked for several minutes. At that point, that woman and her man made me look at females never in the same way again.

I had a break in 07-08 with a girl that I liked in school but blew that. I’ve only dumped 2 girls, one from 4th grade, and one from high school, but yet I was rejected by a spinning odometer of females since I was 16.

The fear I have is the longer I am single, the longer it would be able for me to adapt to a coexisting romantic relationship. I am so used to being a bachelor, would I be able to change?  And would I be able to go from a date, to boyfriend, to a husband in a timely manner? Would someone be willing to really, seriously “take it slow” especially in their 30s? What if someone has heard bad things about the disorder? Well then I think the answer is clear. There’s just no hope. So yeah, I am a hopeless autistic that is also a hopeless romantic.

– – –

People often complement how intelligent I am, and how aware I am with my social surroundings. I think the reason why is that I’ve gone through so many downs over ups, that I’ve learned the harsh realities as well as being aware at such a young age. Intelligence is all about gathering what is going on around you. I am like a human gateway, listening to all the social traffic coming in and outbound in my little world north of Boston.

I feel very concerned that I won’t be able to understand the concept of relationships outside of the professional bounds for the rest of my life. Excuse me while I cry…


When I was about 18, the IEP team at the time wanted me to look at a school to work program. Essentially it was a sunset from learning academics to life skills and learning to get a job and to retain it.

However all of those lessons were biased of everyone being a “creep.”

As mentioned on many occasions, I wanted more than to “just work.” I wanted to be happy and healthy and learn as much as I can because college would be the worst place for me to go.

It didn’t turn out that way.

Several years after I finished school and moved to my new community, there had been some new startup programs. I, was always a Guinea pig, and didn’t want to be a lab rat ether. Several of these programs began with “Project” and an acronym. I mean, come on, what is it you’re trying to code up?

In the substance factor, a lot of these programs were more intensive than say the school to work program. There was a lot of studying, and then there was these “internship programs.” At the time, a couple of years ago, I was like “why should I have to show up and not get paid?” And this is because a lot of companies are getting free labor. Now allegedly, this would build up ones resume.

What’s more troubling is that many of these individuals are higher functioning, they put these individuals into high standards, and require them to basically go through drug testing, probation and all but yet they won’t be able to get minimum wage? I’m sorry for sounding a little entitled, but why should these individuals get nothing and a company in the area free work?

Even more disturbing is when the program completes, the individual themselves will have to get their job on their own, with the hopes the company/organization will hire them. They make this very clear that these internships won’t necessarily mean a job will be guaranteed following the workshop.

I keep stating myself that I am in a day program where I “need” these services but these programs are temporary and why be in permeant system if it only lasts a year or less with no guarantee that you’ll get a job? Meanwhile these 6 hour a day programs will often conflict with other programming, so you can’t enjoy life, you’re working like everyone else, hustling and bustling. Of which, it can bring down morale in the workplace.

In 2015, I was so desperate, I was going to volunteer and do anything. At this point, I don’t care anymore if I get paid or not. I am so confused of what to do, other than hearing “work” at an early age started my road of being hopeless.

Reflecting, Figuring Out My In/Abilities and Moving Forward

I’ve realized in the last 10 years, out of the last 7 I did some massive reflections, but was that a good thing? I say yes.


Because sometimes in life, you need to look back and see what you done, why things “in the moment” went a certain way to move forward.

Because finding professional help is hard to come by in my state (and as I’ve stated before, I live in a civilized region…) so in the meantime I’ve not self-diagnosed myself per se, but I’ve tried to analyze what’s wrong with me, find a professional, confirm what I’ve been through then report back as a record to my area agency and the state’s DHHS.

My initial plan was figure out, if it was me or something else. Something else could be the system, the people I’m working with or again something outside of my control. These emotions and sensations date as far back as early 2011, and have accelerated especially in the last year, at the time where I’ve been trying to find help. I’ve been previously burned by several significant “experts” in this area, so to rebuild trust with 8 year people would take time.

