Taurus Mother, (I don’t Take Astrology Literally… Only When Necessary)

Part two of a previous narrative

a magnet with the text that describes "Taurus (the bull)" “self indulgent” “materialistic”, “self centered” , “self righteous”, “jealous and possessive” This is now more of my mother.I sometimes wonder if this happens when a Taurus ages.

I took this in between mother’s birthday of April 25th and before Mother’s Day. I don’t support believing in astrology as a primary form of judgement… this magnet alarmed me more about folks that are Taurus that isn’t just hot headed. Things like “self indulgent” “materialistic”, “self centered” , “self righteous”, “jealous and possessive” This is now more of my mother.
I sometimes wonder if this happens when a Taurus ages.

I know other people who are Taurus too, and they live on their astrology, but the irony was I would bitch about my Taurus mother to the Taurus support staff then I’d rather her to my Taurus mother, which was almost like I was living a threesome!

It’s not really funny when you live in it. It’s not to say as a Pisces I do the same stuff, but I would argue its a state vs. situational. I could be a hot head if I deal with the same sons of bitches that don’t get me, but if I indulge, I try to be responsible. In this magnet I found at Newbury Comics, all listed descriptors described my mother, and again not that I take astrology literally, only when it hits you.

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“Hangry Dinner” (Mother Bitching and Refusing to Take Stock)

Our conflict has been known early on as “typical adolescent/parent” dynamics according to “Doctor” Teresa Bolick. Now I look back and saw through the implicit bias against the hiarchial child. For years I’ve been drilled in the “go with the flow” logic when “zigger-zaggers” happened with scheduling. I felt for so many years I’d be pulled by strings and was unable to think for myself because my mother did all the instructing, I mean “programming” me.

She keeps on prodding things down my throat. Such as my mattress and pillows where I cling onto it longer than it needs to be. I guess I’ll be going to Bob’s Furniture sometime soon. But apparently it smells and I know it’s not the first time, but then my mother will then dilute the argument and say she has the same thing. But she had to throw the pillows into the smelly mix narrative today. Ok, I get it, but I won’t tell her why I don’t because she’ll dismiss my reasonings. I should’ve washed the pillows in some capacity during it’s over used life. But I am tired of being controlled because I had been disabled to think for myself.

I bought burgers more than a couple weeks ago, and bought onions and lettuce (yes I am trying to eat greens!) and that was delayed, delayed and delayed because my mother was concerned she had to seriously clean the grill, then she got a some stomach virus and so it got delayed to lunchtime today, then it got delayed until 5:00 pm because she was working through the lunch at home.

Then I got jostled in the brain when I was about to cut the onions and lettuce on the stove to which I said “Jimmy Crickets” (the other name in vein) which triggered her and I admittedly said out of the blue that I was disoriented and didn’t applause at that point. I already apologized for not closing an internal drawer in the fridge no less than a minute before.

After getting doused in gaslighting, after the burgers were cooked, I suggested we eat by the pool. While I savored the meal, I heard my mother moan and bitch about work today and her Teams call she had to be downstairs for. She was moaning and bitching about how one co worker was out but the boss wanted everyone else to be on the call, then bitched about some form of in house survey conducted while my mother was on bereavement leave, but never realized that the reason why she missed it was because she was not monitoring emails. I asked one challenging question to her theory of mind, of which I can’t even remember. I let her bitch, but of course if I do the same, I expect the masculine “fix” approach of generic advice that wasn’t solicited for.

More in part 2.

Loosing Gram: 9 Months later

Just as the standard FYI meets CYA: the opinions below are my own and not of those of family, and stands by of a strict no-family discussion in detail unlike the Age of Autism unless there is a justification

The fall solstice will mark the one year anniversary that my gram is no longer with us. I really kept things silent to let the thoughts marinate in my head before I start putting into words. Yes was I shocked at how quickly her health decelerated? Yes. Did I feel sympathetic during the early hours of her hospice care? Oh hell yea, I think her “restlessness” was her fighting to stay alive. Do I remember happier memories? Oh hell yeah, in fact it not even several weeks before?

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Ongoing Issues

I am struggling as a hierarchal child, again an adult child that has an expectation to out-do the parents of said child. I don’t think it’s appropriate to use the word “child” alone. Just look at the Murdoch clan, and how all the media writers call Rupert’s offsprings “his children”. People must be a real fool to believe that Lachlan and James are toddlers running News Corp or Fox Corp for that matter. Well that tells you right there that a) the kids;… I mean “children” are extensions of Rupert and are never going to be a reflection of his life.

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Springing into Parental Affection, Validation and Affirmation

Here in the States, Mother’s Day is on the 2nd Sunday in May and Father’s Day is the 3rd Sunday in June. What leads up is the Autism inAwareness Month, while I avoid to sound like a broken record, so called “autism parents” get not just May or June some love, but April in general. I sometimes wonder if this is intentional.

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The Online Exploitation of Autistics by Autism Moms (and sometimes Autism Dads too)

pick me mom

a pick me mom is a mom who uses self depreciation to make her children feel guilty, and pay attention to their mom more.” – Urban Dictionary

autism mom

A mother of an autistic child. Often considers herself a superhero for raising an autistic child, victimizes herself, and expresses negativity or grief about her child’s condition. Likely supports Autism Speaks and the puzzle piece (both offensive to autistic people). Same site, different definition 

How I define an Autism Parent

a self-identified Autism Mom or Autism Dad is an individual whose made their identity on a child whose autistic, while they are not. They use self depreciation to make others feel guilty, make themselves the attention and using said behaviors to make the autistic child feel guilty and instruct therapy by forced-sympathy. They are very use victimization against themselves or others by expressing their negativity often unfiltered and coming off inhumane – From your’s truly 


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Changes to Moi’s Social Security (Interesting Script-Flips)

This post I rarely discuss finances, and without exploiting my finances too. This story is more about changes I didn’t expect and how I have a mother who can’t shut the fuck up once.

This involves the Supplemental Security Income of Social Security, what others around the world would call our Social Security a “pension”, but unlike SSI, you don’t earn as much as Social Security Disability Insurance (or SSDI) this really applies to normal people who worked for 40 straight quarters (or 10 straight years) and suddenly had a life changing disability. For many people on the PDD end of autism, we got screwed at birth, so then it would hang over well into adult years and to your dying grave.

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The Softest Voice Gets Softer

There are many reasons why my voice is what it is. I’m going to leave it at that.
While it maybe notorious or a signature, the unfortunate situation is soft spoken voice is getting more softer, and I suspect it has a lot to do with the situation for the last four years getting worse.

First off, I need we need to start by defining “soft-spoken” a suggestive phrase and not an objective one. Soft spoken people tend to have a higher pitch, sometimes sing-song melody, lips move little, while air from the larynx is coming out. Obviously it’s more common with girls and females.

I go so far to say that soft-spoken people is actually a character difference from typical people. An example was a cute barista at a cafe up in the north country. The girl was even more soft spoken than me of late. I could barely make out the words… though she was kinda cute.

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