I also never thought of using a search engine to find out people’s records. It goes back to the upbringing of “trusting the people” or the “professionals”, why would you search someone? Why would you search for your future date? Such actions would be “I think you’re a creep, and I want to be safe” – isn’t that showing weakness or lack of initial trust?

After being burned by the “experts”, I’ve used search engines, Wikipedia, WebMD and compile a network of data, and verify those sources and then have a conclusion. I’m one of information is power, but I also want confirmation of how able I am, how much I am a risk to myself, to others financially, psychologically, a burdon to others, etc.

People say I have a confidence problem, I say I’m borderline, and I don’t make that up. One instance I could be on the level of high functioning, but I could be risky in others. I have done various state required assessments, but it’s not like school with the infamous “3 year” reevaluation. Basically “labels” become illrelevent, but with the Managed Care coming forward to the day services, maybe it will be relevant again.

I’m not trying to shoot myself down, but I also don’t want to glorify myself ether. If I am not honest with myself, then I wouldn’t be honest with you and that not be a good healthy service to you, the reader, or the people in my life. But also I do not tolerate blaintent lies, complete defamation against me with unconfirmed facts. If you do something like that, then you have no business to be in my life ether.

I used to say I’m a complicated PDF document of 8,000 pages, and has gotten to the point I can’t figure myself out – at all. Again, if there is hope, someone will figure me out so I can move on, so perhaps others can feel the same.

One hopes.

The New “Evil”

I have a very dark prediction that in about 5 years, we will have a new “evil”. Not just ISIS or Al-Queda on steroids. But something not in the traditional sense of “evil”, but something north of bad—. We have more people more careless, more thoughtless, less accountable people than ever before.


It’s the rise of the “professional class” or anything of a 4 to 6 year degrees of college educated people. They aren’t taught to have common sense, and they are taught to read the books, and whatever the books say must be true. Meanwhile these “professionals” are believing in the gunk as described yesterday and now these “professionals” who are taught to be “objective”, to “not have emotions” to “protect ones privacy” and to have hands-off approach to these most vulernable citizens of our society are the ones that will screw up our children more than to help!

White collared crime is on the rise. They see someone in pain, but because they tout “That’s not my job”, or “that’s out of my pay grade”, “it’s not in my job title”, and its this arrogance I’ve previously described, college educated, and indoctrinated to be a “professional”, and they just let a person like me crash down to the ground being psychologically kicked around by other “professionals” and say “well that’s not my job” and go home and not have any remorse. If I can use an example, my high school teacher fit this narrative perfectly.

It’s not to say that all professionals are bad. It’s not to say that there are people who work in the corner-suite of the local SAU or “central” offices and not having to be around, or be disrupted by people acting out. They can sit there, shuffle papers, answer phone calls, send emails and have no duty to go to the schools and see the problems they create.

“Professionals” are no different than the crooks who destroyed Enron or even someone like a Bernie Madoff. I’d bet some special ed management even said things in an interview with a tone like Jeff Skilling: “I’m f—–g smart!”

Some people may think I have some conspircary theory, that the school and special needs systems are out to get Steven A specifically. No only criminal systems are out to get people by specific names. All I’m saying there were many, many people involved in my schooling, and yet they really did nothing to stop the bleeding. I assume Concord had known me by name, but they don’t oversee things unlike the adult system under DHHS.

These people have gotten away with doing harm and evil with me, and yet they continue to lurk in the public sector of the New Hampshire School Administrative Units and the Public Schools in Massachusetts. Who will try these people to hell? Are they too scared? Or they think it won’t happen politically?

Something needs to be done.

Being in the “Middle” and feeling like I’m being on a cookie cutter

Editorial Note: Some of this information may be giving the public too much about the “welfare” system of my state. I am by no means advocating this for people to take advantage of the system. It’s important to understand how the existing Medicare system works in a brief sense, and if any changes happen to the system, the actions could also create even more serious, literal bloody hearts to the autistic population in my state, the Granite State. If the changes as indicated in special interest groups, it will cause even more problems that the taxpayers will have to be on the hook for (if only inferior special ed programs were not only so expensive, but so inefficient too.)

My services I receive in the state are Medicaid waivers, the ones used outside of the Medicare/government health care plans. Without going into specifics the way New Hampshire works is they receive funding from the Federal government then disburse the money to about 10 “area agencies”. In total, this is about 30 or so organizations that are traditional developmental services, chronic health and mental health.

The most ironic thing is that some individuals may have one or more issues (whether they are cross diagnosed with Down’s syndrome and autism; an autistic with depression or someone who had an acquired brain disorder but say they have depression too.) The system is not designed to help for both cases, you have to go to the agency that you have the most issues. (At one point when I was on the “waitlist” for over 16 to 18 months, my own psychologist who claimed to know everything on autism, suggested I go to my local Mental Health agency. The mental health is for people who are really “loopy” sorry to say. I wonder if my psychologist was really scared of me..)

In other states like Massachusetts, from what I know, is that all of the Medicaid wavers are done by the state agencies, at least two, the Developmental Disability Services (formerly known as the Department of Mental Retardation as late as 2010, during an election year!) and Mass Rehab. DDS and Mass Rehab does have third party vendors, but they contract with the Commonwealth. In contrast, the State of New Hampshire’s government for all of these services are done with very few people. The Developmental Services bureau employes less than 18. Most of their jobs is to oversee the agencies plus the vendor programs. The New Hampshire system was created under a very tight to the right Republican, John H. Sununu in the mid 1980s, while most of Massachusetts’ system dates back to the “Duke” (and if you’re a local like me, you know him as  Michael Stanley Dukakis, who was responsible for renaming the state “Taxachusetts”. In fact many of the democratic hacks since the late 80s have only made moderate to severely autistic people hopeless, more on that in future posts.)

In recent years, in the southern part of the state, a movement to “Client” or “Consumer Directed Services” came in the late 00s. This enabled individuals like me to go a completely customized solution, with reason to the vendors and allow me to have my own goals, my own way of program delivery, etc.

The problem is how can it be true? As your mother would say “if its too good to be true, then it must be.” Especially if you come from the stigma of being mislead about your Individualized Educational Plan. Especially if you were your own guardian between 18 to 21. IEPs aren’t what they are cracked up to be, so if you struggled in school, how can you change your thought process?

I’ve been in 2 vendors since 2010, one for about 2 years, and the current one since the beginning of the year. The latter seemed to have more hope, but I am against more severely disabled people who are not in CDS like programs, but I have to (by means of common sense decency) try to assimilate with the non CDS/at risk/severely disabled and try to keep my goals and my needs to my own business.

Because I am still with the program I do not want to go into really dirty details, but basically the program treats everyone no matter what system they are in, like children. Some of the staff are very impatient, and come off as “bossy”, while the vendor has defended themselves to me stating it was a misunderstanding. I don’t care if its a “goal” vs “what they grew up with” vs if they are in a CDS program or not, they should have some right to being respected with some decency. At least can it be an option!

So even in a CDS system, I still feel like there is some “cookie cutter” that I can’t even fit in! I’ve tried and tried and tried to get into a program that will fit me at least 90% (since life is not all about you or be fully happy…)

I got an Xbox 360 for Christmas in 2013. I haven’t played it in a while. It’s because I’m spending all my time and resources trying to find a program somewhere in downstate NH and trying to find the best program, tried to find a “safe” place for work, and tried to contribute to society at the most I can.

Also trying to find a “safe” place where I can meet my own goals without being a target for doing something “wrong” or not meet to the vendor’s own expectations or be called out for being “immature”, etc. All of this “noise” of mixed signals and mixed messages on both Concord, the local area agency (to a lesser extent) to the vendors, (to some extent) to even the training standards is how you could possibly be messing up children that become young adults.

This is what I call “goo” – that gets put in the brain takes years to wash away and this “goo” also scars and eats away of ones life. Why has the state of New Hampshire allowed this to happen for so long? They have caused a micro generation of autistics and similarly disabled people to be “stuck” with this crappy “goo” for no reason. Why did this state not act more gutsy and break “social rules of the road” and call out the offenders?

There is a reason why being holy doesn’t get you places. If you are holy like Switzerland Cheese, your diplomatic approach to life will just create a hole in your heart. You may have a hole in your heart, but your actions creates holes into other’s brains. Whats worse, being all “Swiss” also enables you to fill the hearts and brains with this “goo” that takes decades to get out and recover.

Where is my next direction?

Unlike other types with Aspergers who “self-diagnose” themselves, I’ve gone in a “self-analyze” mode, research my struggles then to go to a licensed professional to get a “re-assessment” of what is causing me to be “stuck” whether its me or something else.  (I can’t do a rediagnosis or BDS could take away my funding due to my “higher” or even “lower functioning” disorder after the redux. It’s not like school years with the infamous “3 year evaluation”)

Well where are those “doctors”? I can’t seem to find them. There aren’t that many in my area. I’ve tried every “expert” in the book and yet I’ve gone backwards instead of forwards.

How in the hell am I supposed to move forward? Life coaches, who the hell are those people? Push me to my potential in a psychologically agressive fashion? Yup, I’ve had enough with those people!

What about getting male doctors who can work with a predominate male audience who talk weirdly, have horrible hygiene, act like a misogynist, and who knows what else? Most doctors who work with autistics seem to work with children, pre pubescent, and it’s easier for the female professionals to forgive  them because they are boys, once they hit puberty, they would rather run the other direction.

And not only that such some of these professionals will cut their penises off because being a “typical young man” is so politically incorrect. Talking about “girls” scares the female professionals, we (as in me, my group) must treat those people like they are some gawd of some planet.

Oh and then we can’t be too agressive ether because then we come off as some creep you see probably on the Lifetime Movie Channel. We must be gentle-men, but then we come off as being “gay” because straight guys don’t worry about “offending” women

And you think this is fiction we have women professionals that aren’t as solid and strong as the state rock? If anything they are like sandstone. Why don’t they live down south or live on the Left Coast?

The professionals in our state are wimps. And they should be punished sooner or later!

Change My Diet – Feel Better?

It is not abnormal for autistics of all ends, to ether be overweight due to being on medication or having a narrow scope of foods (soft textures loaded with fat or sugary content) causing many to have a larger waistline.

Some of these diets could be eating away from Vitamin D, which is the nutrient for energy. I do walk often (well not this year after the 6 month heatwave and other issues with community officials), and where I live, the neighborhood is very open so the 360 days or so is often sunny, so how could I not be getting Vitamin D? The diet could be the culprit?

But why should I change my diet? How can I be magically happy? I do not feel that the context of this blog would go away, and I feel its not a dillusion anymore.

The problem is in order for me to feel better, the people around me need to be healthy and happy, and a system that isn’t oppressive and regressive. Autism Speaks turns 10 this month and yet they caused their own autism regression in awareness. Autism Speaks has made the disorder like a disease (which developmental disorders had existed before 2005. For gawd sake’s alive the Autism Society of America was around for another 40 years before and yet they never encouraged double-murder suicide.

Change my diet and the state will seem to be more accommodating for services?  Change my lemonaid or soda intake and see people wanting work with people like me?

I really hate to say this, but I do fear what I’ve been seeing in this year alone in the State of New Hampshire is so tragic that even I make myself happy, I’d still be struggling to be fully happy due to the ignorance of leaders in our state who clearly are waking up at 5:00am to create unneeded politics and unneeded drama on the autism spectrum disorder. Who hurts? The individuals themselves.

Page’s Scope [The Hopeless Autistic]

This was originally posted on The Hopeless Autistic as a page on October 17th, 2015 at 5:58 pm ET

The subject matters on this site will be the following

  • Addressing a civil rights issue in New Hampshire surrounding anyone with a developmental disability such as the autism spectrum disorder and other related conditions
    • The inability for an individual (whether they are their own guardian or not) to have equal rights
    • The ability to speak, and the ability to question people in power (reasonably)
    • The ability to have a similar life equivalent to their “peers”
    • The chance to be “normal” as much as they can.

The civil rights crisis dates from the original version of this post:

  • A target year of 2020 when special needs adults with autistic disorders could become a “hopeless” generation of people where they “won’t be able to have” a a happy life and be controlled by normal, incompetent management wherever that is.
  • Better actions could result by:
    • understanding the fact that the delivery system is broken;
    • understanding the training system is broken, both on professionals, and down to the individuals themselves
    • Learning from relevant history of the first generation of autistics (ages of about 32 to about 25), diagnosed before the days of the Web, and around the time when institutions were supposed to go away; but many did get diverted out of district, often returning back to the community being a victim of bullying or just lowest level of respect
    • The need to educate Millenials (born circa 1982 to 1995, give or take a few years for some) the real facts of autism, not the media or government driven propaganda. If the numbers are true, American millennials are about 100 million, if there are 1 and 50 cases of autism, these two groups – for the most part need to integrate and assimilate with each other. Millenials are typically intolerant because many were not exposed as many were out of districted, during the boom of the first generation.
  • Learning about government accountability, the need of ethics reform in the c-suite (or the corner offices at both the state and school district levels), the need of openness and transparency
  • And more accountability to teachers, as these people will be responsible for the vulernable years of early adulthood to the most vulernable groups of society.
  • Basically educate the people in the state I live in, New Hampshire and that state only.

In 2018, I feel that the system is so broken and far from repair, that I feel this will happen regardless and have plans to deal with it when that time comes.



Fixing the ASD Crisis

There are many ways to fix the Autism Crisis. This bullet points can go up to the stratosphere in an instant, but for timing purposes, I’ll keep it brief.

  • Focusing on the individual: What’s “normal”? According to Luria Pertucci (formerly known as “Cali Lewis”), an Internet tech show host, she wore a T-shirt to a professional conference (mostly for women’s issues in technology) earlier this year stating “Normal’s overrated”. Is she right or is she wrong? So what’s normal? Per to her definition, or some psychologist who claims to know everything and prays on the DSM? And why does “normal” have to have a DSM-esque name called nerotypical? Why are we spending so much time comparing an autistic’s mind to one’s who is “normal”? Oh and what if I am smarter than a “normal” person or someone similarly on the spectrum, but I’m dumber than say someone with Asperger’s Syndrome? Why aren’t we doing more contextual (i.e. focusing what works and what doesn’t for that specific individual) If autism is like trees, then why is the metrics assuming all trees must be alike? For god sake’s alive there is no such Internet directory tree alike!
  • Context, Context and dare I say Context?  Ever had a flip phone? Do you have an office phone or an IP desk phone? See those little buttons below the screen? It’s called a “soft key”. A soft key by definition is context sensitive, meaning the buttons can change depending if you are not on a call, or on a call, or on conference because its triggered by the phone’s software. If we use that phrase with everything else, then everything should be based on what is going on in the here and now. For instance, if someone with HFA is struggling with work, and he or she is able bodied and can’t get something done for whatever reason, they need to stop focusing on their intelligence, and more on their anxiety. This is a pervasive problem in New Hampshire, where so many people focus on their “label” or ability and not be able to adjust or “lay off” constant coaching due to pressures against the individual. (do you really need someone without a PhD diploma to tell you that?)
  • Conformity and Assimilation: Why in the heck in 2015 are we still trying to “program” individuals with ASD to “act like normal people”? Do I need to bring the Luria Pertucci reference again? Why can’t these middle aged women who clearly don’t know squat about social media teaching them social skills? Why can we embrace C-listed social media star’s approach of to “be you” and to “be yourself” don’t live in “a [wo]man’s world” (i.e. in my case mothers or teacher’s dreams) and contextually do conformity and assimilation when there is a case (i.e provide some documentation – like we need more) to do so (if say someone who clearly has some “creepy” factor but the student next to him is not as creepy.) I am not on the camp of “nerodiversity” but in the concept its a good idea for the most part.
  • Better training. Silly things starting with “social” is not cutting it. In fact, such professional training courses such as “social capital” or teaching Aspies or autistics the “social rules of the road” isn’t cutting it in 2015. It’s just enhancing an old ladies network of “keeping the autism stereotype alive.” Some expert here in NH or Massachusetts or California or New York must, I would hope know something about “context” with a PhD to confirm this silly theory. In anyways, it is all about context. Notice watching TV these days is such a sensory overload because everything is so literally loud? It’s because of some stupid innovations such as “cost cutting” and “automation” and master control being in remote sites in another part of the country also factor the move to digital TV where audio is supposed to be “dynamic” – (i.e. the audio quality should move with a show or movie’s mood.) Nothing can replace an audio board op who can literally “dial down” when something gets “too loud”. What does this have in common. CONTEXT! Resolving issues relevant to the specific individuals ability or inabilities specific to them and not treat them to the “spec sheet” issued by the DSM!
  • Government Compliance and Accountability: Nothing more disturbing is how municipal school districts and larger agencies are taking a lot of money to spend for special needs and not account for it responsibly. Sometimes the money that gets received by the larger government doesn’t go into the classroom. Is that the student’s business? Perhaps if they are over 18. Why state and local governments (or SL&Gs) feel its a private matter to disclose material financial information to the public? What’s more disturbing “privacy laws” that was supposed to protect information between the “chair and keyboard” or the “chair to the keypad” is being used as a political ploy to not have to disclose information that is material to the tax paying community without going into disclosing student’s names and other sensitive information! Meanwhile many school districts have created a “culture of secrecy” where even trivial things are protected by “confidentiality.” If the Dreaded Private Sector has to abide by laws like Sarbanes Oxley, Dodd Frank, then why can’t the public sector be held to the same level? (Discussions on privacy vs transparency vs. protecting peoples confidentiality will be a frequent discussion.)
  • Self[less] Interest Groups – I will refuse to take any training issued by a University that employs people who have never had a real job. These people never really managed or know operational skills. I can’t stand Venn Diagrams other silly diagrams that took decades to invent. I prefer orgcharts to begin with. If teachers are not proficient in Microsoft Office Professional or Enterprise they should be automatically fired. In 2015, Teachers and special needs managers need to know how to manage logistical operations. They need to learn start and end processes. This is no different than what Mayer Johnson has developed, but the business world is born and dies on processes. If you want students work in the corporate sector (as it seems to be the only vocational option) and you want to indoctrinate uber-levels of accountability, well maybe you should eat your own dog food! Autistics really need clarity, a good start point and a good end point. And Boardmaker can’t cut it. Not any other PECS can do it as good as Visio. Most school districts and area agencies have MS Office Professional (at least a minimum) and Visio (I believe) comes standard in Professional or greater.  I digressed. Special Interest groups need to balance both the true human factor of special needs, but also need to remain professional and serve the public’s best interest of effective and efficient, but human service delivery. In fact one of the best companies is no longer with us, it was called Digital Equipment Corporation. I recommend people strangers to that subject to read up its corporate history.


The SAU Sector’s Lack of Mitigating Problems

I treat school districts, educational collaboratives and other school, or even adult services, Medicaid, others like any other public sector entity. But a decade ago (or even today) it wasn’t working like any other public sector.

How I view constituent services:

  • The role of an e-911 operator at a public safety answering point or PSAP is to take my emergency call, wether its fire, police or EMS types
  • The PSAP from the state government tells my local fire, police or EMS types respond (hopefully!) within 6 minutes or less
  • If my family’s wheels get damaged by a pothole, I can’t call 3-1-1 but I would have to dig through the phone book and find the number to the local DPW and hope they would honor the request to fill the pothole since “tracking numbers” is too much of an expense of a computer system for the Granite State
  • if I came into an ER with a blunt force trauma or a gunshot wound, they would stop the pain or bleeding ASAP
  • if I had a disagreement with a town official, I call up the executive and resolve the problems like grown ups.

Schools, are totally different. Teachers have zero accountability these days, and paraprofessionals (or just paras) are held to higher standards while the central or corner office suites (c-suites) will just sit around and do nothing. They have no moral responsibility to try to take down flames and mitigate deaths.

Maybe that’s why one school board member of my former town that shares the same name of a famous 49ers player said years back “we don’t have teachers fight flames, and we don’t let firefighters teach”

I think I answered my own question. But it shouldn’t have to be. It’s the horrible truth called reality.
